1. Welcome
The Vice Chairman, Heather Cook(LYPFT), welcomed all members present, and, because there were a few new members present, led round-the-table introductions for all present, namely: herself, Steve Brain (Sheffield TH), Stephen Mattern (NLAG), Linda Da Costa (NLAG), Cindy Fedell (Bradford Hospitals), David Hollings (Bradford Hospitals), Eileen Jessop (Leeds TH), Mark Norwood (Derby HFT), Steve Parsons (Doncaster & Bassetlaw), James Rawlinson (Mid Yorks HT), Ian Lockwood (Bradford District Care Trust), Adrienne Pickering (SW Yorks PFT), Janet Penn (RDaSH MHFT), Martyn Smith (HEY), Linda Blenkinsopp (TEWV),Trevor Wright (NHS England), Steve Roe (HSCIC), Matthew Watkins (LYPFT), Doug Scott (YHCSU), Janet King (NHSE North), John Hampson (HiMSS), Adam Drury (SY Working Together Programme), Peter Dyke (HSCIC) – part,and Alan Baker (Lagentium Consultancy - NYHDIF support).
2. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Dave Lang, Richard Slough, Mark Gregson, Trevor Wright, Jackie France and Ted Woodhouse.
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
3.1 Accuracy
The minutes of the previous meeting on Friday 11th July 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record with one amendment, Trevor Wright works in NHS England, Midlands and East.
3.2 Matters Arising
3.2.1 - arising from 3.2.1 - Leadership Development Sub-Group –James Rawlinson reported that there was a Finance meeting in West Yorkshire chaired by Ian Currell. ACTION: Alan Baker to make contact with Ian to discuss potential collaboration.
3.2.2 - arising from 3.2.2 - Leadership Development Sub-Group - How Best to Progress this Sub-Group. Alan Baker reported that there was only one response to the request. ACTION: Alan to re-circulate all the papers relating to the Sub Group and arrange another meeting of the group to discuss the way forward and make recommendations back to NYHDIF.
3.2.3- arising from 12.1 - Collaborative PACS Procurement Consortia. No further action. Action remains. ACTION: Action now passed to Janet King. Martyn Smith reminded members of his action from Trusts.
4. NHS England Update – Janet King
Janet King was welcomed to the meeting. She will be covering the North area until 31st March 2015 at least. The following issues were discussed by Janet:
4.1Update on NHS Number Survey – the target set by the Secretary of State has been hit, however, there is still work to be done.
4.2Standard Contract – an updated version is expected soon
4.3GP IT transitional Funding – information expected by 31/10/2014
4.4NW ISD Network – this is on agenda and was discussed in Matters Arising
4.5SMS Messaging – there will be something in the contract
4.6There were some questions arising from the discussion. Doug Scott asked how information would be shared with non NHS organisations (i.e. services commissioned by Local Authorities) as there seemed to be a lack of understanding about how the process worked. Ian Lockwood asked about use of Smart Cards as there seemed to be conflicting advice from HSCIC. ACTION: Janet King to take away and report back to next meeting.
5. HSCIC Update – Steve Roe
Steve provided the following update:
5.1Alex Chaplin replaces Tony Magaw in the HSCIS Transition and Exit team. Alex’s role will be to work with NHS organisations to work out mechanisms for exit from LSP contracts.
5.2SPS has published a new framework. HSCIC are in discussion with DH Commercial in relation to this.
5.3HSCIC held a WebEx to launch a portal for sharing information and allowing organisations to collaborate. Events that HSCIC will attend will be published on the portal (e.g. Supplier events). HSCIC are setting up Workspace Forums to allow NHS organisations to share information. The team can be contacted via the exit mailbox.
5.4Steve gave an update on the work being undertaken on exit from LSP contracts. As already stated, Alex will work with organisations to establish mechanisms for exit. Steve asked that his team be informed of any help that organisations would need or if there were any queries. ACTION: members to advise Steve and his team of any requirements for help or if there are any queries relating to the process.
5.5Steve agreed to provide some slides in relation to the update. ACTION: Steve to provide slides to Alan for posting on the website.
6. Information Governance Sub-Group
6.1 Heather Cook provided an update on the work being undertaken by the IG Sub Group.
6.2. The main points to note are that a query has been raised on the use of cloud services and how this meets Data Protection Act requirements and the implications of patients making their own recordings of contact with staff is under discussion.
6.3 The notes of meetings of the group are available via the NYHDIF website.
7. Health CIO Network Summer School
7.1Heather Cook gave a brief update on the outcome of the CIO Network that she and Dave Lang attended. The network was beneficial, but is still developing. The main theme of the event was moving from PAS to full electronic records.
8. Learning Development Sub Group Update – Alan Baker
8.1The discussion had already been held under matters arising. The group agreed that this was still an important issue and NYHDIF members should be providing strong leadership on this issue
9. Frequency of NYHDIF meetings
9.1Discussion was held as to whether members thought that the frequency of meetings was sufficient since the move to Bi-monthly meetings. Did we need to meet more frequently given the importance of IM&T in assisting in the delivery of existing national initiatives? Should we return to monthly or every 6 weeks?
9.2 After discussion, it was agreed that the frequency of meetings felt right at the moment and we should retain the bi-monthly cycle. However, we should continue to review and meet more regularly if required
10. AoB
10.1 Alan Baker asked members if they had any ideas or preferences for after dinner entertainment at the conference. Alan also reminded members that they should let him know if they wanted a place at the conference. ACTION: members advise Alan and Ted of any preferences for after dinner entertainment
10.2 Heather Cook advised members that she has been invited to join Gwyn Thomas on the work he is doing around IT professionalism.
10.3 Adrienne Pickering asked if the results of the work being undertaken by Tracey Crooks could be presented at a future meeting. It was agreed that this was a good idea. ACTION: Alan and Ted to invite Tracey to a future meeting
11. Discussion Topic 1 - The South Yorkshire Working Together Programme – Adam Drury
11.1 Members received a very good and clear presentation from Adam Drury from the SY Working Together Programme. 7 Trusts are working together on the initiative. CCGs are also starting a similar initiative and attempts are being made to align the two pieces of work. There are 4 Work Streams as part of the programme. One of these is Informatics and the group is chaired by a Chief Executive. Adam agreed that the slides could be posted on the website. ACTION: Alan to send slides to Jeff for posting on website
11.2 Members thanked Adam for the presentation and the following questions were raised:
11.2.1Adrienne Pickering asked what was happening with regard to Community. Adam said that there was an intention to extend the IT managers group to include community in about one month.
11.2.2Doug Scott asked how this work linked into the Commissioning Strategy. Adam replied that it was thought this was covered by the programme structure and having a Chief Executive chair the Informatics Group.
12. Discussion Topic 2–NHS Mail 2 and Software Compliance post EWA – Peter Dyke (HSCIC).
12.1 Members received a full and frank (as ever) presentation from Peter Dyke on both topics.
12.2 Slides from Peter are available via the NYHDIF website.
12.3Main points to note, keep watching for news and developments on NHS Mail2, SMS service to Trusts via NHS Mail will end on 31/3/2015 so you need alternative arrangements in place by then, any queries or information needed – contact Peter.
12.4Peter will continue to send out information as he gets it.
12.5Members thanked Peter for his presentation.
13. Next Meeting- Note continued use of new venue:
9:30am on Friday 9th January 2015, again atTankersley Manor Hotel, Barnsley. For location and other details of this venue, see . Details of which room at Tankersley Manor Hotel will be forwarded with the agenda, and will also be on a notice-board at the hotel reception.
Alan Baker
NYHDIF support
30th September 2014