Parish of Kilkeel
26th April 2015
Welcome to our Services today. A special welcome is extended to any visitors.
Verses for the week
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell.” Matthew 10: 28
Sunday Evening Service. Please join us at 6.30pm in Christ Church for a Service of Evening Prayer. Everyone welcome.
Youth Fellowship. No YF this week, but please come to Jim’s at 8.15pm for Souled Out. You're all welcome!
Souled out will be held in Jim’s this evening at 8.15pm. This month’s guest speaker is Colin Morris. Please join us, everyone welcome.
Drop and Stop will be ‘open’ during Sunday School each week. Coffee will be brewing at 10.15am. Please pop in for a cuppa and chat, you will be made most welcome. This is all informal and free of charge so please come along- you don’t get much for free these days!
Mid-week. Thursday 30th April, will be our Home Bible Study Groups meeting in this format for the last time for the moment.
See separate note for Mid-week plan going forward into the summer please.
Exhibition 200 The team working on the history of Christ Church 1815 -2015 request your help with your time and any artefacts and stories that could be used to illustrate the life and times and vibrant witness of the Church over the years - especially wedding photos of you on that “happy day” even if that was just 1yr ago or 50! Also any photos or information of confirmations, the church school and any organisations, the opening of the halls – in fact, anything you would have would be great. Please contact Margaret McBride, Karen Harding or Gwen Chambers through the parish office, tel. 41765994, Tue, Thur, & Fri mornings, 9am-1pm.
Ladies’ Service. Our annual Ladies’ Service will be held on Sunday 31st May 2015 at 6.30pm in Christ Church. In preparation for this evening the Ladies Choir will meet for practise on Tuesday 28th April at 8.00pm in the Choir Room. All ladies are welcome to join this choir, just come along.
Christ Church Boys’ Brigade will hold their annual Fry & Salad Night on Saturday 9th May in Christ Church hall, 5.00pm – 8.00pm. Children’s menu available, please plan to come along and bring your family and friends. There’ll be something for everyone!
Mothers’ Union Quiet Day will be held on Wednesday 6th May in Christ Church Hall beginning at 4.00pm, to 5.15pm and 6.45 – 7.45pm. Our guest speaker is Mrs Olivia Crutchley. Cost including salad tea is £6. Please ring Hazel (41762309) or Jean (41763813) if you are coming for tea. Please feel free to come to the talks - one, both or both + tea. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Mothers’ Union will hold their annual outing on Thursday 11th June. We will leave the Kilmorey Arms at 8.30am and travel to the Boyne Centre for a short tour and coffee then on to Ratoath Garden Centre where you can purchase lunch and shop in the gift shop. Following this we will go to Marshes shopping centre in Dundalk ending our trip with dinner at the Carrickdale hotel. The cost is £30 which includes coffee, tour and evening meal. Please see Hazel or Jean for a booking form and menu choice. This is open to all ladies and their friends, everyone welcome.
Annual General Vestry 2015.
This important parish meeting was held on Thursday past. Attendance was up on last year. The Agenda for the evening was full but everyone played their part and the meeting went very smoothly. As a result some changes have been made. Let me name for you the wardens and select vestry:
Rector’s Church Warden: Sam Seed Rector’s Glebe Warden: Alan Charleton Peoples Church Warden: Mark Donald Peoples Glebe Warden: Thomas Hanna Select Vestry: David Charleton; Gwen Chambers; Karen Campbell; David Henderson, Ivan Henderson; James Henderson; Sally Johnson; Colin Morris; Mervyn Nugent; Stanley Speers; Maureen Teggarty and Alan Tomkins.
Thanks to Alan Tomkins as Peoples Church Warden, Raymond Clements as Rector’s Glebe Warden and Mervyn Nugent as Peoples Glebe Warden for all their invaluable work during the last year in those particular posts.
Thanks also to Dermott Kenmuir and Harold Nicholson as they have decided to step down from Select Vestry duties for now. Many years of faithful service has been invaluable to Christ Church and Carginagh and I know they remain totally committed to serving God here in the parish for as long as they are able to do so.
Please pray for these women and men as they seek to serve God in the particular roles they have been chosen for.
A Select Vestry Meeting will be held in the Lounge on Tuesday 28th April at 7:30pm for business and 7:00pm for prayer for those who can make it.
Sunday 3rd May 9.45am Holy Communion, Carginagh 10.15am Sunday School 11.30am Holy Communion, Christ Church 6.30pm Informal Praise, Christ Church
Flowers Mrs W Nugent Crèche Karen, Susan & Lesley Children’s Church Julie & Karen
KILKEEL PARISH PRAYER DIARY For those in our parish recently bereaved For those who are ill, at home and in hospital
Pray people will come forward to help with our children’s ministry in Christ Church, especially with Sunday School
For Mission 2015, for the ongoing plans and those already implemented
For the newly elected Select Vestry, especially those serving for the first time
Down & Dromore Youth Council
Staff:Andrew Brannigan, Julie Currie and Tim Burns
Give thanks for a fantastic Confirmation and Youth Weekend last month and all the work of the diocese’s Youth and Children’s Department.
Please pray for ‘Julie and Tim’s Travelling Roadshow’ when they will offer essential training, skills and interactive workshops in Belvoir on 28 April and Crossgar on 30 April.
Pray for all those to be confirmed this year that their confirmation would be a meaningful and powerful experience. Pray too for the team as they support the parishes and Bishop Harold as he preaches.
For all the preparation leading up to our Kilbroney Camps in August.
Pray for refreshment for Andrew, Julie and Tim.
Thank you for praying
CONTACTS RECTOR Rev. Ken McGrath 02841762300 SECRETARY Karen Harding 07771782724 SEXTON Sidnee Irvine 07808159797 FAMILY WORKER Lynda Quinn 02841765994 PARISH OFFICE 02841765994