EDI Action Plan 2016-18

Last updated: October 2017

Objectives / Lead / Tasks / Targets / Measures of Success / Actual Performance /
Ensure that YTAS staff team is equal, inclusive and diverse with good levels of awareness, skills and knowledge regarding EDI issues across the organisation / CEO & General / Projects Manager / Record the characteristics of YTAS Board and staff and share this data with Creative Scotland.
Improve and streamline YTAS systems for collecting anonymous protected characteristics from its freelance staff and volunteers.
HB and CB to review updating YTAS survey and scheduling for collecting 2017-18 data.
Establish an EDI champion at Board and Staff level to oversee implementation and monitoring of YTAS Policy and Plan.
KM to schedule next meeting in 2018.
Deliver relevant EDI training in house and by external partners / providers.
KM / HB to schedule a team meeting at end of Nov/early Dec to review and update on policy and plan to date.
ALL Team to brainstorm ideas for mainstreaming in their own area.
Next meeting TBC after that (in consultation with staff).
Review and address where possible the protected characteristic profile gaps within Board, Paid Staff and Volunteers, implementing revised recruitment and selection processes and mentoring schemes if necessary. / Protected characteristic data captured in a clear and effective manner and submitted to relevant funders on time.
Two review meetings a year of EDI champions.
One in-house and one external EDI training session held for YTAS team each year.
2017 Board recruitment to include targeting of characteristic profile gaps as well as wider EDI development opportunities for the sector. / Improved EDI reporting processes and data
Personnel report greater understanding of EDI issues and connection to YTAS Values
YTAS Board, Paid Staff and Volunteers become more representative across protected characteristics groups / Creative Scotland protected characteristic data submitted in Sept 2017
Online survey streamlined for collecting anonymous 2016-17 data from freelancers and volunteers with some success.
EDI champion at Board and Staff established. First meeting held.
Team EDI training outstanding.
Board review and recruitment undertaken, considering protected characteristics, but not targeted. Expanded Board should also improve diversity.
Ensure that our Members and partner organisations understand, support and engage with YTAS commitment to EDI / Creative Learning Manager & Sector Engagement Officer / Publish YTAS updated policy on our website and highlight developments at our Sector and Youth Symposium.
Regularly review the participation and segmentation that exists within Scotland’s youth theatre sector.
Regularly consult with professionals and young people to inform YTAS Action Plan.
Establish an EDI champion(s) from the sector to assist YTAS in the implementation and monitoring of its Policy and Plan.
Utilise YTAS Managers Forum, regional development activity and sector training events to highlight and progress YTAS EDI plan.
Utilise YTAS new Resources page as an accessible gateway to EDI links and resources for sector professionals and ‘developing’ youth theatres.
Highlight EDI training opportunities to our sector via YTAS’s comms channels.
Highlight best practice and support opportunities to YT sector.
Delivery of bespoke training into EDI issues for the sector relevant to their context and activity. / Two review meetings a year of EDI champions.
At least two EDI topics to feature as part of YTAS Managers Forum, regional development activity or sector training events each year.
A selection of current signposts and guidance for EDI improvements is available on YTAS Resources, and of particular relevance to Scotland’s youth theatre sector.
At least two EDI opportunities or features to be included in YTAS comms each year. / YTAS EDI Policy and Action Plan is underpinned by robust sector research and consultation.
EDI awareness and its value to all is more greatly understood and proactively demonstrated by YTAS Members and partner organisations. / Policy and Plan published on YTAS website and highlighted at our Sector and Youth Symposium 2016, including a hosted sector discussion. This consultation has informed the policy and plan alongside ongoing sector data and review.
Sector EDI champion(s) to be invited towards the end of 2018, possibly as an open call.
EDI focus as part of Interchange in March 2016. EDI also highlighted in cross-sector call-out for proposals for Convention 2018.
New open access Resources page up and running (and now in further development). Resources page includes multiple resources of interest to EDI and protected characteristic groups in the sector. CB also planning specific EDI ‘toolkits’ from 2018.
YTAS has identified opportunities to utilise Deaf Youth Theatre as a filmed case study Resource on their creative practice, as opposed to just their unique EDI characteristics.
Improvements to YTAS sector comms / newsletter has enabled more awareness of external training and opportunities, including EDI events.
YTAS has been asked for support towards an application by artists to deliver a LGBTQI focussed youth arts festival.
Performances and discussions at NFYT 2017 notably covered many of the protected characteristics topics of contemporary importance to young people, in particular; age, gender and sexual orientation.
To increase the number and visibility of disabled young people participating in youth theatre in Scotland / Creative Learning Manager / Establish a longer term partnership approach with Birds of Paradise Theatre Company to connect their focused disability research and experience with YTAS network, EDI Plan and activities.
Define shared objectives and targets with Birds of Paradise relating to participation, progression and audience development.
Identify specific disability groups for targeted EDI support at YTAS events with Birds of Paradise – mimicking the successful relationship and impact YTAS established with the Deaf Youth Theatre.
Map and explore the potential for a bespoke network of disability youth theatre groups / practitioners from within YTAS members.
Work with Eden Court to share practice at our professional skills development conference, Interchange, based on insights from their accessible ‘transitions’ youth group, integrated youth / adult group and specialist outreach workers.
Offer 2 deaf accessible Young Critics opportunities in 2017 as part of European funded activity.
Work with Solar Bear and Royal Conservatoire of Scotland to promote the deaf accessible Young Critics opportunity throughout their networks.
Contract an Access Specialist(s) for the Creative Commons European project for ‘inclusion proofing’ the resources developed between 2017-18.
CB to look into model and funding for disability focused Young Director strand for Emergence 2018 / YTAS and BoP sharing research, resources, attendance at events.
2 meetings a year between YTAS and BoP to review progress together on shared EDI objectives and targets.
1 new targeted disability group attends a YTAS event for the first time in 2017.
1 consultation / skill-sharing session held with practitioners interested in establishing a network of disability youth theatre groups / practitioners.
1 performance and/or training session held at Interchange that explores disability youth theatre best practice.
The accessible opportunities, activities and resources YTAS creates through its Creative Commons project reaches a new network of young disabled people, groups and practitioners. / YTAS and BoP see value in maintaining their partnership approach for the long term.
YTAS has established relationships with targeted disability groups who benefit and also uniquely contribute to youth theatre sector development.
Increased awareness and commitment towards disability youth theatre is demonstrated by YTAS Members and partner organisations / YTAS and BoP have established a working relationship in relation to their unique roles and experience, YTAS EDI Plan and BoP’s published Barriers to Access research, and follow up youth led activity.
YTAS no longer plans to carry out specific mapping at this stage. YTAS is continuing to support and engage with the emerging youth arts network for disability groups / practitioners in connection to the Barriers to Access working group. Also maintaining regular meetings with experienced YTAS members.
YTAS and Eden Court worked together to host specialist disability arts professional development training session at Interchange 2017.
D/deaf accessible Young Critics opportunities offered and promoted but no applications received. Concluded that Solar Bear Erasmus project during 2016-17 as well as new Performing in BSL course at RCS possibly was conflicting and made the opportunity of less appeal at this time.
Planning ongoing with Access Specialist(s) for the Creative Commons activity.
To increase the number and visibility of Non-White Scottish / British young people participating in youth theatre in Scotland / Creative Learning Manager & Sector Engagement Officer / Establish a longer term partnership approach with Ignite Theatre to connect YTAS network, EDI Plan and activities with their experience and focus working with communities in Glasgow that support immigrant populations and asylum seekers.
Develop our knowledge and awareness of immigrant youth populations around Scotland and the potential for improving links with local youth theatre activity, inspired by Ignite’s approach.
Define shared objectives and targets with Ignite relating to the number and visibility of Non-White Scottish / British young people involved in participation, progression and audience development across the sector.
Identify funding to support YTAS, Ignite and other Members to extend or enhance their EDI activity for Non-White youth participation, progression and audience development. / Ignite young people or practitioners attend a YTAS event for the first time in 2017.
2 meetings a year between YTAS and Ignite to review progress together on shared EDI objectives and targets.
YTAS and Ignite achieve additional funding together that secures and enhances their work as well as extending it to other groups / regions in Scotland. / YTAS and Ignite see value in maintaining their partnership approach for the long term.
Increased awareness and commitment towards engaging Non-White Scottish / British young people in youth theatre in Scotland
demonstrated by YTAS Members and partner organisations / Longer term partnership approach, funding and planning secured with Ignite Theatre through until 2020 as part of the New Territory project. This will include sharing best practice approaches across Scotland towards the end of the project.
YTAS is still to define the opportunities, priorities and outcomes it desires from the New Territory insights. KM & CB to define timeline for this task aligned with 3-year project.
YTAS will ask Ignite for a case study at the 2018 Convention.
To increase the number and visibility of young people participating in youth theatre from areas with high levels of multiple deprivation. / Creative Learning Manager & Sector Engagement Officer / Enhance our knowledge and awareness of youth theatre participants in Scotland from areas with high levels of multiple deprivation.
Enhance YTAS and the sector’s awareness of the key considerations when targeting participation, progression and audience development in areas with high levels of multiple deprivation.
Develop new marketing and comms techniques that seek to increase the visibility of youth theatre participants from areas with high level of multiple deprivation in a clear and effective but non-patronising manner.
Identify funding that could support YTAS and its Members to extend, enhance and empower EDI activity for participants from areas with high levels of multiple deprivation. / YTAS has more robust data and awareness of how its sector is approaching participation, progression and audience development in areas with high levels of multiple deprivation.
At least two features to be included in YTAS comms each year on best practice demonstrated from areas with high level of multiple deprivation. / Increased awareness and commitment towards engaging youth theatre participants from areas with high level of multiple deprivation demonstrated by YTAS Members and partner organisations. / Longer term funding, partnerships and planning has been secured until 2020 as part of the New Territory project. This will include sharing best practice approaches across Scotland towards the end of the project.
YTAS is still to define the opportunities, priorities and outcomes it desires from the New Territory insights. KM & CB to define timeline for this task aligned with 3-year project.

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