Present : Cllrs. Mr. Cousins (Chairman), Mr. Adlard, Mrs. Aston, Mr. Truesdale, Mr. Young
- Apologies : Mrs. Goss personal. Mr. Wheeler previous engagement. Accepted.
- Haddenham Library – the Parish Council held a meeting on 24th January at which approx. 60 villagers attended. A Committee was formed under the Chairmanship of Steve Sharp. A Workshop was arranged on Monday 31st January by BCC which resulted in a question and answer session. The feeling of the meeting was that there should be funds made available from BCC for a professional administrator to run the Library.
Recommended Parish Council’s response to Consultation as follows :-
“The Parish Council convened a meeting resulting in a group of people volunteering to form a Committee. A response had been formulated by Haddenham Village Society and U3A of which the Parish Council fully supports. We would be interested to have further discussions with BCC when all Consultation comments have been consolidated”.
- Playing Field Management Agreement – amended version of previous draft was circulated. Point 2.7 had been added regarding insurance. 2.9 had been altered regarding notice. Point 7 had been added regarding disputes. There would be two attachments (a) plan identifying the area of land edged in red and (b) area HPFMC to manage shown edged in blue on plan. Recommended acceptance.
- Haddenham Sports & Social Club Agreement – more information required. Mrs. Aston would speak with Simon Witney.
- Handyman’s Workshop – work commenced on 19th January but ceased on 20th after the contractor damaged a gas pipe. The pipe is to be resited by the Gas Company. There will be costs associated with this. Surveyor to be asked who will bear these additional costs. Contract document has been received signed by the Contractor. Mr. Truesdale confirmed it was a standard JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2005 (Revision 2 2009) and all was in order. Agreed this should be signed together with the Specification and Proposed Site Plan and returned to the Surveyor.
- A copy of the Localism Bill had been received and circulated. There are 208 clauses.
- Forward Planning Team. Agreed the two Parish Council representatives should be Chairman of F&GP and Chairman of Planning. First meeting to held early in June.
- Children’s Play Area – fence and swings now installed. No comments or thanks received from the public. Most of the remedial work has been undertaken. The finish of the bund still to be agreed. Weekly safety checks on the equipment are being undertaken by Mr. Ayers.
- Playing Field Cycle Path – a request for reimbursement of £2040 had been made from the SW&CG but not received to date.
- Spicer Hallfield site - AVDC has confirmed the S106 payment will be £143,545 to be used for sports and leisure.
- Airfield football pitches–Landmatch has been in discussions with AVDC and agreed to provide land for 2 additional football pitches on the airfield as part of the planning gain for the proposed Thame Roadresidential development. A plan of the area to include the pitches already leased to us and a copy of the Heads of Term for the Grant of Lease have been received. The lease is to be granted for a period of 125 years ad a rent of £520 per annum payable annually in advance. The rent will increase in line with RPI increases at 25 year intervals. There is a fencing obligation to enclose the land prior to its use and the land will need to be drained. Recommended agreement. It was resolved to submit a planning application for these pitches and it was gratefully noted that Mr. Aitken would undertake on the Parish Council’s behalf.
- Dentist roof – nothing to report.
- Review of annual subscriptions. Agreed to renew in the coming year subscriptions to BALC/LCR and SLCC.
- Deed of Variation relating to Land at Snakemoor between Aylesbury Vale Estate LLP and Haddenham Parish Council received. It is stated in the deed that the tenant shall apply to register this deed at HM Land Registry together with the lease.
- Letters of thanks received for grants made from Educational Charity and Parish Council
- Letter received from Haddenham Dental Centre informing that they have succeeded in securing further NHS funding from Bucks PCT which will enable the practice to increase the amount of NHS dental care they provide. In order to cater for the increased number of patients they would like to convert the loft, currently used for storage, into a staff room. It is asked if the Parish Council would grant consent in principle to this proposal. It was felt there is no objection in principle subject to the Parish Council being kept informed with sight of the drawings before the work is undertaken. Recommended.
- Information received from AVDC on Play Around the Parishes asking if the Parish would like a visit. Many of the activities are outside but indoor provision is requested, free of charge, if it is wet.
- We have been informed that John Landon retired as a Trustee of Haddenham Parochial Charitiesin December. He was appointed on 11th May, 1989. A replacement will be sought.
- Anti-Social Behaviour in Buckinghamshire – new priorities Strategy received from BCC.
- E-mail received from Puddleducks asking if when the gas supply is rerouted for the Handyman’s Workshop we can request work is undertaken at a weekend.
- Electoral Review of Buckinghamshire – consultation closes 3rd April, 2011.
- Information of BCC Budget Consultations received. This covers four areas – Capital and Revenue Budget, Transport, Youth Services and Adult Social Care. Closing date 31st March, 2011.
- Richard Kendall has asked if the drain at the end of the pathway to the Scout & Guide Centre could be looked at as the path is regularly getting flooded. Mr. Ayers to look into.
- Request received for the Scout & Guide Association to hold a stall on Church End Green on 7th May – Maypole Dancing Day. Agreed.
- British Legion has informed there will be a Great Poppy Party Weekend 10-12th June, 2011 in celebration of The Royal British Legion’s 90th birthday and would encourage all communities to hold an event. This is the Fete weekend. Maybe it could be combined. Pass to Fete Committee.
- Discretionary Rate Relief application form received from AVDC regarding the Recreation Ground Woodways. To be completed.
- Localism in Action – event being held on 9th February at GreenPark, Aston Clinton – 7 – 9 pm.
- Buckingham Town Council wrote to 102 Parish and Town Councils in Aylesbury Vale regarding the Local Governance Consultation and has forwarded the results – 19 replies were received and they have decided to take no further action.