Present: / Evelyn Borland
Dr Paul Ryan
Kevin Hutchison
Lynn Don
Theresa Cryans
Joan Miller
Marian Cunningham
John Thomson
Karen McCafferty / - Head of Planning and Health Improvement (CHAIR)
- Clinical Director, North Glasgow CHCP
- Keep well Social Referral - Coordinator – Glasgow North
- Practice Manager, Springburn Health Centre
- Practice Nurse, Allander Street Surgery
- Pharmacy
- Community Dietician, North Glasgow CHCP
- Acting Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager, North CHCP
- Keep well Project Officer – North Glasgow
Apologies: / Fiona Gray
Fiona Connolly
Vera Boyd
Chris Kelly
Fiona McKinlay
Brenda Friel / - Dietetic Manager
- Practice Nurse, Saracen Medical Centre
- Glasgow Council on Alcohol
- HPO, Keep well Development Officer, Physical Activity / Nutrition
- Practice Manager, Keppoch Medical Practice
- Keep Well Tobacco Project Co-ordinator
1. / Welcome, Apologies & Introductions
EB welcomed all to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.
2. / Previous Minute & Matters Arising
The previous minute was agreed as a true and accurate record.
It was noted that Pharmacy hosts training events for community pharmacists 3 to 4 times per year. 2-3 services are invited along to each event to speak about the services they provide and how pharmacies can refer Keep well patients to them. There are currently 73 pharmacies involved with Keep well.
Also noted was that Keep well referrals to the alcohol service remain low. It was commented that with training being delivered through LES there may be an increase in referrals. It was acknowledged that the alcohol service is a difficult service to sell. KH advised that he is due to meet with the service soon.
Dr R asked if the recent ASSIGN training which he delivered was open to South West. KH confirmed that it had been discussed at the IT Subgroup and that other areas were invited.
In the previous minute is was noted that KW may be looking to provide transports for certain housebound patients. It was highlighted that NATA (North Area Transport Association) were due to be involved with a community pilot and that KH should speak to Hilary Bell or Eric Duncan. - ACTION
Data Analyst
The meeting was informed that a full time Data Analyst was being recruited for Wave I. Interviews were scheduled to be held 13th October. The post would be based in Westwood House.
A new data report had been compiled and it was observed that JBS2 data remains missing for some practices, however this new report seemed a lot cleaner than previous reports.
TC reported that her practice had 4 pages of HDL’s which had not been picked up by the report. Rick scores are not entered if bloods are not taken. TC informed that at the ASSIGN training Dr Caroline Morrison had agreed to email KH with defaults. KH to chase up. - ACTION
Data extraction remains an issue for North Glasgow Practices and there are pressures to forward this incomplete data to the Scottish Government. It was agreed that KH will meet with IT Team and Marc Lang following what TC reported. KH to then report back to TC. - ACTION
Health Improvement Paper
Plan has been taken to the CHCP Committee who is happy with it. Plan reflects Health Improvement Team’s core work and is ok to be circulated. Keep well tackles many aspects across the whole plan. Keep well section can be found on page 14 of the plan. For any comments or additions, please contact JT. / KH
3. / Extension Proposal
This paper was circulated prior to the meeting and contained the proposal by the Project Board to Health Scotland, to give an idea of what each area plans to do and promote discussion. Paper was circulated for information only. Final draft will be sent in November 08. Any comments to KH.
4. / Service Funding Level – Year 3
Draft paper was tabled which showed the suggested service funding levels for the extension. This was based on discussions KH and Irene MacPhail had had with services and the number of referrals and intervention effectiveness etc. KH keen to get idea of what Delivery group want. KH will have further discussions and negotiations with each service. KH stressed that the paper is in draft format and asked members not to share or circulate it with anyone.
Recommendations & Discussion
Glasgow Council on Alcohol
Reduce from two posts across both North & East to one post in North. KH said that he had heard more funding was coming into Glasgow for alcohol support – may be able to build on. JT confirmed that an announcement is expected quite soon about funding, led by the addictions partnership. EB noted that there is still a need for dedicated partnership.
Glasgow North Regeneration Agency Ltd
Status quo. 1 full time employability advisor. All extension contracts with services will build in attendance at national and local events, meetings etc. EB noted that rather than ‘develop better links’ ‘be part of bridging service’ could be used. KH to look to make a contribution to GNA capacity.
Health Counsellor
Status quo. East have opted to have referrals dealt with by any health counsellor in Live Active Scheme rather than have a dedicated KW health counsellor. This is an option which North may wish to consider although the project would loose the single point of contact. EB noted that using several health counsellors may increase knowledge/awareness of other service providers.
Eat Up
KH informed that Fiona Gray had mentioned a proposal for glucose intolerance, additional admin support. MC to take back to Fiona and ask. – ACTION
Milton Food Project
Successful service which links in with the health improvement strategy. Service may be able to provide additional staff to increase project. If project come back with such a bid, some money may be available from the health improvement team budget. For this service, the majority of funding is for salaries.
Outdoor Gardening Gym (North Glasgow Community Food Initiative)
Severely low activity however there may be an opportunity to link in around other activities. Service is keen to be involved with Health Walks project. Other components may not require funding.
Learning on Prescription
1 staff member across North and East. Person is NHS staff member.
North Glasgow Money Advice Project
Service did not receive any KW funding in first 2 years. It made sense for Glenmill Practice to refer direct to them rather than Maryhill Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). Require only £5K to remain involved. Other practices with patients resident in Glenmill/Royston may also be referred there.
Maryhill CAB
Funded £20K initially and then further £5K. Activity has now levelled but if it drops funding may be reviewed. Glasgow wide tender bid in progress for money advice services. Future service provision to KW may not go to Maryhill CAB or North Glasgow Money Advice Project but to a consortium.
Stress Centres
Previous funding £40K per centre. As centres are soon to merge, assume £80K p.a.. This may be revised due to new opportunities through Equally Well around mental health. Dr R expressed his concern that the stress centres are going beyond their remit.
£80K in first year. £50K suggested for extension bid. KH to meet and discuss then send proposal ASAP. Dr R stressed that it is important to make service sustainable.
Health Walks
£10K. Linking with Health Improvement Team to impact physical activity. Discussions with Paths to Health have started. Service would be open to all individuals in North Glasgow. Opportunity to link with specific groups, carers, single mothers etc. KW funding may need to increase to £15K. Once started, running costs are minimal.
Other P.A.
Free exercise classes in partnership with North Glasgow College – 3 classes running in 3 different venues across North Glasgow. Men only session has been pulled due to poor attendance and replaced with mixed class. Women only and mixed classes are going well. North Glasgow College have a funding bid in with another funder and if successful won’t need funding from KW and will be able to maintain their exercise programme as is.
Projected Costs - £900K, North & East
£450K, North
KH reported that there are other opportunities with Equally well around mental health and criminal justice. KH is preparing papers on this.
Smoking cessation is funded separately but KH confirmed that he had spoken to Brenda Friel and status quo will remain. / MC
5. / Finance
Projected Spend 08-09 – Current Year
KH spoke to the paper that was circulated prior to the meeting and the following was noted:
§  Paper is for both North and East
§  Project Office includes salaries of John Clyde and Jackie Britton
§  Communication includes marketing materials etc
§  Contract Monitoring – Marc Lang salary will be replaced by new data analyst salary once appointed
§  Miscellaneous includes free exercise classes, GP or nurses to attend ad-hoc events/meetings/conferences
§  Carried forward figure includes both North and East
2nd Page
KH reported the following:
§  1st quarter shows under spend but now Anne Scoular is involved with organising evaluation, suspect that may change
§  Finance meeting being held next week. Board concerned that all areas may have a considerable carry through
§  Dalian House will have to be advised of carry forward figure by end of calendar year – Dec 08.
§  Financial reports had not been given to this group historically but as it is taking more of a management role it was felt important to see this information which could be broken down further if the group wished
§  EB commented that it was good to know the areas of activity and overall, any potential; under spend. Fund may need to be redistributed to meet any gaps and ensure full spend
LD queried if GP practices will have to prepare bids for the extension. KH confirmed that would be the case. Dr R, Jackie Britton and KH had visited some practices to discuss this but had not visited LD’s practice yet. Meetings will all practices are being arranged. EB recommended that KH speak to Ranald Brown about whether or not to present North and East figures together.
6. / Keep well Management Proposals
EB addressed the meeting and the following was noted:
§  Jackie Britton (JB) has now left post and moved to the Scottish Government.
§  Appropriate time to review and learn
§  Felt that KW did not need separate management
§  KW is within HIT structure in the CHCP
§  EB has overall responsibility for North Glasgow to Alex MacKenzie
§  Aspects of JB’s job were national and also linked in with Dalian House
§  Anne Scoular will have key role around evaluation and I.T. across all 5 sites
§  There will be another post created (support/coordinator) across all 5 sites but based here, reporting to EB
§  Post will interface with what all areas are doing locally and what board is doing
§  Post will produce quarterly reports for Scottish Government. Health Scotland have requested 1 report from GG&C covering all 5 sites
§  Job description for new post is being finalised and going out soon
§  Dr R will be joint lead with EB but with EB responsible for staff
§  Each site will be looked at separately (North and East)
§  Project Board will be serviced by new post
§  This group is a local delivery group responsible for local decisions and recommendations to Project Board
§  John Clyde will continue to collate finances for both North and East
7. / Update
GP Practice Paper
A report was circulated prior to the meeting showing the practice statistics to date. This report was in a new format, updated monthly by KM.
Two populations are considered in the report. Initial population is the number who fell within 45-64 at the start date of the project and current population includes those who are presently 45-64 including those who have recently turned 45 and excluding those who are now 66. Some concerns were raised about the percentage completion for some practices. KH acknowledged that he may need to go out and visit some of those practices. - ACTION
Dr R asked how KW North Glasgow compared to the other KW sites. KW will prepare something for next meeting. - ACTION
A report was circulated prior to the meeting showing the services statistics to date. KH highlighted that some of the services are joint across North and East. Again, this report was in a new format and updated monthly by KM.
It was agreed that the meeting were happy with these new reports and would receive an updated copy at each meeting.
Outreach Workers
KH circulated a paper detailing the Outreach Workers statistics. The 2 outreach workers are seconded to the North through CEIS. Their contracts expire in December 08. They are currently working across 3 practices and potentially practice ‘G’. KH reported that the services are also very keen to use them, in particular smoking cessation, health counsellor and stress centres. KH explained that there may be a possibility of their role expanding to include a befriending capacity in which they may accompany individuals to their first service appointment.
KH sought agreement from the group to extend the contracts of the Outreach Workers to include the extension year. Costs would be £30K per person per year. The meeting were happy to agree this and asked KH to confirm this with CEIS. – ACTION
EB highlighted that in total 560 patients have been passed to the Outreach Workers and this has resulted in 180-190 people attending their Keep well appointment which otherwise would have failed to engage.
KH advised that due to reduced daylight hours over autumn/winter evening visits will stop although Saturday appointments will start (11am-3pm). Outreach has been more successful recently after the holiday period.
MC commented that Eat Up allows clients to ‘bring a friend’ and that this has proved very successful. MC felt that befriending service clients would also prove very successful.
JT expressed his concern that many refusals / lack of engagement may be due to people with work commitments and suggested that perhaps opening hours may have to be addressed. LD noted that her practice offer late appointments once there are significant people interested and queried if all 9 practices could offer a similar service. / KH
8. / Equally Well – Additional Proposals
KH reported that there are several key groups/areas mentioned in Equally well that KW would be able to target – carers, addictions, criminal justice, learning disability. Plans for bids are due in by November 08 which KH stated was a priority for him.
EB asked if would be possible to extend the KW age range for individuals that fall within these categories and suggested that KH meet with Frances Ross to discuss.
TC informed that her practice runs a methodone clinic with a worker from Possil. It provides services for people coming off drugs and provides therapies to them.
9. / Additional Members of Group
EB reported that the Training Sub Group had disbanded as it had completed its aim. The meeting agreed that there was a need for local training to be discussed at this forum. KH and EB to meet and agree who should be invited onto this forum to represent all interests. – ACTION / EB & KH
10. / Feedback From Working Groups
Irene MacPhail sits on that group representing North and East. Anne Scoular is preparing a paper on KW evaluation which will be circulated once complete.
Covered under item 9.
Health Scotland is looking to acquire more marketing materials. KH has asked practices and services for feedback and suggestions.
Information & I.T.
Data extraction remains a large issue and was previously discussed during the meeting. Programme Board report for Health Scotland across all GG&C areas is being produced and compiled by Anne Scoular.
11. / A.O.C.B.
LD asked that for future meetings would it be okay for either herself of Fiona McKinlay, as practice representatives to attend. The meeting agreed.
Next Meeting
4th December 2008, 10am
Board Room 1, Management Offices
Stobhill Hospital

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