MINUTES of a meeting of DENTON PARISH COUNCIL held at 7.30pm on Monday
10th December 2012 in the Village Hall, Denton.
Present:Cllr McMillan (in the Chair), CllrsCrush, Geeson, Hiley, Hollyer and Sir Welby.
24/12Apologies - Councillor Grinter
25/12The Minutes of the meeting held on 8th October 2012 were read,and approved andit was resolved that they be signed as a true record.
26/12There were no Declarations of interest
27/12Dispensations and Council Tax precept – Clerk advised Councillors that under the new Localism Act it is advisable to ask for a dispensation when setting the precept as there could be a prejudicial interest for all Councillors that have a beneficial interest in property. Councillors agreed and Clerk dispensed an appropriate form for completion and signature.
28/12Highways –
Clerk read out an e-mail from Highways which answered various points as follows:
(a)Anglian Water are responsible for the drain covers outside 71 Main Street and that on the corner of Hungate Road. Clerk to chase.
(b)Inspection of 50 mph signs at crossroads to take place and then a decision as to relocation.
(c)When resources allow, the footpath at Harston Road will be cleared back.
(d)The request for a grit bin at the school was rejected as there is a bin very near to that point already.
29/12Overhead cables –
Cllr Hiley had spoken to his contact at Western Distribution (formerly Eon). He is making enquiries as to the removal of overhead cables to underground cables and will report back.
(i)Awaiting outcome but no objections:
S11/3007 – The Laurels
(ii)Approved – S12/2715 – felling tree at 14 Hungate Road and S12/2298 – alteration of outbuildings at The Covery.
31/12Financial :
(i)Audit received with unqualified report and relevant notices put in noticeboards.
(ii)A request for a donation towards maintenance of the Church yard had been received from the PCC. It was proposed by Cllr Geeson and seconded by the Chairman, and resolved unanimously to make a payment in full of £436.57.
(iii)Bank balance at 30.11.12 = £2,157.50
(iv)Resolved to make the following payments:
HMRC £88.60; L. Frances £72.94 postdated to 31st December ; J. Newman £41.60 postdated to 31st December; Village Hall £75; Clement Keys £60.
32/12Meeting dates 2013 – Clerk presented a list of proposed dates for next year, having agreed them with the Village Hall Bookings Secretary. 7th January, 18th March, 13th May, 14th October and 9th December.
33/12Councillors Reports –
All hedges appear to be satisfactorily cut back now, except for Denton Lodge. Clerk to write to Highways and ask them to intervene.
There is an advertisement pinned to the tree on the triangle at the crossroads. No advertising is allowed there as it distracts drivers – Clerk to write to Manners Arms and also Belvoir Castle (concerning the wedding show).
34/12Next meeting date 2012:7th January 2013.
Meeting closedat 8.06 pm.