Minutes of a meeting of Crowland Parish Council held on Monday 1st February 2016 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland

Present:Coun B Alcock, Mr M Atkinson, Mr P Bird, Mr R Boot, Mrs T Croxford, Mrs J Head, Mr J Parnell and Mr G Quince

Also Present:PCSO Jack Craft and Darren from Boston and South Holland Youth Service

In the Chair:Mr D Ringham

Clerk:Mrs B Stanojevic

68) Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Mrs L Boor (Apologies for Absence from Mrs Boor because of long term illness were accepted by the Parish Council by affirmative resolution under the Local Government Act of 1972). Apologies also received from – Mr D Ancill, Miss C Elphee, Coun A Harrison, Mr P Haselgrove, Mr D Kempton and Mr J Astill.

69) Declaration of Interests as per the LGA 2000

Wildlife Group – Mrs J Head. Crowland Cares – Mr D Ringham Crowland Abbey and Crowland Cares – Mr M Atkinson. British Legion – Mr R Boot.

70) Police Matters

The Chairman introduced Darren to the meeting as he is one of the Youth Development Workers for Boston and South Holland. He works for LCC and the service has been reorganised and the 2 areas amalgamated. Currently they have 2 staff with one on maternity leave and 1 vacancy and have little resources. They are contacting parishes in the south of the county to find out what is needed. Can assist with the recruitment of volunteers, training and funding. They do set up Easter and summer holiday programmes. They have set up youth groups in various areas. The Chairman explained that Crowland Youth Group has been operating for 15 years – run solely by volunteers. Club night is Mondays with 30-35 children attending between the ages of 10 and 16. Their current building has been provided by the Parish Council. There has been some youth provision assistance in the past but has not been sustained. The current volunteers do need support, support also with the recruitment of new volunteers. The development workers are very welcome to visit the club when it is open on a Monday evening. Members expressed how pleased they were to see someone from youth services here in Crowland – Darren left some forms for members to complete on youth provision which the clerk will collate.

PCSO Jack Craft apologised for arriving late but he had been called to an incident. He gave the meeting numbers of incidents from this last month compared to the same period last year – showing a rise of 20 incidents (45.5%). The increases included – 1 ASB


throwing incident,4 criminal damage, 8 suspicious circumstances, 7 transport incidents, 1 missing person, 1 firearm, 2 domestic and 1 burglary. Actual ASB incidents decreased by 10%.

A fence has been damaged at the rear of the abbey and a residents rose arbor knocked over. Officers have been patrolling in the evenings in unmarked vehicles. Residents have noticed various vans/vehicles riding slowly around the town. There was an incident in Albion Street where CCTV was looked at but unfortunately the cameras didn’t show the appropriate area.

The PCSO is having a “surgery” in the Library Hub on the morning of Saturday 27th February.

71) To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

It was proposed by Mr Bird and seconded by Mrs Head that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th January 2016 be signed as a true record. All agreed.

72) Reports on matters outstanding of the previous meeting not on this agenda

There is still mud and stones on the Highway outside Decoy Farm. This is regularly cleared up but more keeps coming out onto the road.

The Chairman is completing the response to the Boundary Commission Consultation – deadline is 8th February 2016.

The dates for the circus are ok – Action Clerks to arrange a meeting with them

Message from Mr Haselgrove thanking Mr Parnell and Mr Lawson for their work on the South Street sculpture. Mr Parnell also expressed his thanks to Mr Lawson.

The South East Lincs Local Plan consultation is on the next planning agenda with the deadline of 19th February.

73) Assets working party – Update

The tree survey at the spinney is no longer required. A soil contamination survey has been requested. The planning permission complete with conditions is expected shortly. Mr Bywater is up-to-date with the project.

74) Report from the Finance Committee

No meeting. The outstanding hanging basket account has been paid. The Internal Auditor recently visited and all is up-to-date.


75) Report from the Farms & Gardens Committee

Hedging has been purchased with the Chairman’s approval for the side of the Kissing Ground diagonally opposite the Kissing Gate.

Mr Boot and the committee have been looking at replacement grass cutting machinery and considering whether to keep the current ones as well as they now have no real resale value. Information is awaited from several companies on machines as well as lease/maintenance information. Some companies do extended warranties Mr Boot took Mr Lawson to look at a machine this morning.

A new large Kubota can be quicker and some have the zero turn which will help withefficiency. Mr Boot is trying to arrange for a demonstration on the Snowden for all to look at.

It was proposed by Mr Boot, seconded by Mr Parnell that in principle a new machine be purchased and the current 2 Kubota’s be kept. Further research is to be done on the best machine to get and the information reported back to the full council. All agreed.

76) Report from the Planning Committee

Minutes circulated. Action Clerk – to check application for houses at the bottom of Peterborough Road

The Town Trail mockup has gone to the printer/designer and will cost no more than £400. Several different companies were approached but couldn’t help. The council will see the final draft - funding being investigated. It was proposed by Mr Atkinson and seconded by Mr Quince that £200 be paid to the printers on account. All agreed.

77) Report from the Amenities Committee

Recommended that all council members go and look at the Sports Hall so they know exactly what it is like.

Dog fouling on the Snowden to go on the next council agenda. To consider banning dogs from the Snowden altogether. Mr Boot will obtain a quote for printing leaflet that warns of the dangers of dog fouling.

78) Report from the Health & Safety Committee

Nothing to report

79) Highways Matters

Pot hole across the road from the Parish Room.

Average speed cameras to be put on the A16 – should help. There is a queue of traffic in


the mornings trying to exit from Peterborough Road onto James Road because of the volume of traffic using James Road. Cowbit is encountering problems with the volume of through traffic. The Chairman is trying to arrange a meeting with the Road Safety Partnership. It appears there is little chance of the A16 being dualled.

There are large bricks that have been deposited in the gateway at the Half Acres.

There is damage to the bank at North Street/Wash Road on the left hand side where the railings were removed during the recent works. Action – Clerks to follow up

80) CCTV

A meeting was held in Crowland with the contractor and the officer from SHDC. Hoping to have a camera fixed on Trinity Bridge area. Resolving the issue of getting the signal from Crowland to Boston but large trees at the Pavilion are blocking the sight line. Alternative locations are being looked at.

The Health Centre has its own CCTV system. If further cameras added to the system, they would be monitored.

81) To consider celebrations for HM Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday

Members would like to extend the Beacon lighting occasion on 21st April. What would the public like to happen?

Action Miss Elphee/Clerks Put on website, in Town Magazine and on Crowland Chatter.

Action – Clerks to find out what time Crowlands Beacon is to be lit. To be placed on next months agenda

82) To consider a Parish Council Memorial for John Hartley

One suggestion is for to ask Mr Hartley’s family if they would like to donate a bench in his memory – the Parish Council would site it. The area over The Wash seems appropriate as the bins there were provided by Mr Hartley. Action - Clerks

There was a seat next to the Snowden Pavilion in memory of Maurice Hardy. It was removed for repair some time ago and not put back.

Action clerks – where is the seat, did it have a plaque? Mr Quince is willing to help restore the seat.

83) To consider the appointment of a Flood Warden

Mrs Head would be the obvious Flood Warden but should we get a flood her services


would be needed at work. It is a group of people that need to be involved, a Steering Group would be the way forward and Mrs Head is willing to assist as is Mr Atkinson. Action – Item in Town Magazine asking for volunteers.

84) Correspondence

1. LCC - Details of temporary road closure on the B1166 at Hulls Drove (WhipchickeDrove to Martins Road) for patching works between 14 & 25 March. Action – Clerks to check exact closure 2.Nick Riches, Environmental Agency - E-mail from Nick Riches in response to our query regarding the lower level of West Bank, it states that while we may wish to see the bank level there is no requirement from a flood storage perspective to do so as it already provides a substantial level of protection, much greater than provided in 1947. The engineers report for the reservoir has gone through its final draft stage and will be issued very soon upon which he can inform us of actions to be taken in the future. 3.Chris Goodacre - E-mail expressing the need for mini roundabouts at each end of the Crowland Road exits on to the A1073. He asks if the Parish Council is aware of this problem and what would need to be done to get the mini roundabouts installed. Action Clerks – Acknowledge letter and advice that situation is continually looked at. 4.Paula West, Chair, Friends of South View School Committee – E-Mail stating that South View have recently revived “May Day” within the school and have had a lot of feedback requesting Maypole Dancing and the parade of floats. They would like to get this back into the community. They have set up an after school club for the children to learn the dances for the maypole and ask if they could use the sports hall for 4/5 weeks on a Wednesday from 3.15pm to 4pm to practice. May day is on Saturday 7 May. They also need a support hole putting on the school field for the maypole to sit in – could the Parish Council help do this? They have a meeting on Wednesday 10 February in the G & A and invite members of the council to attend to see what can be done together. Action Clerks – Permission given to use sports hall, exact dates required. Would like to see May Day back and on the Snowden Field. Best if school deal with the support hole. Chair will attend the meeting on 10th February. 5.Department for Communities and Local Government - Invitation to Neighborhood Planning, Shaping your Community. 17March at The Guildhall Arts Centre, Grantham. . 6.Stephen Perry, Crowland Bowls Club – Email advising that they hope to have their new cabin delivered during the week of 4 April. They are hiring tracking from Crowland Cranes for the delivery vehicle to drive over. Action Clerks – To ensure Council Member present when new cabin delivered. 7.Tulip Radio & The Voice – Pride of South Holland Awards. Nominees invited for Caring Neighbor, Service with a Smile, Young Achiever, Senior Citizen, Charity Worker, Community Hero, Volunteer of the Year and Lifetime Achievement. Closing date 27 May 2016. Noted 8.Peterborough City Council – Notification that together with LCC they are proposing to impose a 7.5tonne weight limit restriction on the B1040 from Thorney to Crowland. Any objections to these proposals should be made to Peterborough City Council by 29 February 2016. Access still permitted. Noted.


85) (i) Accounts for Payment

Roythornes 171 Professional Charges £600.00 £600.00 £0.00 M Bridge H/Ware 172 Misc Hardware £65.70 £54.78 £10.92 M Southern Elec 173 Electric – P/Rm, Pav, £643.38 £553.89 £89.49 S & T Star Fireworks 174 Flash Maroons £102.24 £85.20 £17.04 M GBSG 175 Callouts/checks etc £279.90 £233.25 £46.65 U Britim 176 Ink Cartridges £33.92 £28.27 £5.65 M Fenland Fire 177 Annual servicing £183.60 £153.00 £30.60 S/T/U/V MA Cleaning 178 P/Rm window clean £12.00 £12.00 £0.00 T Amethyst Hort 179 Large H/Baskets £567.60 £473.00 £94.60 M Coupland Ltd 180 Resurface H/C C/Pk £1,713.00 £1,427.50 £285.50 M Hurdletree Nursery 181 New hedging £90.00 £90.00 £0.00 P Bridgeware 182 Misc Hardware £62.74 £52.27 £10.47 M NJ Electricals 183 Replace switch T/B £78.00 £65.00 £13.00 M Ricoh 184 Photocopier £77.95 £64.96 £12.99 M Wages £4,583.14 PAYE £734.01 Staff pensions £1,076.47

The payment voucher - 180 for Couplands has had 50% of the net cost invoiced to the NHS.

The above payments were proposed for payment by Mr Atkinson, seconded by Mr Quince. All agreed.

(ii) S137 payments - None

86) Matters to be considered for inclusion on a future Council Agenda

The Kissing Gate has been vandalized and is made of cast iron and will need welding, difficult to do. Action Clerk to investigate the repair.

The post at Girdlestone Walk where the map was – are there any plans for a replacement? Action clerk to investigate

For a future agenda – Blood donor sessions in Crowland.

Meeting Closed at 9.50pm


In Committee - The Public and Press were excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960, the items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.


Meeting Closed at 9.50pm