Grazing ManagementPlan
PracticeActivity Code (110) (No.)
- Definition
A grazingmanagement plan is asitespecificconservation plan developed fora client which addresses oneormore resourceconcernson land wheregrazing related activities orpractices will beplanned and applied.
Thegrazingmanagement plan will:
- Meet NRCSqualitycriteria forsoil erosion control, waterquality, fish andwildlife, rangeland/pasture/grazedwoodland health and productivity, and otheridentified resource concerns.
- Will bedevelopedfollowingtheprincipleprovided in Chapter11 oftheNationalRangeand PastureHandbook.
- Complywith federal, state, tribal, and local laws, regulations, and permit requirements.
- Meet theclient’s objectives.
- GrazingManagement Plan Technical Criteria
Thissectionestablishesthe minimumcriteriato beaddressedinthedevelopmentofGrazingManagementPlans.
A. GeneralCriteria: A GrazingManagementPlan shallbedevelopedbycertifiedTechnicalServiceProviders (TSPs).In accordancewithSection 1240 (A), theEnvironmentalQualityIncentiveProgram (EQIP)programprovides fundingsupportthrough contractswith eligibleproducersto obtain servicesofcertifiedTSPsfordevelopmentofGrazingManagementPlans.ThespecificTSP criteriarequiredfor GrazingManagementPlan development islocated on theTSP registry (TechReg)websiteat:
B. Background and siteinformation
- Landownerinformation– name, address, operation, size
- Location and plan map ofparcel
C. IdentifyClient Objectives such as:
- Improve forageyield, quality, diversity, and persistence.
- Meet livestock nutritional needs.
- Maximizebrowse, forage and roughagepastureyields.
- Improveproduction cost efficiency.
- Maintain orimprovewildlifehabitat.
- Maintain orimprovewaterquality
- Prevent or reduceerosion
- Others as appropriate
D. ExistingConditions
- Consult Ecological SiteDescription as referencecondition
- Vegetativespecies, diversity,and condition byland use, ecological siteand foragesuitabilitygroup.
- Animal types, (breedandspecies includingwildlife) and number
- Acresavailable
- Wastehandlingand storage
- Wateringsystem
- Fencing
- Documentation of existingpractices/history/grazingrecords
- Current forage androughage conditions
- Current Animal demand/foragebalance (livestockand wildlife)
- All Resource concerns(not meetingQualityCriteria)
E. DesiredFutureConditions
- Record Keeping
- MonitoringPlan
- O &M forpractices
- Nutrient Management asapplicable
- Fencing
- Animal Demand / Forage/RoughageBalance
- AdequateWaterSource(s)
- Plant species composition
F. Grazing LandPlanning Documentation
- Conservation plan map –scale, north arrow, planned and existingboundaries, fields, paddocks, wateringsystems, fence, land use, appropriatemap symbols, identification of foragesuitabilitygroupsand/orecological sites byfield
- Grazingdistribution andkeygrazingsites and species
- Soils map – legend, interpretations, foragesuitabilityindexforgrazing activities, ecological sitedescriptions
- ResourceConcerns addressed bytheconservation plan
- Contingencyplans forwinter, drought, fire,flood mud, mortality, bio- security, etc.
- Planned Animal demand/foragebalance (livestock and wildlife)
- Conservation plan(recordofdecisions)(MsWordDocument)to addresstheresourceneeds for the“Grazing ManagementPlan”.The record ofdecisionsshall include theplanned practice, scheduleforimplementation, and site-specificspecificationsto applythe conservation practice.Thesite-specificspecificationscan beon an NRCSJobsheet availablefortheconservationpracticeorin anarrativeformforthenon-engineering typepractices. Plannedengineeringtypepracticesshallincludetheconservation practice, scheduleofimplementation,andidentified on theplanmap. Theplanmay include,butarenotlimitedtothe conservationpractices listed below:
* Practices requiring site-specific specifications:
Code / Practice Name314 / Brush Management
315 / Herbaceous Weed Control
382 / Fence
511 / ForageHarvest Management
512 / Forage and Biomass Planting
528 / Prescribed Grazing
548 / Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment
550 / Range Planting
8. Additional practices forplanning consideration but notrequiring site-specific specifications include:
Code / Practice name322 / Channel BankVegetation
338 / Prescribed Burning
342 / Critical AreaPlanting
378 / Pond
380 / Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment
381 / SilvopastureEstablishment
382 / Fence
390 / Riparian Herbaceous Cover
394 / Firebreak
395 / Stream HabitatImprovement and Management
472 / Access Control
516 / Pipeline
561 / HeavyUseAreaProtection
574 / Spring Development
575 / Animal Trails and Walkways
580 / Streambankand ShorelineProtection
590 / Nutrient Management
595 / Integrated Pest Management
614 / Watering Facility
642 / Water Well
644 / Wetland WildlifeHabitat Management
645 / Upland WildlifeHabitat Management
657 / Wetland Restoration
658 / Wetland Creation
659 / Wetland Enhancement
3. DeliverablesfortheClient– a hardcopy of theplanthatincludes:
- Coverpage– name, address, phoneofclientandTSP;TotalAcresof thePlan, signatureblocks fortheTSP,producer, andasignatureblockfortheNRCS acceptance.
- Soilsmap and appropriate soildescriptions
- Resourceassessment results (wind and watererosion,wateravailability, soilfertility, and othersthatmaybeneeded)
- Forthe practices listed above that require site-specific specifications prepare and document thesite-specificspecificationson how each practicewillbeapplied;whenthepracticewillbeapplied,andtheextent(acresor number) thatwillbeapplied.
- For all other planned practices identify in the plan whenthe practice willbeapplied, the extent, the practice location, and for structural practices locatethe practice ontheconservationplan map.
3. DeliverablesforNRCSFieldOffice:
- CompleteHardcopyand Electroniccopyof theclient’splan(MsWord copy) and other appropriate digital supporting documents.
- DigitalConservation PlanMap withfields, features, and structuralpractices located.
- DigitalSoilsMap.
August 2012
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