Minutes of a Meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on 3RD July 2007 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm

Present:Cllr J Ward (Chairman)

Cllrs WH Rawson MBE, GP Young, Mrs K Storey, Mrs S Manders, M Spencer, G Fletcher, A Appleton & R Clements

CountyCouncillor C Talbot, District Councillor M Gallagher & Clerk to Council Mr J E Stanley were present


Police Report – The Clerk read from a report received regarding crimes reported within the village; 7 crimes had been reported in the preceding month offences included criminal damage and theft. Members reported that some damage had occurred at the allotments gardens and the Police should be asked to monitor this area.

District Council - District Councillor reported that the matters raised at the previous meeting relating to Beech Close and Davy’s Lane had been investigated and responses had been sent. District Councillor Gallagher had nothing further to report relating to the District Council. District Councillors Burley & Pring sent apologies and were unable to attend the meeting.

Cllr Rawson thanked District Councillor Gallagher for the information sent to him regarding Beech Close and on behalf of Council expressed sympathy with District Councillor Gallagher for the recent losses due to fire at his property.

Cllr Ward gave District Councillor Gallagher details of a complaint from a resident of St John’s Square regarding work carried out on District Council properties, District Councillor Gallagher would investigate these matters and discuss them with the officer dealing, Mr James.

A resident of Davy’s Lane thanked District Councillor Gallagher for obtaining a reply to her query regarding parking on Davy’s Lane, however as the problem had not been solved the resident again requested that parking restrictions be placed on Davy’s Lane in the form of yellow lines. A petition had been sent to Highways regarding this and a response regarding this would be requested.


101/2007 - Apologies for Absence – Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Burley, Mrs Mellady & Lowery.

102/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda – Cllr S Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest in a Planning Application submitted by St John’s Primary School

103/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 5THJune 2007- Council received the minutes of the meeting held 5th June 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.


Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 5th June 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

104/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters - The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters; School Crossing Patrol, Arenway re litter, NKDC re Section 106 Agreements re Barrett Estate, Bus Shelters, Speed Cameras, Dog Warden, Roller Shutter, Litter, Damage at the Pavilion and Bowling Green. The mobile skate park had been booked from Monday 6th August to Thursday 9th August to be situated on the tennis courts at the Recreation Ground

105/2007 – Review of matters pertaining the Bracebridge Heath Youth Club – Members discussed an informal meeting with Malcolm Ryan from Lincolnshire County Council regarding formalisation of a County Council supported Youth Club provision. It was proposed and seconded to for a small sub-committee to liaise with LCC on the development of a Youth Club provision.


Resolved: To form a small sub-committee to liaise with LCC on the development of a Youth Club provision.

106/2007 - Purchase of replacement goal posts for the Recreation Ground – Members proposed and seconded to purchase an additional set of goalposts from ESPO for the Recreation Ground to replace the damaged posts.


Resolved: To purchase an additional set of goalposts from ESPO for the Recreation Ground to replace the damaged posts.

107/2007 - Location of a new Parish Notice Board – Members discussed locations for an additional notice board which had been purchased. It was proposed and seconded to site the notice board on Lichfield Road.

Vote:UnanimousResolved: To site the additional notice board on Lichfield Road.

108/2007 To request or consider further clarification regarding the proposed Model Code of Conduct - Members discussed the papers previously circulated on the Model Code of Conduct no further clarification was requested.

109/2007 - Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday Service – Members discussed arrangements for Remembrance Sunday Service, it was proposed and seconded that the arrangements would follow as in previous years in respect of the purchase of a wreath and the provision of refreshments after the service.


Resolved: That arrangements would follow as in previous years in respect of the purchase of a wreath and the provision of refreshments after the Remembrance Sunday service.

110/2007 - Painting of the A607 bus shelter following graffiti removal by NKDC – An offer had been received from NKDC to remove graffiti in bus shelters within the Parish, however following the work the shelters may need further painting. It was proposed and seconded that the handyman be asked to paint the bus shelters as necessary, the Council would purchase anti-graffiti paint to be used.


Resolved: That the handyman be asked to paint the bus shelters as necessary, the Council would purchase anti-graffiti paint to be used.

111/2007 - Report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting of 12th June 2007– Cllr Mrs Manders gave a report on the meeting of the Committee held on 12th June 2007.

The following Planning Applications had been received:

Erection of a Pavilion at Bowling Green, Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground

Cllr Mrs Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest an left the room, Cllr Spencer continued the report

Station a TemporaryBuilding at St John'sPrimary School - LCC Determined Application

Cllr Mrs Manders returned to the meeting

The following Planning Decisions had been received:-

Erection of two storey dwelling and garage - 1 Worcester Close

Erection of 1.8m high fence & gates - 31 Redhall Lane

It was proposed and seconded that the report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting held on 12thJune 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolution of Full Council.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: The report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting held 12th June 2007 be accepted and therecommendations

therein be made resolution of Full Council

112/2007 – Suspension of standing orders – It was proposed and seconded that Council suspend session to receive a report from County Councillor Mrs Christine Talbot


Resolved: That Council suspend session to receive a report from CountyCouncillor Mrs Christine Talbot

County Council – CountyCouncillor Mrs Talbot reported that all matters reported are in the process of being dealt with, with respect to the work carried out on the pavement outside the John Bull, Cllr Mrs Talbot agreed with Cllr Rawson’s assessment of the standard of work and had raised the matter accordingly, and a response was awaited on the matter.

Council Session Resumed

113/2007 / Report from the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting of 18th June 2007- Cllr Fletcher reported on the meeting of committee held on 18th June 2007 the following matters were discussed; Cllr Fletcher was elected Chairman with Cllr Mrs Melladay vice-chairman, meeting with Parish Dog Warden, preferred supplies for floodlighting and a goal module were selected and schemes to utilise Section 106 monies were explored.

It was proposed and seconded that the report from the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 18th June 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolution of Full Council.


Resolved: The report from the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 18th June 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolution of Full Council.

114/2007 - Report from the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting of 18th June 2007 –Cllr Young gave a report on the Committee Meeting held on 18th June 2007 the following items had been discussed; Cllr Young had been elected Chairman with Cllr Spencer Vice-Chairman, draft revised standing order were reviewed and agreed for recommendation to full council, Cllrs Ward & Fletcher were to recommended to be added to the list of bank account signatories, Council to pay utility and rates supplies by direct debit in accordance with NALC guidance and the appointment of Internal Audit for 2006/7 was discussed an it was recommended a replacement auditor is appointed for 2006/7 and the Clerk would approach suggested parties.

It was proposed and seconded that the report from the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 18th June 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolution of Full Council.


Resolved: The report from the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 18th June 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolution of Full Council.

115/07 - Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee - Cllr Ward reported that no meeting had been held.

116/07 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 30th June 2007 - The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.

Vote:UnanimousResolved:That payment of the accounts to 30th June 2007 be approved by Council

400752 / Parish Dog Warden Services / June Account / £215.76
400753 / Mohawk Security Ltd / Rec Ground Gates / £387.75
400754 / ABB Ltd / Street Light Maintenance / £824.87
400755 / Moore Stephens / Audit Fees / £1,333.28
400756 / Lincolnshire Playing Fields Assn / Donation / £50.00
400757/8 / Salaries, Allowances / Handyman & Reimbursement / £701.86

117/07 - Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 30th June 2007- The following items of correspondence and publications received since the previous meeting were presented to the Parish Council for information and noted:

NKDC – Details of Client Services

Best Kept Village Competition – Results of Round 1

LCC – Information re North Kesteven CVS

NKDC – Statement of licensing policy

Community Lincs – Details of village ventures competition

Recreation Ground Committee – Letter of thanks for grant payment.

118/07 Summer recess and date of next meeting - It was proposed and seconded that there would be no Council Meeting in August. Any matters which require action would be considered by a meeting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairmen of Committees, having Executive Powers. Date of the next meeting to be 4th September 2007.


Resolved:That there would be no Council Meeting in August. Any matters which require action would be considered by a meeting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairmen of Committees, having Executive Powers. Date of the next meeting to be 4th September 2007.

119/07 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting. The following items were requested to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of Council; Youth Club, Model Code of Conduct, Adoption of updated standing orders

120/07 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public.{As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960} - It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 121/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Resolved:That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from

the meeting for the consideration of minute no 121/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

121/07 - Correspondence from Langleys re Public Open Spaces -Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted. The Clerk was given instructions on the required response.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Signed______Chairman4th September 2007