As the Preparatory School now enters its fourth year at Casterton I thought you might enjoy reading of the developments at the school and also would be pleased to learn that the school is in rude health and indeed started this academic year with the largest ever pupil numbers. Alongside the strength and development of the Prep School is the success of our Nursery, The Mulberry Bush. The Nursery was launched just over 18 months ago with just 2 pupils and today boasts just shy of 40 of our youngest, from 6 months – 4 Years and has been a wonderful addition to our school.

Again, the summer holiday has been a hive of activity for the Prep School. The first month of July saw the International Summer School being hosted for the first time at the Prep School with over 100 visiting children. Alongside that was the usual site works and capital investments in the state which are now common place during the summer months. This year we have invested heavily in IT infrastructure to allow us to develop our exciting Digital Enhanced Learning Strategy, including Google Classroom and Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLE) lessons, both of which have undergone significant trialling and will this year be fully introduced following the enormous success of their respective trials and, most importantly, the significant impact on pupils’ learning which was identified.

In addition to these developments, we have developed a new Design and Manufacturing Centre. The machinery which has been purchased is state of the art and will see our children designing projects using CAD/ CAM software prior to the designs being printed using 3D Printers and Industrial Laser Cutters. I very much look forward to the completion of our very first Prep School Go-Kart and seeing it being driven around the school grounds.

As ever, our music, sport and drama remain immensely important to us and you would be most welcome to attend any events throughout the academic year.
For now, may I wish you good health and every happiness.
Scot Carnochan

Key Events for Michaelmas Term

Friday 23rd September:15:30 Exeat Concert in Holy Trinity Church

Friday 30th September: 10am – 2pm Macmillan Caner Research Coffee Morning in the School Library

Thursday 20th October:13:30 Mezzo Soprano Vocal Recital in Holy Trinity Church

Friday 21st October: 12:00 Half Term Concert in Holy Trinity Church

Thursday 10th November: 13:30 Lunchtime String Recital with Rhiannon James in Holy Trinity Church

Friday 25th November: 12:00 Exeat Concert in Holy Trinity Church

Thursday 1st December:13:30 Lunchtime Recital by Sedbergh School Pupils in Holy Trinity Church18:45

Informal Advent Carol Service in Holy Trinity Church

Thursday 8th December:09:00 Senior & Junior Chamber Choir sing at Booths, Kirkby Lonsdale

Monday 12th December:18:30 Christmas Concert in the Sports Hall


Bringing hyperfast broadband to our homes and businesses in Casterton.

The committee of Chris Benson, David Boardman, Michael Bryant, Ron Bulman, Chris Dodd, Duncan Hamlett, David Elwood, Marjorie and Richard Murray and Richard Witt, have been working hard to bring B4RN hyperfast broadband to the Parish of Casterton and onwards to Whelprigg.

To build the network and install the service into properties involves four stages:

Stage 1 to bury ducting that forms the core and spurs of the entire network;

Stage 2 to blow fibre optics through the entire ducting that has been laid down;

Stage 3 connecting individual properties to the network;

Stage4 connecting the optic fibres into the router, carried out by technicians employed by b4rn.

Stage 1 is well under way and we have started to blow fibre through the core ducting and a start will be made within the next six weeks to connect individual properties to this network.

The first three stages are all being carried out by village volunteers who are giving freely of their time.

None of this would have been possible without the generosity of most of our landowners and our current investors. We are very grateful for all this support.

If you wish to know more and invest in our community project visit or subscribe to our weekly newsletter at


We are very pleased to welcome a new Councillor; Kevin Talbot who was co-opted to our Council at the September Meeting. There are 5 Parish Councillors and a Clerk, all with different backgrounds who bring a range of skills and life experiences to the Council.

Drains and Culverts

A local contractor is employed by the Parish Council to regularly clear out the drains and culverts in Casterton, to prevent the flooding of the lanes we experienced a few years ago. He is due to start work in Casterton any day now. He is not responsible for the problem of the continuous flooding of Wandales lane – this is the responsibility of CCC Highways. Following ‘Storm Desmond’ many villages and towns experienced very serious flooding and it has been concluded, by CCC, this was due to many drains and culverts NOT being cleared and maintained regularly. CCC Highways are to provide maps for each Parish/Town Council, for them to identify where all the drains and culverts are situated in their parish, so that CCC can provide help in maintaining these drains and culverts and so reduce the risk of further flooding. If you know of a drain or culvert, which is hidden by foliage/ has not been cleaned out for many years, please report this with as much detail as possible to Kevin Price, our clerk: 0771243093

War Memorial

A pre- application request has been made to the War Memorials Trust to enquire if funding may be available towards the cost of a bronze plaque, to be sited next to the memorial, recording the names and details of those men who lost their lives in the two wars, as the inscriptions in the stone are wearing away and becoming illegible.

Community Defibrillator

You may well have seen something similar to this picture of a Community Defibrillator housed in a disused BT kiosk. If you have been to Ingleton you must have seen one of the 10 bright yellow boxes attached to buildings, and there is one attached to the Primary School Building. If you have attended Sedbergh People’s Hall there is a bright yellow box next to the main entrance. Closer to home there is one in the Lunesdale Hall and one on the wall inside Booths.

Why are these Community Defibrillators appearing everywhere?

The British Heart Foundation website (BHF) states there are 30.000 ‘out of hospital’ cardiac arrests each year and Sudden Adult Death website (SAD) informs us there are 12 young people, under the age of 35 who die each week.

This makes Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) one of the UK’s largest killers and can happen to anyone of any age or gender.

What is a cardiac arrest?

A cardiac arrest occurs when the normal electrical activity, which controls the heart, is replaced by a chaotic, disorganised electrical rhythm, which causes the heart to stop beating effectively and the circulation of blood to stop.

The only thing that can return the heart back to its normal rhythm is a high-energy electric shock, this shock needs to be delivered by a defibrillator.

Time is vital to achieve a positive outcome; medical assistance must be given within 4-5 minutes of the event. In rural areas like ours, it can take more than 8mins for a medical team to arrive on the scene, that is why Community Defibrillators play a vital role in helping to save lives

Can lay people use Defibrillators?

YES. Not everyone who collapses is in cardiac arrest; a defibrillator is programmed to recognise when a shock is needed. It will not allow a shock to be given unless the person needs it. There is also free training available locally for everyone – you just need to know ‘how to save a life’

There are no Community Defibrillators accessible to the public in Casterton, Barbon, or the two local Golf Clubs.

The Parish Council are seeking advice on obtaining a Community Defibrillator and also consulting on the possibility of purchasing the BT kiosk opposite the Village Hall, as the telephone is so infrequently used, (there is a tree growing inside) it has been identified by BT as one to be removed. BT are very positive about redundant kiosks being used to house Community Defibrillators especially if the kiosk is near places frequented by the community, for example the Bus stop,the Church, the Village Hall, the Garage and the Pheasant.

If you wish to comment on this initiative, want more information or want to be involved: Contact Kevin Price, Clerk 07712430932


The Hall recently refurbished is ideal for special celebrations or children’s parties. There is seating for up to 60 at tables for a meal or a business meeting. The modern kitchen includes a large range cooker, microwave, fridge commercial dishwasher and all crockery and cutlery. If you wish to hire it,the hourly rates are £7.50 for local and charity events and £10 for commercial ones.

Booking Secretary Enid 015242 71056

The groups regularly using the Hall with contact details are:

Monday Cubs 5.45-7.30pmContact Felicity 07596 256394


Parish Council Meetings 2pm 10th October and 21st November 2016

TuesdayScottish Dancing 7.30-9.30pm Alternate weeks Contact Cindy 015242 71257

WednesdayWI 7.30pm First Wednesday in each month . Topics and details are on notice boards and website each month. Contact Gill 015242 72143

Thursday Dance works ‘Dance for Fun’ 7.30-8.30pmContact Holly 07983000450


You are invited to join the weekly swimming sessions held in Sedbergh/Casterton School swimming pool each Monday 10 -11am in term time.

Dates are: 3rd, 10th, 17th Oct 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Nov. 5th, 12th December

Cost is £5.00 per session and we have an approved lifeguard in attendance.

If you are interested in joining

Please contact Enid 71056 or email enid.hastings @gmail.com.


At the September meeting Gill Sykes drew members’ attention to the upsetting possibility that Casterton WI faces closure if no volunteers for the committee come forward at the Annual Meeting on 2 November. A sad prospect indeed! However, the existing committee, having worked extremely hard over the past years to present a fantastic programme of speakers and events, are ready to retire and would welcome the opportunity to hand over the reins. So do come forward if you think you can help! Since its foundation in 1919 Casterton WI has been providing the opportunity to meet other like-minded women in the village, particularly helpful for newcomers. It would be wonderful if we were able to keep going so that we can celebrate our Centenary in 2019 – only three years away.

Since the last newsletter there have been three meetings. The July meeting began with a presentation from Greg and Sarah Morris from the Hamlin Fistula Charity. Based in Ethiopia, it was founded by Drs. Reginald and Catherine Hamlin in 1975 to fund the hospital in Addis Ababa offering women treatment for severe childbirth injuries, as well as training local women in a variety of nursing skills. Members were much impressed by their work and a generous donation of £120 was made to this very worthwhile charity.

The following month we welcomed Gemma Wren from the National Trust who spoke of the ‘new’ vision of the organisation, where the emphasis is both on the conservation of habitat in the face of continuing expansion of towns, and on encouraging the younger generation to take an interest in the natural world.

The speaker for the September meeting was keen diver and underwater photographer, Gordon Fletcher. His illustrated talk entitled ‘Colours and Creatures of the Northern Seas’ certainly lived up to its name, delighting members with amazing close-up shots of the undersea world.

The WI £10 challenge is now under way, in the form of a Quiz on the theme of ‘Famous Women’. Members have copies for sale at £1 each, and the Garage also has copies. As ever members have been out and about attending various WI events in the area including a visit to Abi and Tom’s Nursery at Halecat. Another visit to Tulchan to view the new season’s collection is planned for 13 October.

The October meeting on the 5th will feature Stephen Watson demonstrating the fascinating Japanese art of ‘Origami’. This meeting will be followed on 2 November by the Annual Meeting and Jacob’s Join Supper when the future of Casterton WI will be in the balance.

We are always glad to see new members and more information can be found on the website: castertonwi.co.uk. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month in Casterton Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.


Casterton has been enhanced as a result of the grants made so far and the trustees would like to encourage residents to come up with ideas for projects with broad community benefit. Residents may wish to approach a trustee in advance of making an application to get an opinion as to whether their idea might be suitable for consideration.

The trustees seek applications for grants from the trust to be considered at their next meeting and application forms (and the categories under which applications can be considered) can be found on the Casterton Community Trust page of the Village website () or can be obtained from the Secretary by phoning 015242 72143. Completed forms should be posted throughthe secure letter box in the Village Hall doorby Monday 17th October 2016.


The highlight in Holy Trinity Church this summer was the wedding of Jonathan Barrow and Danielle Garside. This was a delightful celebration and we wish Jonathan and Danielle a long and happy future together.

The second Open Gardens at Fell Yeat went well. By providing refreshments at the two events, the DCC raised a total of £216 for the church. We are grateful to Annette Benson for allowing us to benefit and to all those who provided cakes or helped in the kitchen.

Future Events

As we move into autumn, we present a wider programme of musical events in church.Our lunchtime recital series resumes and is provisionally as follows:
October 20th – Amy Shaw (Mezzo Soprano)
November 10th – Rhiannon James (Violin) andChristopher Mansfield ('cello)
December 1st – Sedbergh Senior School pupils
These marvellous free recitals are usually on Thursdays at 1.30pm, but please check on noticeboards and in the weekly ‘pew slips’ for exact details. You may wish to contact Anastasia Micklethwaite for full details on

Sing Joyfully!choral sessions run every Tuesday during term time from 7:30 - 9pm in Holy Trinity Church. New members will be made very welcome, regardless of musical or vocal experience. The choir will have its Christmas Concert in Casterton on Tuesday 13th December and will perform in the region also on Tuesday December 6th (venue TBD).

Allegri will be giving a concert on Sunday 13th November at 4.00pm. The programme will be 4 motets by Palestrina, Herbert Howells’ Requiem,4 motets by Peter Philips and Michael Tippett's Five Negro Spirituals from ‘A child of our time’.

There will be an Informal Advent Carol Service with Casterton, Sedbergh Preparatory School on Thursday December 1st at 6.30pm. Sing Joyfully will perform a carol concerton Tuesday December 13th at 8pm.

The following services will be taking place:

9th October 7pm Harvest Festival

23rd October 10.30am Holy Communion

13th November10.50am Remembrance Service

(Convene at the War Memorial for 10.50am start. The service in Church will follow the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial)

27th NovemberNo Service(Rainbow Advent Service in St Mary’s)

11th December6.30pm Book of Common Prayer Evening Service (May be cancelled)

18th December5pmCasterton Carol Service

25th December 10.00am (or 10.30am tbc) Christmas Day Holy Communion

8th January 6.30pmBook of Common Prayer Evening Service

These do not entirely follow the normal pattern.