Royal Navy Association Torrevieja branch 1st August 2018

Minutes of a meeting held at El Paraiso restaurant Urb del Mar

Chairman Paul Edwards

Vice chairman Danny Kay

Membership Sec “

Secretary Margaret Forshaw

Treasurer John Forshaw


Welfare Volunteer Cathie brown

Attendance: 11 Full members, 10 Associate members no visitors

Apologies received from N & C Louden,R Hargrave, J&B Dalton,

P & C Thorley, C & F Stokbaek, G Burden, P & V Cluney, S & D Conway, R Lyon, J Billet, M & L Peters, T & M Jenkins, P Garnham,

E McCallum.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members. Members stood for the Shipmate’s prayer and a period of silence was observed for those who had died since our last meeting.

The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes, if there were any comments or amendments. He asked that they be accepted, This was proposed by Doug McClone and was seconded by Len Brown. There was no matters arising they were accepted unanimously.

Chairman’s Report: Paul had no report as he had been on holiday in Finland, he thanked members for coming out in this heat.

Vice chairman’s report: Danny suggested a moment of reflection to mourn the passing of a dear friend on July 31st 1970 and that tonight we should splice the main brace. (cheers all round)

As most of you are aware our Standard bearer Ian has had to stand down on medical advice, I would like to thank him for all his time and effort and good humour while carrying out his role as Standard bearer, also Carol for her assistance in the smooth running of the role. We do have a volunteer replacement bearer, who at the moment is in the U K, on his return we will get together and sort out his role and get him trained up.

Thanks to Joan and Rick Ward for organising last month’s Menu del Dia at Semana 8, enjoyable meal and good company as usual. This month’s will be at Meson El Prado San Miguel on the 21st. 1300 for 1330 10 Euros pp. The list will close on the 14th List available tonight, does anyone have an idea for a venue for September?

Notes for diary: 15th Sept Battle of Britain service La siesta church 1030. 29th Sept Codex Belex Benidorm.

Please keep me updated any change in personal contact details.

Secretary’s report: Last month I showed a certificate we had received for our recruiting figures, there was also a piece in the navy news a copy is beside the books. In last month’s minutes was an addendum ref a member has volunteered to be our Welfare co-ordinator. As a branch member and R N A rules you have submitted contact details to Membership Secretary. This is for branch use only, but due to E U rules on Data protection I must have this members express permission for his details to be promulgated.

Treasurer’s report: John gave an account of our General and Charity Funds.

P R O: In Rose’s absence Danny gave her apologies Joe was not feeling too well.

Social report: Dick sent his apologies as he was unable to attend due to other commitments, but he did send us a social programme.

The branch Christmas party is provisionally booked for Monday December 10th. Venue Hotel Playas de Torrevieja. This was formerly the Cabo Cervera Hotel this is about 400 metres from the Masa hotel. The hotel has been completely re-furbished and would appear to be an excellent venue for our function. I am still negotiating prices and will have a final figure for our September meeting.

The hotel is now part of the Poiseden group, which operate a large number of hotels in Spain and have a very good reputation. If you wish to reserve a room the e-mail address reservas.torrevieja@hotels poiseidon.com if you have any queries you can e-mail me

The next event is TrafalgarCelebration. I would be grateful if I can have any outstanding payments at the September meeting, when I shall have more details of our future functions

Stand easy was called with tots all round.

Any Other Business: nothing was forthcoming and the meeting was formally closed the next one being here on September 5th.

Secretary’s note Shipmate Doug McClone has given written permission for his details as Welfare Co-ordinator to be promulgated.