A caucus meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place and agenda. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Present

Commissioner Foley Present

Commissioner Dougherty Present

Stuart Platt, Esq., Mark Hermann, P.E., Kate Burns, Mark Cavallo, Jim Stevenson, Martin Blaskey, and Darlene Alfonsi were also present.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 28, 2012 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.

ORDINANCES (for consideration March 27, 2012)

#1289 – Amending Chapter 177 Entitled “Peddling & Soliciting” 2nd Reading/Public Hearing

#1290 - Amending Chapter 111 Entitled “Fees” 2nd Reading/Public Hearing

RESOLUTION (for adoption this evening)

The following resolution was approved with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, all members voting in the affirmative.

#2012-035 - Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Up to $330,816 of Special Emergency


The following resolution was approved with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, all members voting in the affirmative.

#2012-036 - Admission Charges for Crystal Lake Pool for 2012

RESOLUTIONS (for consideration March 27, 2012)

#2012-037 - Bill Resolution

#2012-038 - Authorizing the Tax/Utility Collector to Process Posting Corrections and

Various Other Adjustments and Deductions


·  Raffle License RA#06-2012 PTA Haddon Twp. Edison School, Inc.

·  Raffle License RA#07-2012 PTA Haddon Twp. Edison School, Inc.

·  Raffle License RA#08-2012 Paul VI PTO & Alumni Association

·  Raffle License RA#09-2012 Westmont Ladies Auxiliary

·  Raffle License RA#10-2012 Westmont Ladies Auxiliary

·  Raffle License RA#11-2012 Starting Point Inc. of NJ


Mark Hermann, PE reviewed the Engineer’s Report for March 20, 2012.

Public Works, Water/Sewer Department: Jim Stevenson reported on the work being done on Cuthbert Blvd. There was settlement across from Cuthbert Arms Apartments and public works videotaped the sewer main. A couple of the joints took on settlement. Possibility of removing the concrete and the County would be responsible for restoration and replacing the concrete. This will lessen the burden on the community. Public Works is waiting on several pieces of new equipment to arrive so that they can move forward on multiple projects, such as Road Maintenance and Water Main repairs. Mr. Stevenson received an e-mail from NJ American Water regarding an Agreement Township has with them for lease of water mains in West Collingswood Heights. The Agreement was for 20 years with another 20 year option, which ran out around 40 years ago. The Water Company wants to sit down and discuss this agreement.

Tax Assessor/Revaluation: Martin Blaskey reported that the Tax Assessor’s Office just finished an audit of their tax exempt properties with the disabled veterans. Mr. Blaskey also reported that they are dealing with tax appeals at this time.

Construction Office: Mayor Teague reported that we received letters from the Haddon Township Board of Education to waive permit fees for two projects. The Township has waived fees in the past for the BOE.


·  2012 Municipal Budget and W/S Operating Intro (no tax increase expected) – Mayor Teague commended all the departments for putting a budget together which has no tax increase.

·  2012 Business Improvement District Budget Intro

·  Proclamation to Nelson Remetz on achieving Eagle Scout

·  Proclamation to Taylor Pfettscher for earning the Girl Scout Gold Star Award

·  Proclamation to Karen Israel for earning the Girl Scout Gold Star Award

·  Proclamation to Kaitlyn Brendlinger for earning the Girl Scout Gold Star Award

·  Proclamation to Molly Barbieri for earning the Girl Scout Gold Star Award

·  Resolution – Appropriation Transfers

·  Proclaiming Arbor Day April 27, 2012 – Mayor Teague reported that the Shade Tree Commissioner has set a goal of 200 trees and as a result there is a fundraiser at Treno on Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 10 PM

·  Earth Day April 22, 2012

·  The Green Event April 21, 2012

·  Awarding Contract Extension Under the Camden County Cooperative Purchasing System for the Acquisition of Copy Paper, Computer Paper Envelopes, and Supplies for Six Months through August 31, 2012

·  Cost of Living Adjustment Ordinance 2012

·  Award Contract for Walk Behind Saw

·  Amending the Rent Control Ordinance – The Solicitor’s Office is recommending changes due to recurring issues such as, procedures for addressing tenant complaints, date of annual increase effectuated where there is a delay in reviewing or approving the rent increase request, the landlord’s ability to pass through certain costs to the tenants such as property taxes, and the tenants’ corresponding right to receive a credit or rebate for reduced pass-through costs like property tax reductions due to a tax appeal.

·  Review of Ordinance in Chapter 18 to amend to include municipality – Mayor Teague reported that this ordinance talks about the Board of Education requiring a criminal background check for any new hires and this should also apply to Township Employees.

·  Review of Ordinance 218-5 to insure consistency with Shade Tree Ordinance – Mayor Teague asked Solicitor Platt to review this ordinance for any inconsistencies with the Shade Tree Ordinance

·  Chapter 31 Fire Marshall – Mayor Teague reported that our website identifies a Fire Marshall and our resolution of appointment states he is a Fire Code Official. Mayor Teague would like everything consistent therefore the ordinance should be reviewed. Commissioner Dougherty recommended the website be changed to reflect the title of Fire Code Official.


There being no further agenda business, Commissioner Foley moved to open the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, will all members voting in the affirmative.

John Kendall, 120 Washington Avenue – Mr. Kendall inquired as to the Arbor Day schedule. Mayor Teague responded that the official ceremony starts around 11:00 AM. Mr. Kendall also inquired as to whether there were any new developments with the Westmont Theatre and Fieldstone. Mayor Teague reported that we are waiting on the Feasibility Study for the Westmont Theatre and the Township is waiting to hear about approval of the Final Grant on Fieldstone. Mr. Kendall asked about the damaged signs he reported at the previous meeting. Jim Stevenson reported that the signs have been removed. Mr. Kendall recommended that a different artist could repair the signs and would reach out to the high school.

Ed Loughman, 205 E. Linden Avenue – Mr. Loughman commended public works for their early spring clean up this year.

There being no further comments from the audience, Commissioner Foley made a motion to close the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative.

There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the meeting be adjourned at 7:20 PM with all members voting in the affirmative.



Dawn M. Pennock, Municipal Clerk


Randall W. Teague, Mayor


John C. Foley, Commissioner


Paul Dougherty, Commissioner