Diseases and Disorders Unit Review KEY

Infectious Diseases: caused by small agents, or pathogens, entering the body

Definition / Example / Treatment / Cause/Prevention
Bacteria / Tiny, single-celled organisms, some of which can cause disease. / Tuberculosis
Sinus Infections / Antibiotics / Wash hands regularly, keep cuts and open wounds covered
Virus / Tiny disease-causing particles made up of genetic material and a protein coat. / Colds
AIDS / Medicines to relieve the symptoms, no actual cure / Avoid contact with sick people, wash hands, get enough sleep
Fungi / Organisms that absorb and use the nutrients of living or dead organisms. / Athlete’s foot
Ringworm / OTC medications and/or prescription medications / Good hygiene and keeping clothes dry
Protozoa / Single-celled microscopic organisms that account for diseases that are the leading causes of death throughout some parts of the world / Malaria / See a doctor and receive treatment with prescription medicines / Good hygiene and sanitation
Parasite / Get their energy and nutrients by feeding on other living things / Hookworms
Ticks / Medicine / Don’t share brushes with others, use bug spray

Diabetes: a disorder in which cells are unable to obtain glucose from the blood, which results in high blood-glucose levels.

Definition / Cause / Prevention
Type I / Diabetes resulting from the body’s inability to produce insulin / When the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. / Currently no prevention
Type II / Diabetes resulting from the inability of the body’s cells to respond to insulin / - Poor lifestyle choices
- Poor diet
- No exercise / Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Eat a healthy diet
Avoid tobacco products
Reduce stress levels

Symptoms of diabetes: increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, nausea

What is cancer? A disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth

Malignant tumor: a mass of cells that invades and destroys healthy tissue

Benign tumor: an abnormal, but usually harmless cell mass. Does not typically invade and destroy surrounding tissue.

Metastasis: Process in which cancer cells travel to other parts of the body, creating new tumors.

Prevention and risk factors: don’t smoke, limit exposure to UV radiation, exercise and maintain a healthy weight, eat more fruits and veggies, get regular medical check-ups

What can you do to prevent infectious disease? Protect yourself, drink plenty of water, reduce stress levels, eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly, get regular medical checkups, stay up to date on all vaccines, avoid contact with sick people

What does a diet high in fiber help do? Lower the risk of some cancers

Hereditary Diseases: definition and example

Single-gene: occur when a single gene out of the 30,000 to 40,000 genes in the body has a harmful mutation. Example – Huntington’s disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis

Complex: influenced by more than one gene mutation, lifestyle behaviors can also contribute.
Example – CVD’s, type 2 diabetes, cancer

Chromosomal: occur when a person has the wrong number of chromosomes or an incomplete chromosome. Example – down syndrome

Immune Disorders: a result of the immune system failing to function properly. Examples – asthma & allergies

Autoimmune Disorders: disease in which the immune system attacks the cells of the body that the immune system normally protects. Examples – arthritis, multiple sclerosis

Lifestyle Diseases: diseases caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors. Examples – cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes

Define Cardiovascular Diseases:

Sudden attacks of weakness or paralysis that occur when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. / High Blood Pressure:
Force that blood exerts on the walls of a blood vessel.
*High BP = over 140/90 / Atherosclerosis:
Disease in which fatty materials build up on artery walls, can block blood flow or release clots that cause strokes or heart attacks. / Heart Attack:
The damage and loss of function of an area of the heart muscle, often caused by a blockage of the coronary arteries that carry blood into the heart.

Other terms to define:

Diabetic Coma
A loss of consciousness that happens when there is too much blood sugar and toxic substances in the blood. / Insulin
Hormone produced in the pancreas that causes cells to remove glucose from the blood / Plaques
Physical or mental impairments or deficiencies that interfere with a person’s normal activities. / Gene Therapy
A technique that places a healthy copy of a gene into the cells of a person whose copy of that gene is defective. / Self-Exam
One way to detect tumors in the breasts or testicles