PRESENT: Chris Sillett (Group Scout Leader) Eric Silvester (Chairman) Deanne Ambrose (Treasurer) Carole Whorwood (Secretary) Peter Scofield (District Commissioner) Executive Committee Members, Leaders, Parents and Children.

APOLOGIES: Martin Richardson, Lynn Peckham-Hunt, Gareth Sear, Alison Richardson, Alex Fitzpatrick

1.  Minutes of Last AGM

No matters arising. Accepted and Proposed by Graham Wymark and Deanne Ambrose.

2.  Chairman’s Report (Eric Silvester)

Eric thanked all the Exec Committee and the new members who have joined over the last 12 months. We still need additional members on the Committee so if anyone can spare a few hours and would like to get involved we are happy to speak to you after the meeting. He also thanked the leaders for all their hard work and dedication over the last year. We now have a new minibus and Eric thanked Martin Richardson for all his efforts in securing this. It has been a difficult year financially as we have lost funds as the playgroup are no longer renting the hut and have had problems with the hut extension with suppliers and construction. The hut extension is now up and secure from a structural point of view. Thanks to Graham Penn for project managing this. Even though we have had an increase in subs we still need to fundraise and need the support of parents and also help with hiring the hall. Graham Penn has stepped down from his role as Group Scout Leader and we are lucky to have Chris Sillett as his replacement.

3.  Group Scout Leader’s Report (Chris Sillett)

See attached Report

4.  Section Reports

See attached Reports for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers

5.  Presentations

Beaver of the Year was awarded to Thomas Wood.

Cub of the Year was awarded to Rhian Hooker.

Scout of the Year was awarded to Karla Smith.

Callum McCartney was given the award for the most improved Scout.

6.  District Commissioner’s Report (Peter Scofield)

Thank you to everyone for all their hard work and it is wonderful to be celebrating the 95th anniversary of 1st Roffey. Well done to all of those who have been presented with awards at District. I would like to present the following awards to Dave White for 25 years service and Trevor Walker for 30 years service to Scouting.

The Explorer unit is going from strength to strength with Trevor, Gareth and Martin as leaders. Alfie Barnes has received his night’s away permit.

I would like to thank 1st Roffey for all their help with the formation of the new Scout District as a single District. We have had to close two scout groups due to lack of leadership. 1st Roffey have taken some of the young people from these groups. Thanks to Chris Sillett and Graham Penn for their continued support and John and Alex Fitzpatrick for their help at District level with Young Leaders and Beavers.

We need the help of our parents more than ever with fundraising and particularly those who have technical skills and experience.

Over the next few years we will see an increase in young people wanting to join scout groups due to the new housing developments and people moving into the area. We have already seen an increase in 14 to 18 year olds wanting to join Explorers. There will be real pressure to deliver scouting to more people and District now has 1800 people involved in scouting. We need to be ready for the future and our Young Leaders play an important role in this.

Thank you to everyone at 1st Roffey for all their continued commitment to scouting.

7.  Treasurer’s Report (Deanne Ambrose)

Report and Accounts attached to Minutes.

8.  Appointment of Group Chairman

Eric has agreed to continue as Chairman of the Group and there were no other nominations.

9.  Election of Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary

Deanne agreed to stay on as Treasurer. Proposed by Graham Penn and seconded by Chris Sillett. Carole Whorwood is standing down as Secretary of the group and Cathy Lucy has agreed to take on the role in the interim period. Her appointment was proposed by Deanne Ambrose and seconded by Dave White.

10.  Election of other Members of Group Executive

All other existing members agreed to stand again and this was proposed by Deanne Ambrose and seconded by John Lucy.

11.  Election of Group Representative to District

Graham Maskell agreed to take on this role. Proposed by Deanne Ambrose and seconded by John Lucy.

12.  Any other Business

Chris Sillett thanked Carole Whorwood for all her hard work and support as Secretary of the group for the past 7 years and made a presentation. She has agreed to stay on as a member of the Exec. Chris also thanked Becky Cumbers for making the 95th Birthday Cake.

Eric thanked everyone for attending the AGM.

Meeting Closed.