Fact Sheet: Latex Allergy
What is latex and latex allergy
Latex is rubber that has been manufactured from the sap of the rubber tree. It is used in many common items. Rubber looking products can be made from either natural rubber latex or synthetic materials such as synthetic rubber. As natural rubber latex products cannot be identified visually, it is important to check the label.
A latex allergy is an allergy to products made from natural rubber latex. In particular it is the proteins originating from the rubber tree and still present in the products, which cause the allergy.
As products made from natural rubber latex also usually contain many other chemicals, people not allergic to the natural latex itself, may find that they are allergic to the chemicals found in these products.
How can this affect people with spina bifida?
It is well known that many people with spina bifida have an allergy to latex. Some studies indicate that as many as 40% of children with spina bifida are affected. Researchers suggest that latex allergy is due to intense and frequent exposure to latex products such as gloves used in multiple surgeries, diagnostic tests, examinations and bladder and bowel programs early in the child’s life.
What symptoms will I notice?
Latex allergy quite often presents first as a rash, but may also show itself as a hay fever type reaction such as itchy eyes, swollen eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Some people may also develop asthma symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.
Evidence shows that the more a person is exposed to latex, the greater the allergic reaction may become. An allergy to latex may also develop in a person who was previously not allergic. The best thing to do is to minimise exposure the person has to latex.
Although it is uncommon, some people who are allergic to latex can suffer a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylactic shock. This occurs within minutes of exposure and may be fatal if not promptly treated by an adrenalin injection. Anaphylactic shock is characterised by generalised hives, breathing difficulties and low blood pressure. It is most likely to occur during direct tissue contact with natural rubber latex products.
The best way to know if you have a latex allergy is to be tested by a specialist. This is done by a skin prick test and is a safe way to identify potentially allergic people.
Is there any treatment?
No, currently medications are only available to temporarily alleviate symptoms, but will not cure. The best ‘treatment’ therefore, is to avoid exposure to latex.
Easy precautions to remember!
·  Avoid contact with natural rubber latex products. Substitutes are available for most commonly used items.
·  Let your doctor, surgeon or dentist know about your allergy before your appointment. If you can be scheduled first this will again minimise the risk of exposure to airborne particles.
·  Check your place of work or school. Let them know so they can replace equipment and products used with non-latex substitutes.
·  Consult your doctor about medicine you can take to reduce the allergy symptoms.
·  Be aware that some people who are allergic to latex also show allergies to certain foods, especially bananas and avocados.
Remember: Medical Alert bracelets are available if required.

Source: the Spina Bifida Association of Queensland