The minutes of IDPF and IEC TC100 meeting

In attendance:

Mr. Bill McCoy, Secretary of EPUB 2.1 revision WG, Board member of IDPF, WebPaper

Mr. Brady Duga, Chair of EPUB 2.1 revision WG, eBook Technologies

Dr. Makoto Murata, Coordinator of IDPF EGLS sub-WG, Japan Electronic Publishing Association

Dr. Shuji Hirakawa, Secretary of IEC TC100, Toshiba Corporation

Dr. Yushi Komachi, Chairman of IEC TC 100/Advisory Group on Strategy, Osaka Institute of Technology

Mr. Tadashi Ezaki, Assistant secretary of IEC TC 100, Sony Corporation

Dr. Yashio Uemura, Technical Area Manager of IEC TC 100/TA 10, Tokyo Denki University

Dr. Mikio Mukai, Technical Secretary of IEC TC 100/TA 10, Sony Corporation

Ms. Karen Broome, IDPF EPUB 2.1 revision WG member, Sony Electronics

Mr. Takeshi Kanai, IDPF EPUB 2.1 revision WG member, IEC 62448 expert, Sony Electronics

The meeting took place on Monday, August 2, 2010, 10:00 to 12:00 at MIC in Tokyo, Japan.

1. Opening:

Mr. McCoy introduced that the purpose of this meeting is introduction of IDPF and to know TC 100 activities. Self introduction was made by each attendant.

2. Introduction of IDPF

Mr. McCoy made a presentation introducing overview of IDPF and history and recent activities regarding EPUB standard.

-  The former name of the organization “the Open e-Book Forum” was changed to IDPF for international and expanding activities

-  EPUB is an open standard accepted widely in the world

-  EPUB is composed of three components, OCF, OPF and OPS

-  From 2007, EPUB has been adopted by Adobe, Sony and recently by Apple, iPad.

-  One of feature of EPUB is Dynamic pagination and acceptance of rich content

-  EPUB 2.01 was released and is stable

-  EPUB 2.1 or 3.0 will be developed within a year. 2010-08 requirements, 2010-12 Working Draft, 2011-05 Approval in IDPF members

-  Aiming for ISO level standard for adoption worldwide

3.Introduction of IEC TC 100 and TC 100/TA 10

Dr. Hirakawa made a presentation introducing IEC TC 100 activities.

-  TC 100 title is “Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment”

-  Product specific standardization for audiovisual and multimedia products

-  History of TC 100

-  Fast Standardization Procedure for speedy standardization focusing on consortia and fora specifications

Dr. Mukai made a presentation introducing IEC TC 100/TA 10 activities.

-  TC 100 TA structure

-  TC 100/TA 10 title is “Multimedia e-publishing and e-book”

-  TC 100/TA 10 has been developing five International Standards

-  BBeB and XMDF are standardized as IEC 62448, e-book and e-publishing generic format

4. Q&A and discussions

Q: What is the difference between IEC 62448, generic format and IEC 62524, reader format?

A: Generic format is a common transferable format and Reader format is a product specific format

Q: When is the TA 10 meeting held?

A: TA 10 meeting will be held in 2010-10 in Seattle, USA

Q: How can IDPF members review IEC 62448

A: IEC 62448 is published by IEC openly. Everybody can buy the standard.

Q: How IEC 62448 is adopted by industry? Who uses the standard? Written in English?

A: BBeB was adopted in Sony products and XMDF is adopted by Sharp company products.

IEC 62448 is provided in English.

Q: What is the IPR policy of IEC?

A: ISO, IEC and ITU have the common IPR policy. RAND or Free.

Q: Can EPUB be a part of IEC 62448?

A: Yes. It will be possible to amend EPUB as annex C of IEC 62448 and it will be also possible to publish as another IEC standard.

Q: What is the possible way to proceed with TC 100

A: It is the best way to establish a category D liaison ship. It will take only two months to have approval of SMB (Standardization Management Board of IEC).

Q: What is the meaning of open standard?

A: Free of charge is the basic idea. Microsoft has essential patents but provides them free of charge. DRM is an issue and IDPF had much discussion. However, IDPF does not specify DRM because of the licensing issues.

Q: What is the agenda of Sapporo meeting?

A: The agenda can be seen on IDPF wiki web site. Requirements will be finalized, vertical writing, CSS, Gaiji, etc.

All the documents and requirements can be found on IDPF wiki web site.

Q: EPUB 2.01, 2.1 and 3.0, what is the different?

A: EPUB 2.0 was published in 2007 and 2.01 is a slight revised version. EPUB 2.01 is stable.

We are going to discuss for 2.1 but it may be called 3.0

Q: TC 100 meeting will be held in Seattle. IDPF may provide a presentation to introduce IDPF and EPUB issues and would like further discussion.

A: TC 100 welcomes IDPF. AGS, AGM or TC 100 plenary are available.

A: IDPF will consider attendance to TC 100 meeting within IDPF.

5. Closure of the meeting

Dr. Hirakawa, as TC 100, thanked IDPF members and Dr. Murata for the opportunity to introduce each other. Dr. Hirakawa mentioned that TC 100 would like to meet IDPF members in Seattle and to have further discussions.