General information :

Company Name: ______

Address: ______

: ______

: ______

Contact Person: ______

Title: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail: ______

The following questionnaire will be treated as a confidential document, to be used by
us solely to assess the complexity of your existing CA-DATACOM environment. Please define your environment as accurately as possible.


If you have any questions, please call us at +33 (0)4 72 85 01 67 prior to sending us the questionnaire by email () of fax : +33 (0)4 72 85 01 82

The Conversion Team

Current environment:

Current Mainframe type/model: ______Current operating system (rel./vrs.):______

CA-DATACOM Release/Version: ______License Expires on : ______

Number of CA-DATACOM tables: ______Average number of keys per table: ______

Element defined per table field:( ) Yes ( ) No

Redef used in keys:( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, table split accepted: ( ) Yes ( ) No

Group redefines of other group:( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, 1 or more of following solutions accepted: Table split: ( ) Yes ( ) No
All fields kept as DB2-column: ( ) Yes ( ) No
None of the above: ( ) Yes ( ) No

Batch URT Definitions: ( ) Per program ( ) Per application

Number of VSAM files accessed: ______

Please quote below the approximate number of :

Application programs in CA-IDEAL: ( ) Yes ( ) No

with “FOR” constructs: ______using embedded SQL: ______

Number of Batch Pgms: ______CICS Pgms: ______

Number of Panels: ______Reports: ______

Approx. total Lines Of Code (LOC): ______(LOC-definition provided separately)

Are your Ideal programs SQL-like (use of underscores, no group fields, no redefines, …)( ) Yes ( ) No

Is ‘TRANSMIT’-statement used within FOR …. ENDFOR construct: ( ) Yes ( ) No

Application programs in COBOL: ( ) Yes ( ) No

with Native Datacom command(s): ______using FOR constructs (MetaCobol): ______

Number of Batch Pgms: ______CICS Pgms: ______

Average number of DBNTRY-calls per program : ____

Application programs in PL/1:( ) Yes ( ) No

with Native Datacom command(s): ______

Number of Batch Pgms: ______CICS Pgms: ______

Average number of DBNTRY-calls per program : ____

Are following native datacom commands used ?
ABEND( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
NOOPS( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
RELES( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
RELFL( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
TESTx( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
CLOSE( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
OPEN( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
GETPS( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
GSETP( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
INQIN( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
LOCKI( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
LOGDR( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
LOGDW( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
LOGIT( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
LOGLB( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
REDID( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
RDUID( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELCN( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELFR( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELNR( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELPR( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELSM( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly
SELST( ) not used( ) occasionaly( ) regularly

Is CA-DATACOM accessed via other languages (DataQuery, Assembler, Other) :______

CXX-report (type A) enclosed ? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Is DB2 installed at your site ? ( ) Yes ( ) NoIf yes, release : ______

If no, when ? ______

Number of JCL: ______Included procedures used ? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Target environment:

Please describe the environment of the migrated database / application.

On current Mainframe ?( ) Yes ( ) No If not, when new model available ? ______

Operating system : ( ) OS/390 ( ) VM/VSE

DBMS:( ) DB/2 ( ) Other : ______

Database Migration:( ) Big Bang ( ) Phased Implementation

Desired application migration (multiple selections are possible) :

( )From Ideal / Datacom To Ideal / DB2 (still using FOR-constructs)

( ) From Ideal / Datacom To Ideal / DB2 (using embedded SQL)

( ) From Ideal / Datacom To Cobol / SQL / DB2

( ) From Cobol (or PL1) / Native Datacom To Cobol (or PL1) / SQL / DB2

( ) Use of Datacom Transparency for Cobol (or PL1) / Native Datacom to access DB2

( ) Web enable (part of)the applications using VA/Java and DB2

Proposed project start date: ______

Is Project already funded ? ( ) Yes ( ) NoIf not, when decision to be expected ? ______


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