July 25, 2016

The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, July 25, 2016 in the Helena Municipal Building at 6:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.

Council President Cris Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.

Phil Chambers with Christ Community Church led prayer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mike Jones.

Roll Call


Members: Mayor Hall, Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman


Visitors: John Wilder, Dan Dearing, Pete Folmar, Bill Miller and others (list attached)

Council President Cris Nelson declared a quorum present and meeting was open for business.

5. Minutes Approved/Corrected from Prior Meeting(s)

Leslie Bartlett made a motion to approve the Pre-Council minutes and Regular Meeting Minutes from July 11, 2016 with a second by Mike Jones .

AYE: Cris Nelson, Mike Jones, and Leslie Bartlett

NAY: None

ABSTAIN: Leigh Hulsey, and Harold Woodman

Motion carried.

6. Bills

Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve the bills with a second by Harold Woodman.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

7. Report from Mayor Hall

Mayor Hall advised the following: Fire Department took delivery of the refurbished fire truck this past week and it will be in service soon; Paving projects starting in front of HES and 2nd Street on Monday.

8. Ordinance #839-16 Mobile Food Units

Harold Woodman advised this ordinance was brought up to protect the citizens regarding inspections. This is the second reading of Ordinance 839-16.

Harold Woodman made a motion to approve Ordinance 839-16 Mobile Food Units with a second by Leigh. Hulsey.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.



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9. Resolution 07252016- Resolution for Each Officer Elected Without Opposition

Mark R. Hall- Mayor

Leigh Hulsey- Council Member Place No. 1

Mike Jones- Council Member Place No. 2

Harold "Hewy" Woodman-Council Member Place No. 5

Leslie Bartlett made a motion to approved Resolution 07252016 approving each officer elected without opposition as stated above with a second by Harold Woodman.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

10. Resolution 07252016a- Purchase of AED Units for Helena High School

Mayor Hall advised will be in the public areas of the school and a total of 4706.00 5 total units will come from 1 cent funds dedicated for the schools.

Mike Jones made a motion to approved Resolution 07252016a approving the purchase of AED Units for Helena High School with a second by Leigh Hulsey.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

11. Resolution 07252016b-Purchase of Protective Vests for Emergency Response Team.

Chief Folmar advised that the emergency response team needs the hard body armor vest and the purchase for six will be $2940.00 and will last up to five years.

Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approved Resolution 07252016b approving the purchase of Protective Vests for Emergency Response Team with a second by Mike Jones.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

12. Fay Hutto Black- Donation of a Painting

Ms. Hutto was present and presented the donation of painting.

13. Recognition- Spencer Collins Eagle Scout

Spencer Collins was unable to attend meeting.

14. Recognition- Helena Police Explorers National Competition Results

Helena Police Explorers were all recognized and two explorers Spencer Hollon and Drew Marling came in 3rd for the Country for two man pistol team.

15. Buck Creek Festival- 2016 festival reporting

Cris Nelson advised the Buck Creek Festival brought in $26,420 total this year. The following donations were made: Helena Belles $300.00; Christ Community Church $400.00; Helena Lions Club $700.00; Helena Fire Explorers $500.00; Helena Police Explorers $500.00 and $700.00 for use of shuttle bus; Helena Library $500.00; Helena High School, Helena Intermediate School, Helena Middle School and Helena Elementary School each $1,000.00; Helena Kiwanis Club raised over $4000.00; and Helena Band Boosters raised $12,495 for selling ducks.



July 25, 2016

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16. Council Comments

Harold Woodman: Congrats to all Buck Creek Festival and all participating.

Leslie Bartlett: Thank you Ms. Black for donation of painting and Buck Creek Festival Committee.

Mike Jones: Thank you to all; and Thanked Ms. Black for her donation.

Leigh Hulsey: Thank you to all; Thanks to Helena Police Explorers and how they represented the City; Thank you to Christ Community Church for helping with Buck Creek Festival.

Cris Nelson: Thank you to Ms. Black and Explorer Post.

Mayor Hall : Advised that Helena Police/Fire Departments and Explorer Post will have a National Night Out on August 2, 2016.

17. Adjourn

There being no further business Harold Woodman made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:38 P.M with a second by Leslie Bartlett .


Amanda C. Traywick Cris Nelson

City Clerk Council President