LUKE 9:23-26

INTRO: When I say COMMITMENT what comes to your mind? Someone has

noted “There's a difference between interest and commitment. When

you are interested in doing something, you do it only when

circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you

accept no excuses, only results.” - Art Turock, Getting Physical

(Doubleday) Friend, here’s the question I want you to consider this

morning: Am I committed to the Lord and His work or Am I just

interested in it? Sad to say, but many today are only interested

Christians not committed Christians. Why? Commitment carries a

price! But many are unwilling to pay that price. Commitment is

viewed negatively because it limits our ability to feel independent and

free, to experience new things, to change our minds on the spur of the

moment and to focus on self-gratification rather than helping others.

People willingly make commitments only when the expected outcome

exceeds what they must sacrifice as a result of that commitment. –

George Barna, The Frog in the Kettle, (Ventura, CA: Regal Books,

1990), 35.

The Lord said in Luke 9:23—“Ifanymanwillcomeafterme,lethim

denyhimself,andtake uphiscrossdaily,andfollowme.” Those are

some hard words for us to swallow! John MacArthur in his book Hard

To Believe wrote: “Luke 9 cuts to the core of the question of what

Christianity is all about” (John MacArthur. Hard To Believe. p. 6).

Jesus made a call for full commitment. Jesus never spoke more

important words than these! Why? Because commitment is what

Christianity is all about! Today, Christianity seems to be less a matter

of commitment and more a matter of convenience. The question

seems to be: “What do I desire?” not “What does the Lord desire of

me?” Listen friends, There is no such thing as partial commitment.

When the pilot of a giant airliner is speeding down the runway, there is

a certain point where he cannot decide to remain on the ground. When

he crosses that line, he is committed to the air, or the plane crashes

disastrously. That pilot cannot change his mind when the plane is two-

thirds of the way down the runway. Unfortunately, our churches are

filled with members who "have never left the ground." They have been

sitting there for years and years gunning their engines. I love what Zig

Ziglar wrote: I often hear the phrase "Sunday Christians," but the more

I think about it, the more I am convinced these people do not exist. It

is true that there are some who go to church on Sunday, dutifully

carrying their Bibles, paying their stipend to the church, adjusting

their halos, and rubbing souls with the saints while planning to go

back to the business community on Monday and prove how adept they

are at manipulating people for their own personal gains. But I repeat,

there is no such thing as a "Sunday Christian." There are people who

go to church on Sunday who say they are Christians, but when Christ

takes over a life it a total takeover, not just for one day of a week or

even for two or three. This is not say that Christians will live perfect

sinless lives because they will not. But it does mean that when a

Christian knowingly sins, God puts a burden on him/her that he

Simply cannot bear until he/she confesses and makes it right.

I want to speak on the subject this morning, “A Life of Total

Commitment.” Please note with me…


LUKE 9:23—“Ifanymanwillcomeafterme,lethimdenyhimself,

andtake uphiscrossdaily,andfollowme.”

  1. THE DECLARATION OF THE LORD. Jesus said, “Ifanymanwillcomeafterme…”. The Lord makes it clear what His requirement to be His disciple is. Discipleship is not something we choose to add once we are saved. Neither are these words for those who feel compelled to give a little extra in the Christian life. Jesus’ declaration is to all! Adam Clarke wrote: The principles of the Christian life are: First. To have a sincere desire to belong to Christ - If any man be Willing to be my disciple, etc. Secondly. To renounce self-dependence, and selfish pursuits - Let him deny Himself. Thirdly. To embrace the condition which God has appointed, and bear the troubles and difficulties he may meet with in walking the Christian road - Let him take up His Cross. Fourthly. To imitate Jesus, and do and suffer all in his spirit - Let him Follow Me.(Adam Clarke’s Commentary On The Bible).

B. THE DEMANDS OF THIS LIFE. The Lord gives 3 demands or

requirements of a life of total commitment:

  1. Total Commitment Demands The Denial of Self. Jesus said, “Ifanymanwillcomeafterme,lethimdenyhimself…”. We must refuse to depend upon ourselves. This is true in salvation and in living the victorious Christian life. Self must be denied before we can ever trust in Jesus alone to save us or lean upon Him for wisdom and strength to live the Christian life. A man’s self is to him the prime cause of most of his miseries (Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible). Denying self also requires that we give up control. We must give the Lord control of our lives.

ILLUS: In The Trivialization of God, Donald McCullough quotes

Freeman Patterson, noted Canadian photographer,

describing barriers that prevented him from seeing the best

photo possibilities: Letting go of the self is an essential

precondition to real seeing. When you let go of yourself, you

abandon any preconceptions about the subject matter

which might cramp you into photographing in a certain,

predetermined way…When you let go, new conceptions

arise from your direct experience of the subject matter, and

new ideas and feelings will guide you as you make pictures.

In the spiritual life, just as in photography, being

preoccupied with self is the greatest barrier to seeing. But

when we get past it, we catch glimpses of extraordinary

beauty. -- Merle Mees in Fresh Illustrations for Preaching &

Teaching (Baker), from the editors of Leadership.

The greatest barrier that many of us face in discipleship is in giving up control of our lives to the Lord. One-half of our problems come from wanting our own way. The other half come from getting it!

  1. Total Commitment Demands Bearing One’s Cross. The second demand of a life of total commitment is: bearing one’s cross. Listen to Jesus’ words, “Ifanymanwillcomeafterme,lethimdenyhimself, andtake uphiscrossdaily…”. Please note that every person has “his cross.” We don’t bear Christ’s cross but our own cross. Albert Barnes in his notes wrote: “When persons were condemned to be crucified, a part of the sentence was that they should carry the cross on which they were to die to the place of execution… To carry it was burdensome, was disgraceful, was trying to the feelings, was an addition to the punishment. So “to carry the cross” is a figurative expression, denoting that we must endure whatever is burdensome, or is trying, or is considered disgraceful, in following Christ. It consists simply in doing our duty, let the people of the world think of it or speak of it as they may. It does not consist in making trouble for ourselves, or doing things merely “to be opposed;” it is doing just what is required of us in the Scriptures, let it produce whatever shame, disgrace, or pain it may. This every follower of Jesus is required to do.” (Albert Barnes’ Notes On The Bible). To be a follower of the Lord we must be prepared to receive from this world the same kind of treatment Jesus did. Jesus said in John 15:18-21—“Iftheworldhateyou,yeknowthatithatedmebeforeithatedyou. Ifyewereoftheworld,theworldwouldlovehis own:butbecauseyearenotoftheworld,butIhavechosenyouout oftheworld,thereforetheworldhatethyou. RememberthewordthatIsaiduntoyou,Theservantisnotgreaterthanhislord.Iftheyhavepersecutedme,theywillalsopersecuteyou;iftheyhavekeptmysaying,theywillkeepyoursalso. Butallthese thingswilltheydountoyoufor my name's sake,becausetheyknownothim that sentme.” This world has not changed its opinion about Jesus and still rejects those who follow Him. For a person to “take uphiscrossdaily,” comes with it the realization that it not only is a once for all thing but also a daily thing. It is never completed. That is why Jesus said, “Ifanymanwillcomeafterme,lethimdenyhimself, andtake uphiscrossdaily…”. We must not isolate any part of our life and reserve it for ourselves, nor should we limit our obedience!

ILLUS: At the very heart of the Christian gospel is a cross—the

symbol of suffering and sacrifice, of hurt and pain and

humiliation and rejection. I want no part of the Christian

message which does not call me to involvement, requires of

me no sacrifice, takes from me no comfort, requires of me

less than I have to give. The duty of a Christian is to be

faithful, not popular or successful” (Donald Wildmon in

NFDJournal. Christianity Today, Vol. 31, no. 10).

3. Total Commitment Demands Sustained Fellowship. The final

demand of a life of total commitment is FOLLOWING JESUS. The

Lord said, “Ifanymanwillcomeafterme, lethim… followme.”

These words of implication and of necessity demand that we have

sustained fellowship with the Lord. Wherever He leads, we go. His

way is our way. His way of life is our way of life. His values are our

values. His activities become our activities. Being His disciples

requires that we make a complete follow through. You will have to

pay the price to be God's man, woman, boy, or girl in a pagan world.

If you're not the paying the price then you're not really serving

Christ. – Unknown. We hear much about revival these days, but the

heart of revival is the Lordship of Christ. A mere emotional

upheaval, a spurt of religious excitement, is not revival. When

Christians become convicted of rebellion against the rule of Christ in

their lives, confess their sins, renounce self, take the cross and let

Jesus have the first and last word in everything, that is revival, by

whatever name you call it.



LUKE 9:24-26—“Forwhosoeverwillsavehislifeshallloseit:but

whosoeverwilllosehislifefor my sake,the sameshallsaveit. Forwhatisamanadvantaged,ifhegainthewholeworld,andlosehimself,orbecast away? Forwhosoevershallbeashamedofmeandofmywords,ofhimshalltheSonofmanbeashamed,whenheshallcomeinhis ownglory,andinhisFather's,andoftheholyangels.”


MEANINGFUL LIFE. Jesus said in v24—“ Forwhosoeverwillsavehis

lifeshallloseit:butwhosoeverwilllosehislifefor my sake,the same

shallsaveit.” These words of Jesus show us that His command to

“followme”is reasonable. The opposite of denying self is seeking to

save self. We were created by God and for God. Ephesians 2:8-10

tells us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of

yourselves: itis the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,

which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” We are to

live a life of obedience to Him and for HIS GLORY! We must never be

satisfied with a saved soul and a wasted life. If we live merely for self we

will never find a full and meaningful life! The Lord emphasizes this

truth in v25—“Forwhatisamanadvantaged,ifhegainthewhole

world,andlosehimself,orbecast away?” The things of this world will

never bring about a meaningful life. The essence of the worldly man is,

as someone has said, that "he knows the price of everything and the

value of nothing." The world's motive is profit; the Christian's dynamic

is the desire to serve. Only when we have a right relationship with God

can life being meaningful. But for us to have a right relationship with

Him there MUST be a TOTAL COMMITMENT to His will. Friend, Have

you failed to really be involved in Christ and his work? Is there some

comfort, some ease, some habit that you're afraid to give up? Unless

you give it up, you won't amount to much for Christ. You won't ever be

a bonafide missionary. You won't be out there where the going is rough

and where the test of discipleship is demanded. You'll never be there.

ILLUS: Satan does not care how much you theorize about Christianity

or how much you profess to know Christ. What he opposes

vigorously is the way you live Christ -- the way you become an

instrument of mercy, compassion, and love through which He

manifests Himself to the world. If Satan can take the heart,

motive, and mercy out of Christianity, he has killed its

effectiveness. If he can succeed in getting us to talk a good

case of religion but to live a poor one, he has shorn us of our

power. - Billy Graham, _The Secret Of Happiness_, pp. 103-04.


We can declare our loyalty to the Lord and profess we know Him but

Jesus declares that only through total commitment to Him are we

acceptable in our labors. Living in a world which is so anti-God, anti-

Bible, and that nailed Jesus to the Cross can be very intimidating and

may cause us to shy away from our responsibilities of proclaiming

Jesus. We must never be ashamed of Christ and his gospel. Listen to

Jesus’ words in v26—“Forwhosoevershallbeashamedofmeandofmy


his ownglory,andinhisFather's,andoftheholyangels.” This world

will question and contradict the teachings of Jesus but let us never be

ashamed to proclaim HIS WORD! H. A. Ironside quoted a poem by an

unknown author in his commentary on John:

Jesus, and shall it ever be,

A mortal man ashamed of Thee?

Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise,

Where glories shine thro' endless days?

Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far

Let evening blush to own a star;

He sheds the beams of light divine

O'er this benighted soul of mine.

Ashamed of Jesus! Yes, I may,

When I've no guilt to wash away,

No tears to wipe, no good to crave,

No fear to quell, no soul to save.

Till then, nor is my boasting vain,

Till then I boast a Saviour slain;

And oh, may this my glory be,

That Christ is not ashamed of me.

- Unknown

- Quoted by H. A. Ironside,

- GOSPEL OF JOHN, p. 529.

We must live a life of total commitment to Him! We must be more

concerned about the Lord’s opinion of us rather than the world’s

opinion of us! Why? Because 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 tells us,

“Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be

accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of

Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according

to that he hath done, whether itbe good or bad.” Friends, our Church

MUST be totally committed to HIM!

ILLUS: Remember the story of the Little Red Hen? Here is a church

equivalent! Once upon a time there was a church. One day the

Lord found a lost and dying world, enslaved in sin and destined

for hell. "Who will share the gospel with those who know not

the way of life eternal?" said He.

"Not I," said the elder.

"Not I," said the deacon.

"Not I," said the Sunday School worker.

"Not I," said the choir member.

"Not I," said the member.

"Very well, then," said the Lord. "I will find someone else." And

He did! After some time the gospel seed sprouted and grew.

"Who will teach these young in faith the way of righteousness

and truth?" asked the Lord.

"Not I," said the elder. "I have other things to do."

"Not I," said the deacon. "That is not my job."

"Not I," said the choir member. "I do not like the deacon."

"Not I," said the member. "Let the Sunday school worker do it."

"Very well, then," said the Lord. "I will find someone else to

teach my Word." And He did!

"Now," said the Lord, "the church has children and teenagers.

Who will shepherd and direct them in My ways?"

"Not I," said the elder. "That is not my job."

"Not I," said the deacon. "I do not like the choir member."

"Not I," said the Sunday school worker. "I have other things to


"Very well, then," said the Lord. "I will find another." And He


Again the Lord said, "The meeting house needs some work.

Who will help clean it, mend its roof, paint its walls so that it

may bring honor to my name and joy to those who gather


"Not I," said the deacon. "I have other things to do."

"Not I," said the Sunday School worker. "That is not my job."

"Not I," said the member. "Let the deacon do it."

"Very well," said the Lord. "I will find someone else." And He


Later the Lord said, "Some of my children are in need. Who will

share what is theirs so that others may have?"

"Not I," said the elder. "Let the deacon do it."

"Not I," said the deacon. "Let the Sunday school worker do it."

"Not I," said the Sunday school worker. "Let the choir member

do it."

"Not I," said the choir member. "Let the member do it."

"Not I," said the member. "Let the elder do it."

"Very well, then," said the Lord. "I will find someone else." And

He did!

Eventually, after the gospel was preached, the weak taught, the

young guided, the meeting house repaired, and those in need

helped, the Lord said, "Who will share in the joys of Christian

service? Who will come taste the blessings of faithfulness? Who

will know the fruit of spiritual growth?"

"I will!" said the elder.

"I will!" said the deacon.

"I will!" said the Sunday school worker.

"I will!" said the choir member.

"I will!" said the member.

"No, you will not," replied the Lord. "My rewards will go to those

who do My will, not their own."

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:9—“Wherefore we labor, that… we may be

accepted of him.” The word accepted is translated from a Greek word

which means “well-pleasing”. The Christian’s desire should be to live a

life well-pleasing to the Lord. This requires a total commitment. Barnes