Present: Duncan Struthers, Mike Gettleson, David Routledge Amir Ahmed, Naseem Bint Amir, Ijaz Khan, Daniel Otieno-Ndale, Fiona Gibbs, Alison Fothergill

Apologies: Anil Mitra, Farhad Karim, Piara Kalsi

Venue: Civic Centre

Matters Arising from last Meeting


They are not currently members of the national Inter Faith Network, but this may change in the future. Exec agreed to follow IFN’s lead.


Duncan and Mike took more pictures for the website, which have been uploaded. Alison to identify the remaining missing ones.

Cowley Hindu Temple

After further discussion, Exec agreed to keep the temple’s information on the database.

Week of Peace Walk

The Peace Alliance still have not met to determine who will be allocated an award from those who applied for one. Concern was raised about the management of the organisation.

Meeting with Nick Hurd

Members of Exec met Nick Hurd MP. Preparing a letter and pictures for the Gazette.

Week of Faith

Most of the events for the week have been organised and information has been sent to all of the faith groups in Hillingdon. Fiona to book a slot for WoF in the Hillingdon People’s magazine. All Exec members encouraged to write a brief summary of any visits they make to be added to the website.

Evening Meal with Faith Leaders

Cllr David Simmonds, Hillingdon Deputy Leader, agreed to talk at the meal. An invitation is being sent to faith leaders later in the week.

Business Cards

Business cards have been produced.

Treasurer Post

Postponing appointment of treasurer.

  1. Hillingdon Community Grant

HIFN was awarded a grant for £6754 to implement the Faith in Schools project.

Agreed membership of the project team: Ijaz, Duncan, David, Mike and Naseem; Alison will act as project co-ordinator. First meeting to be held on Monday, 8th November in Hilly Park Baptist Church at 1pm.

  1. Hillingdon Inclusion Financial Forum

Members of the Exec have been invited to attend the above meeting. Meeting seems to be arranged by Hillingdon Homes. Fiona to find out where this group fits into the wider organisation of the council and to determine whether it is a group that should have an HIFN representative on it.

  1. Benefit Surgeries

Concern was raised that members of the Benefit’s Agency were not turning up to planned surgeries. David to organise a member’s enquiry to find out how people arrange for them to do so.

  1. HIFN Events

Agreed to organise an evening event for members of the faith community to attend. Suggest that there is one or two speakers followed by a discussion. All to email Duncan and Alison suggestions about topics and speakers.

  1. Safe Network Presentation

For the last half hour of the meeting, Patricia Turner, from Safe Network, talked to the Exec about the work they do, in conjunction with the NSPCC and Children England, to ensure that groups have appropriate safeguarding policies in place in relation to children. Groups in Hillingdon depend on the services provided by Fiona Miller at HAVS. Agreed that Duncan would discuss with Fiona Miller about how her services could be advertised to members of the faith community. Information will be circulated to the Exec.

Future agenda items:membership of HIFN, future network meetings, meeting with local MPs.

Next HIFN Exec meeting to be held on Thursday, 9th December between 12 noon and 2pm at Hillingdon Park Baptist Church. This will be a bring and share lunch.

Meeting held: 2nd November 2010 Page: 1 of 2