Minutes from S3 Pupil Council Meeting
Thursday 20th February 2014
Present: Sara Khan, Skye Swift, Megan Thomas, Owain Taylor, Jay Kelso Scott, Andrew Rose, Marc McNeilage, Martin Kowalska, Lauren Bennie, Mubeen Mohammed, Anoushka Nanguy.
DHT link: J. Stuart
Points Raised
1. School Lunches
Some people noted that the school lunches don’t have a variety and are too expensive. The aim of the school lunches is to have the pupils stay inside school, but by going to the shops, there is more variety and it’s much cheaper.
Also some pupils wish to look for a Halal supplier for chicken. J Stuart will raise points again with Catering staff. However, similar concerns raised before have been discussed with Catering staff. The difficulty is that the Catering staff need to work under national guidelines re price and content of food served. Local shops do not have to follow these guidelines so there is always the opportunity for local shops to undercut prices by selling less healthy or lower quality products.
2. PE Changing rooms
Concern was raised about the ventilation in the PE changing rooms. Pupils request air conditioning and unpleasant drain smells are addressed.
Pupils also raised concern that Assemblies have an impact on PE when the Assembly Hall is unavailable. J Stuart is looking closely at this issue with the PE department for next session.
3. Single Sex, PSHE & RME classes
Have some advantages and also disadvantages. In PSHE and RME you don’t get the full range of opinion (a balanced view). Some girls emphasised the point that they felt uncomfortable with a male teacher teaching a group of females.
4. Skilled Development for New National Courses
Some pupils suggested a double period for subjects like Home Ec, Art, Music etc. (some wanted a period where learning Life Skills). J Stuart is working to expand the range of skills for life and work in the timetable. However, as the timetable is created by East Renfrewshire Council to ensure effective co-operation with college partners and other schools, there is little opportunity for the school to make significant changes to the timetable structure by creating double periods in lower school. J Stuart will look into these possibilities whilst creating the timetable this session.
5. Fundraising idea of having a Woodfram Movie Night.
Raise funds for school. Small donation at entry. Summer night, longer days, shorter night). Thinking of doing it either outside (backcar park) or inside assembly hall. J Stuart will investigate.
6. Fundraising ideas for a walk/ race around Rouken Glen. Pupils discussed the Parent Council suggestion of having a fun run in Rouken Glen park. Pupils thought the idea had potential. They suggested either separate obstacle courses for adults and young people. Pupils though this should be to raise school funds. However, Saturday morning was not seen as the best time for pupil availability. Pupils suggested Saturday evening or during the school day would suite pupils more.