october 10, 2017

PAGE 335

This was a Regular Meeting of the Cross Plains City Council. Members of the council present were:

Mayor Jerry Cassle, Randy Strickland, Colby Walker Don Bryant. Gary Moses & David Mendieta were absent.

Employees present were Debbie Gosnell, Frankie Hyles, Don Gosnell, Teresa Kennedy, Jarrod Potter & Chris Rios.

Bryant gave the invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Turner gave her monthly Senior Citizen’s Center Report. She reported serving a total of 644 congregate meals for the month of August. She also reported that there were 639 home delivered meals served for an average of 75 meals per day. These numbers include 197 meals for the May Senior Citizen Center. There was a total of $4,032.00 in donations received.

The first item on the agenda was a presentation from Nik Corkovic with Ferguson Waterworks, Meter Automation Group. Nic gave a power point presentation on how their Advanced Automated Meter Reading system operates and explained that through their system the city could improve customer service, improve water conservation, improve employee safety, and improve operational efficiency. He explained that the meters store consumption data for 170 days. This system reduces meter reading times, reduces leaks, meter tampering and reverse flow alarms. He explained that there are two types of systems, fixed system or the remote system, which they recommend for a system our size, especially in the beginning. He stated that he could give us a full system quote or a starter kit quote which would start with 80 meters and the EZ Reader Software Maintenance, Drive-By System Hardware Maintenance, MiNode M AMR Hardware Kit Includes Street Machine 2, Dual Antenna, and USB Power/Comms Cable, and PitStop2, Toughbook Laptop, EZ Reader Drive-By Software Suite, 3 Days of On-site Training/Includes Ferguson Customer Support Service calls for the life of the system. Mr. Corkovic thanked the council for their time. The council responded that we would look forward to getting their quotes and would discuss the matter at the next regular meeting.

The next item on the agenda was the correspondence from the Callahan County Appraisal District informing the council that we may nominate up to five members to the Board, but that no nomination is required. At this time, the council does not have anyone that is interested in serving on the board, therefore, by general consent the council declined to nominate anyone for the board.

Gosnell updated the council on the demolition project. She stated that she has consents from Curtis Taylor, Mitch Atchley, and Jeff Worley. She is working on several other pieces of property to get torn down and should have at least one more if not several. Gosnell also updated the council on the Walking Trail project at the Community Center. She presented a drawing of what the trail could look like and discussed the other entities such as the EDC and the Garden club who has partnered with the city to accomplish the project.

The council looked over the Police report. Potter advised the council that we have received three (3) application for the 3rd officer’s position, but that we’d like to advertise at least another month before we start doing the background investigations on the applicants.

By general consent the following items were approved.

The minutes were approved as presented. (SEE ATTACHMENT)

The police report was approved as presented. (SEE ATTACHMENT)

The judge’s report was approved as presented. (SEE ATTACHMENT)

The bills were approved to pay.

Strickland moved to adjourn. Bryant seconded and motion carried.

Jerry Cassle, Mayor ATTEST: Debbie Gosnell, Secretary

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