University:Name of Program Director:
Date of Review:
Sites Participating in this Program:
Program Website / URL:
Standard B4
"There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements."
Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation.
1. Teaching Faculty
List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one.
Teaching Site / Name / University Rank / Specialty Qualifications / Subspecialty(If any) / Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research)
What percentage of faculty listed above have been practising in the specialty/subspecialty:
< 15 years %
> 25 years %
2. General Dermatology
List the patient resources available for teaching general dermatology (diagnosis, investigations and therapy) provided by the Dermatology program and by other medical specialties or programs not included in later sections of this questionnaire.
Teaching Site / Name of Staff / FrequencyDescribe the ambulatory care facilities for clinical experience in general dermatology at each site.
3. Special Dermatological Modalities
List the facilities including the staff involved in contact dermatitis, phototherapy, laser therapy and others.
Teaching Site / Name of Staff / EquipmentComments: (maximum 200 words)
4. Skin Malignancies
Describe the resources available for teaching the investigation and management of patients with cutaneous malignancies including lymphoma, including the use of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Include items such as specialty clinics, mohs surgery and multi-disciplinary clinics if available.
Teaching Site / Name of Staff / Frequency5. Surgical Procedures
Describe any special facilities available for supervised experience in biopsy techniques, simple and complex surgical procedures. Indicate the relationship with a plastic surgical service that may contribute to the training of residents in Dermatology.
6. Pediatric Dermatology
List the patient resources available for teaching Pediatric Dermatology (diagnosis, investigations and therapy).
Teaching Site / Name of Staff / FrequencyDescribe any special facilities or opportunities for clinical experience in Pediatric Dermatology.
7. Dermatopathology
Describe the arrangements for supervision and instruction of residents in Pathology, including the study of biopsy material, and instruction in the techniques of immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. List the names and qualifications of the teachers responsible for supervision of residents.
Teaching Site / Name of Staff / Frequency8. Supporting Clinical Services
Identify other departments, divisions or services that provide training for residents in Dermatology. Describe the arrangements whereby training in Internal Medicine and its subspecialties is coordinated to ensure that the experience provided meets the educational needs of residents. Record any relevant information concerning liaison for training purposes with other supporting services such as Radiation Oncology, Genetics, Medical Microbiology, Plastic Surgery, Clinical Pharmacology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Mention any other units or services, including facilities not attached to teaching hospitals that provide opportunities for clinical experience on either a mandatory or elective basis.
9. Consultations
Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling consultations.
10. Intensive Care
Describe the facilities and resources available for training in intensive care.
11. Emergency Care
Describe the resources available and the arrangements for the training of residents in the Emergency Department.
12. Information Resources
a) Do residents have free 24/7 access to on-line libraries, journals and other educational resources? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain.
b) Do residents have adequate space to carry out their daily work? Yes No
c) Are technical resources required for patient care duties located in the work setting? Yes No
d) Do facilities allow resident skills to be observed and do they allow for confidential discussions?
Yes No
13. Summary of Adequacy of Resources
Comment on the adequacy of the resources of the overall clinical program, with particular reference to the relationship between the number of patients available for teaching and the number of residents dependent upon them. Indicate whether there are significant areas where the work-load of teachers (clinical care, undergraduate teaching, etc.) is such as to affect adversely the continuous supervision and instruction of residents in Dermatology.
Editorial revisions - February 2012