Minutes from MKOOC Meeting
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 10:00-11:00am, IfA Kukaauula – Room 131
Background Files at:
Laura Kraft
Ron Koehler
Wendy Light
Horiko Shinnnaga
Cathy Ishida
Peter Michaud
Mike Pearson
Kumiko Usuda
Gary Fujihara
Bobby Bus
Alison Peck
Shelbi Hostler
Action Items:
Observatories should forward Peter with names of survey working group participants.
Ron will send info on high altitude medicine lecture to MKOOC list.
Cathy will resend Wendy the email with the original proposal for the use of “MKO”.
Peter will set a date for a discussion on the SOMKII tabloid.
Cathy will send out info on how to subscribe to MKOOC list.
1) Outreach Survey – Catherine Ishida/Peter Michaud
Please send us names of observatory representatives who will participate in working group by end of November 14, 2006. Working group will be the place for discussion of how the survey can be designed to effectively address concerns of the observatories. First meeting of working group is scheduled for November 16, 10AM.
2) MK Tours for Observatory Staff with Bill Stormont – Gary Fujihara
Bill Storemont is offering MKOOC members a tour of MK on 11/22 or 11/29. Feedback from past Gemini participants: “Life changing!” Interested persons should email Gary by next week Tuesday with interest and preferred date.
3) IAU “Washington Charter – Dennis Crabtree (HIA)
IAU Working Group on Communication Astronomy to the Public wrote the charter which encourages astronomy related institutions to make communicating astronomy to the public a priority. Thw working groups would like organizations to endorse the charter. To endorse, simply email Dennis Crabtree: The CAP website has a form for individuals to sign up as a supporter:
Keck isgoing to endorse the charter. IAU CAP will hold its next meeting in 2007 in Victoria, Canada. Peter highly recommends participating in the meeting.
4) Mauna Kea Observatories “reference issue”
Next meeting we will vote on adopting the following guidelines for the use of the term “ Mauna Kea Observatories”
"MKOOC discourages the use of the term "Mauna Kea Observatories" when there is a danger of giving an impression that such a coherent entity exists. When referring to the collective of observatories, we recommend alternative terms such as "the observatories of Mauna Kea" or "Mauna Kea observatories" (with a small "o"). In general, we request explicit acknowledgment of individual institutions. When this is not easily done, we ask for a best attempt at a creative solution, such as referring to "observatories on Mauna Kea" in the main body of a text with a footnote listing all observatories."
5) International Lunar Observatory – Report from “scoping meeting” – Peter M.
Peter went to the ILO/Space Age Publishing’s Hilo scoping meeting on 11/9 and was one of seven participants. The group is perhaps enthusiastic but disorganized. There is wide range of opinion about the organization among committee members.
6) Stars over Mauna Kea Discussion Meeting Date Set – Peter Michaud
There is interest in a sub-group meeting to discuss lessons learned and how to find a use for the articles that didn’t go in to SOMKII. Peter will call a meeting end of November.
7) Universe Tonight Schedule
MKAEC is on for December (12/3) but is looking for a replacement. Peter Michaud has volunteered to pitch in. He will communicate with Eric Rau. Due date for article is 11/19.
Member Reports:
Laura - Met with Advivsory Council to the Governor. Keck has a new logo.
Janice - Community response to Journey is positive. Donations for community groups are starting to come in.
Ron - VIS renovations will be starting. Director of Colorado High Altitude Medicine coming to HP presentation room 11/17 10:00AM to give a presentation. (Ron please send info to MKOOC list.)
Wendy - Interviews for outreach officers in December.
Liz - Remi and others worked on the Make a Wish program. Gary’s posters are great! Koa Ell will be presenting a talk on Mauna Kea and astronomy to the annual meeting of the Hawaii Library Assoc Annual meeting this Sat Nov 12 at the Fairmont Orchid Hotel.
Hiroko - Richard C gave talk at HP and wrote great article.
Cat - Will send email about Journey Scientist soon!
Kumiko - Girl Scouts and the Association of University Women will sponsor a Math and Science Conference for 7th Grade Girls next March.
Gary - Makahiki season is beginning. There will be several celebrations . If interested in participating contact Gary. Career fair next Wed. and Thu (11/16, 17). Exhibit for high school students, college students and adult looking for careers and career changes. IfA is particpating. If you want to participate or handout materials, pleasecontact Gary. First Lego League event on 1/14 at Wainaku Gym. Contact organizer Suzy Sanxter is Looking for volunteers. Contact Gary if interested. Onizuka Science Day is 1/28 at UHH - need workshop presenters and exhibits. Contact Art of Gary.
Bobby - Nothing to sell!
SMA - Ray Blundell has been serving for new director for about a month. He is impressed by outreach efforts, perhaps this will lead to more support in future? Postdocs will be redoing display boards and brochures.
Shelby - Nothing to add...
New business? Let Peter know in good time.
Next Meeting is 12/9 same time same place.