Somerset Music Board
Tuesday 22 January 2008
The Wyvern Club, Taunton
PRESENT: Doug Campbell (DC), Graham Bland (GB), Diane Rivaud (DR), Val Miller (VM), Martin Wills (MW), Ros Carver (RC), David Hayward (DH), Fiona Kivett (FK), Kim Burchill (KB), Richard Randall (RR), Tina Marsh (TM), Viv Wilson (VW), Pauline Clarke (PC), Kate Cole (KC Clerk).
1. Apologies /ACTION
Derek Nelson, Keith Diffey, Ashley Milum, Brian Trust.2. Minutes from last meeting and matters arising
Group agreed minutes from last meeting.
v Good feedback received from Wells Celebration Concert
v Music for Africa – GB is in discussions with the Chairman to bring Elsie over for Wells 08. GB would also like to bring a band over and is making enquiries for partnerships to part fund transportation. There is a possibility that old music technology equipment could be taken over.
v Music for Africa – VW took paperwork into schools to make people aware of the charity. She has had positive feedback from schools. Ashill will be starting the scheme. DH will discuss at the SAPHTO delegate meeting.
v Music Therapy – DR is still waiting for the DVD to arrive from Cornwall to show the board.
3. Minutes from the Finance Sub Committee
v Comprehensive spending review announced that Standards Fund for Music Services would continue for the next 3 years – no change for Somerset
v Additional £92k to spend on KS2/Transition programmes by Feb 08. Will also receive £92k for the next 3 years. Somerset was only told in January. This year none of this funding can be allocated to administration, management or repair.
4. Service Development Plan
Objective 1
All going well particularly Wider Opportunities.
Teacher’s Standards – slight delay sending these out. Standards will have an impact on performance management. Somerset will be looking into fast-track tutor scheme.
Objective 2
Frome and Huish CLPs looking at Gifted and Talented programme through the Wider Opportunity projects (Mar 08).
Singing Strategy is going exceptionally well. Somerset has a Youth Music project running (funding of £19k) in Cheddar Valley area being led by Penny Dunscombe. Penny is also leading the Giving Voice pilot for music teachers in schools.
Extended Inclusion provision (Dyslexia) – currently on hold while additional funding is sourced.
Objective 3
Currently developing online resources for tutors including work with Charanga (somersetmusiconline) aimed at Primary schools/Wider Opportunity projects. Now working with Charanga to build a KS3 resource base.
Objective 4
Currently working to make complaint procedure more inline with corporate procedures. Work is also being undertaken on a compliment procedure as we have no formal way of recording our achievements and positive feedback. Draft customer feedback form (for leavers) to be piloted shortly.
Noise Levels at work – Wider Opportunities needs to be monitored to make sure we are in line with code of practice.
Paper –Free office – mail to staff is now going out electronically – where we can.
Objective 5
KS2 CPD – currently have staff on the programme and also mentors
Jumps – Passport to music has stalled.
Music Therapy – working with Sedgemoor Learning Alliance and PCTs. Musical Futures – Pilots in schools are working well (Blake, Ansford and Frome). All 3 heads of music are leaving shortly (various reasons) so pilots will need to continue. Due to success of projects, additional funding has been allocated. Can members of the board observe sessions? DR to find out.
Jumps partners are in negotiations has some partners want to drop out – issues with funding and organisation. There is a possibility of transferring ownership from Sound Sense to a group of partners but this would need the ok from DCMS.
Roland – project on hold due to staff recruitment
Raising Voice – part of the singing strategy Cheddar Valley project mentioned earlier.
5. Trusts
Somerset Music Trust Update
All paperwork was completed Oct 07, but the Charity Commission have now produced a new application form which needs to be completed. They have also issued guidance requiring Trustees to be CRB cleared if they have contact with children. Finance Group decided that this would not be necessary. KC/FK and GB are meeting to discuss the criteria required to be a trustee. A meeting will then take place in March where board members can find out more about what is involved/required/skills etc and decide if they would like to be a trustee.
Why have a Trust?
v At the moment, board members can be trustees.
v GB, DC and RR will be trustees to start and then drop out when more people come on board.
Group also discussed benefits of having a Trust
6. Music Grant Aspirations Support & Delivery
With reference to paper from DCFS. Paper is what is expected in return for Standards Fund allocation.
Group agreed it is an optimistic document with some challenging elements with exciting prospects and implications (training at secondary level) and exciting challenges for schools.
v Focuses on standards rather than achievement
v Possibility of DCSF survey in Feb 08
v Focus on transition (KS2 – Secondary)
v Singing will be large element of focus
v Self – Evaluation is covered (GB & DR are trained)
v 3 Year Plan can now be drawn up and undertake an analysis of current provision
7. Contractual Relationship Review (CRR)
FK gave the group an update on the CRR. Somerset are entering into a period of consultation for business support purposes considering the feasibility of offering both direct and non direct tuition. FK will be managing the project and Caroline Clapperton will be managing the feasibility study that will run alongside the review.
A project team has been established and consists of:
Graham Bland, Di Rivaud, Madeleine Casson, Glyn Bowen, Kirsten Wordley and Keith Thomas.
The team will be meeting shortly to explore and discuss consultation process and options for change. The consultation process will run until June 2008 and will include an appointment of a steering group, consultation and communication with stakeholders and focus groups.
The feasibility study will look at systems and procedures, EMS development, billing requirements and school support packages.
An implementation plan will follow the recommendations taken from the consultation project and feasibility study and is planned these will be in place by Jan 09. The new business support process will be launched Sept 09.
The group briefly discussed the improvements that have been made in the service over the past 18 months, and the expectations of customers. Group agreed that consultation with schools was key in this development.
8. Wider Opportunities Update
With reference to handout from DR.
v Schools delivering through Somerset Music – 110
v Schools delivering in-house/external providers – 60
These schools will be monitored by GB, MC, DR and KW (observations)
v Schools not accessing funding – 53
Madeleine Casson is keen for these schools to be involved from next September – DH to highlight through SAPHTO.
v Projects being delivered on wide range of instruments
v National WCIV (Whole Class Instrumental & Vocal Tuition) conference took place in November. Somerset provided one class from Ashill to demonstrate a best practice lesson.
v KS3 Conference taking place in April. All heads of music of secondary and middle schools are invited to attend free of charge
v Somersetonlinemusic – growing. Recent inset day provided more training for staff.
v Teacher’s TV – The only whole class material on the channel was filmed in Somerset. Can be seen March 18th on Teachers TV and can be viewed on the website after this date. (The group had the opportunity to watch an episode during lunch).
v Members of the group requested copies of the DVD to put on at meetings/conferences e.g. DPMT and for Members.
v Group requested more frequent stats on WO to circulate throughout CYPD
9. New Appointments
Posts currently advertised:
Teaching & Learning Development Manager for Diversity & Inclusion
Teaching & Learning Development Manager & Frome CLP
Consultant Teacher for Rock, Pop & Contemporary Music
These are replacement posts that have been “tweaked” to fit in with new service priorities.
Interviews are being held before February half term
Music Therapist (Hazel Luckwill was appointed to start in January.)
Fiona Kivett has recently been appointed as Business Support Team Manager.
10. Music Therapy Update
With reference to the hand out from DR.
Working in partnership with Sedgemoor Learning Alliance, 3 days a week. Hazel is currently working in Elmwood and Blake (linking to emotional health and wellbeing) with one day currently free. It is hoped that one day per week will also be spent in Yeovil.
Promotional material is currently being produced and will be available for the board within the next couple of weeks.
Somerset have been working closely with Cornwall Music Therapy Trust who have 2 full time and 2 part time therapists.
Somerset hope to employ more therapists in the future and work within the health service.
This has been a learning curve for Somerset –
v initial lack of knowledge
v learning curve for schools and staff
v managing the provision
There are some essential elements that must be followed in order to carry out music therapy provision – because of these, not all schools will be able to access provision.
11. Somerset Music Achievements
Teacher’s TV – as mentioned earlier. 2 15 minute programmes were made (1 on funding starring DH, 1 on delivery).
KS2 CPD Conference – as mentioned earlier. Phil Heeley took Ashill to London to demonstrate good practice.
Wells Celebration Concert - Monday 10 December saw approximately 160 students perform to around 700 people including councillors and civic leaders at Wells Cathedral in the SCC Christmas Celebration Concert.
We saw performances from Selworthy School, Westfield Community School, Long Sutton Primary School, Somerset County Youth Choir and the Somerset County Youth Concert Band. Chairman Alan Gloak, and High Sheriff of Somerset David Medlock read. Following complaints from parents in previous years, it was decided that this year there would be no reserved seating. So far we have received no comments on this. £688 was raised for Music for Africa.
Last Night of the Schools Prom - Our Teaching and Learning Development Manager (Vocal & Choral) Penny Dunscombe has been invited to take a massed choir to perform at the Royal Albert Hall on the last night of the BBC Schools Proms, organised by Music for Youth on 12 November 2008.
Penny has invited Heads of Music at Secondary and Middle schools to take part in the event. The total number of members of this massed choir will be 550. Primary Schools will also be offered the opportunity to take part, and other places will be given to the County Youth Choir.
The massed choir will be performing a specially commissioned piece of about 12 minutes’ duration. In addition, they will be expected to join with other performers and the audience to sing the National Anthem and Land of Hope and Glory.
Next meeting: 17 June 2008, The Holway Centre 1pm (lunch at 12.30)