Minutes from ETC meeting, September26thand 27th, 2007

Date:WednesdaySeptember 26thand ThursdaySeptember27th, 2007

Time:10:00 - 17:30 and 9:00 - 15:00

Place:Stockholm, SvK (Wednesday) and 11th UN/CEFACT Forum (Thursday)

Participants:Christoph Ruffing, swissgrid, CH
Jan Owe, SvK, SE
Kees Sparreboom, TenneT, NL
Lucy Sarkisian (Chairwoman), TenneT/EBO, NL
Oscar Ludwigs (partly day 1), SvK, SE
Ove Nesvik (Secretary), EdiSys, NO


--- Day one: Ordinary ETC meeting at SvK ---

1)Approval of agenda

Approved with the following additions:

  • VSE as Swiss code list responsible, see item 13)
  • New Error codes for Netherlands, see item 13)
  • Code lists from UMIX, see item 13)
  • Error and acknowledgement document from EMVR, see item and 4)

2)Minutes from previous meetings

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved

3)Preparations for next ebIX Forum meeting

As a basis for the ETC budget for 2008 a status for 2007 was made. We have had 8 meetings so far in 2007 and will need 2 more. For 2008 wee need the same number of meetings, i.e. 10 meetings. We will also need a budget for about 4 extra meetings with other organisations, such as UN/CEFACT and IEC (including external consultancy). In addition we should mention support to new countries without specifying an amount.

Lucy and Ove will prepare a status report (PowerPoint) before next meeting, including an item related to the need for marketing.

Kees brought up the idea of making an ebIX test facility. Lucy promised to discuss this with Rudolf and possibly bring it up as a discussion item on the next ebIX Forum meeting.

4)Preparations for the meeting with UN/CEFACT/TMG Thursday September 27th 2007

The following topics were suggested for the meeting with UN/CEFACT/TMG on Thursday:

A)Status for the next version of UMM.

B)Organisation of the models (packages, links between the views and the organisation within the choreography view)

C)Patterns (when to use which)

D)Instantiations and mapping to syntax


The current organisation of our models was reviewed and will be shown to TMG for comments.

EMVR had made a note with comments to the concept of UMM transaction patterns, which also will be proposed discussed in the meeting with TMG.

Kees had also made a draft document related to instantiation of class diagrams, which will be presented and discussed.

The latest CCMA proposal was discussed, among others with the following questions:

  • What is the status of the CCMA document?
  • What is the status of upgrade of the SBDH document?
  • How is the SBDH meant to be included in a XML document?

Kees had also made a BRS for acknowledgement and error handling, which was reviewed. The BRS will be discussed with TMG if time.

5)Report from the special ETC meeting (XML for the Swiss market) July 26th and 27th in Amsterdam

There was an ETC meeting in the end of July focusing on making XML schemas for the opening of the electricity market in Switzerland. Currently the following schemas have been made (partly during the referenced meeting and partly later):

  • 392 Request for change of metering point master data
  • 414 Response to change of metering point master data
  • E67 Request for cancellation of a business process to the Metering point administrator
    E68 Cancellation response from the Metering point administrator
  • E44 Notification from the Metering point administrator
  • E07 Master data metering point
  • E66 Validated metered data
  • E31 Aggregated metered data
  • C01 Notification from the Imbalance settlement responsible (special Swiss message)
  • C02 Aggregation criteria (special Swiss message)
  • Acknowledgement of acceptance
  • Model error report

The project has experienced that a naming convention for XML/UML root classes is missing. This was added to the ETC work items list.

6)Request from CuS

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.

7)ebIX CC/BIE registry/repository

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.

8)ebIX XML schemas

Due to lack of time the item was postponed, but see also item 5.

9)Review of changes to the Harmonised role model

The item was skipped since the latest update of the Role model has been based on ebIX suggestions.

10)Discuss possible ways of presentation EDIFACT mapping (if time).

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.


No information reported.

12)Next meeting(s)

Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of October 2007 in Hannover(Germany), linked with the ebIX Forum meeting October 19th.


Code request from the Netherlands

The Netherlands asks for error codes related to exchange of metered data to the Balance responsible party:

  • E88, The measurement should not be zero
  • E89, The measurement has a wrong sign
  • E90, Measurement beyond plausibility limit
  • E91, Estimate is not acceptable

Code request from the Switzerland

  • The code “VSE, Verband Sweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen” will be added as code list responsible.

Codes from Belgium

Filip had sent the code lists used in Belgium. However the review of these lists will be postponed until Belgium is present.

--- Day two: Meeting with UN/CEFACT/TMG ---

A)Status for the next version of UMM.

TMG finalised a new meta-model the day before. However the meta-model has to be documented. This will probably be done before next UN/CEFACT forum (April 2008).

In addition to a changed structure there are changes to the concept of roles, i.e. most of the mapsTo relationship in the BRV is removed. Instead <initFlow> and <reflow> (name to be refined) dependencies are used between a Business Transaction Activity <BTA> and a swim lane defining the two roles.

The <BusinessCollaborationView> from the structure should have been called <BusinessCollaborationProtocol> (typo).

B)Organisation of the models (packages, links between the views and the organisation within the choreography view)

The structure of the current ebIX model was reviewed with among others the following comments:

  • The Business Requirements View (BRV) should have the sub-views Business Domain View and Business Partner View
  • We are missing a Business Chorography View above our “phases” (Structure, Measure, Plan…).

We may use the concept of Business Categories instead of Business Areas and Process Areas, depending on the complexity of the structure. If using the latter concept The UseCases should be defined in the Process areas.

Error and acknowledgement messages are implicitly defined as tagged values in the Business Transaction activities, i.e. Time to acknowledge receipt, Time to acknowledge processing etc. The acknowledgement processes can be defined as normal processes.

The BRS should be taken from Business Requirement View and the RSM from the Business Information View.

C)Patterns (when to use which)

The questions from EMVR related to patterns were discussed:

  • The choice figure is probably originating from Rosettanet.
  • The latest definitions of the six transaction patterns can be found in the UMM foundation module under stereotype <BusinessTransaction>, page 68.
  • One way of seeing the difference between Information distribution and Notification transaction patterns is to see them as different internal processes (orchestration) and different external processes (collaborations), among others related to the acknowledgement needs. One of the intentions with the patterns are to be able to give each pattern a set with rules that can be reused (inherited) for similar transactions. Christian told that SAP has been working with the patterns and it could be possible to ask them for some better explanation of the concept of patterns.
  • Patterns should be modelled using the new concept of Pins from UML 2.0, see example below. It is now (from UML 2.0) possible to have several associations and using choices, such as XOR. The pin will in the future represent the Business document (Envelope).

D)Instantiations and mapping to syntax

According to OMG terminology instantiation is on level M0 (Meta-level 0, e.g. an actual name, such as Ove Nesvik) and customisation is on level M1 (Meta-level 1, e.g. the class Person).

Kees presented a class diagram trying to explain the concept of using UML instantiations for customisation of ABIEs.

Customisation is handled by UCM (UN/CEFACT Context Methodology) where Øyvin Aasve is the chairman and a UML Profile for CCs is handled by the UPCC project where Steve Capell is chairman and Jens Dietrich is the editor.

Documents can be found at


The new document for Message assembly (CCMA) was briefly discussed, without any conclusions. The modelling rules of the new concepts in CCMA, such as MBIE and ASMBIE, will be defined within the UPCC project (see above).


The last hour of the meeting was together with the UPCC group.

According to the understanding of UPCC all customisation of ACCs must be done by making new ABIEs and this will end up with a huge nuber of new ABIEs - For the energy industry it will be thousands of ABIEs and for UN/CEFACT probably millions.

Kees presented the ebIX proposal for using UML 2.0 instantiation to customise the ABIE. As homework Kees will make a small example and sent to the UPCC project.

Appendix AParticipants in ETC

Name / Company / Telephone / Mobile / E-mail
Alexander Pisters / RWE / +49 234 515-2442 / +49 162 257 5428 /
Christian Odgaard / Energinet.dk / +45 76 22 44 63 / +45 23 33 85 55 /
FilipDrijkoningen / Interelectra/UMIX / +32 11266495 / +32 4 95586471 /
Jon-Egil Nordvik / Statnett / +47 22 52 70 00 / +47 975 36 303 /
Kees Sparreboom / TenneT / +31 622 66 7911 /
Lucy Sarkisian (Convenor) / TenneT / +31613 643 092 /
Christoph Ruffing / swissgrid / +41 58 580 21 37 / +41 76 313 15 63 /
Ove Nesvik (Secretary) / EdiSys / +47 22 42 13 80 / +47 928 22 908 /
Matti Vasara / Fingrid / +358 405 19 5017 /
Terje Nilsen / Nord Pool / +47 67 52 80 44 / +47 930 34 100 /

Appendix BWork items for ETC

A)ebIX architecture for

  1. Final review of Code lists
  2. ebIX Core Components
  3. Publication of the above elements in a readable format (Word, PDF…)
  4. Develop a naming convention for XML/UML root classes

B)Migration of EMD models to the new UMM structure
Homework: Kees will make atrial version of the EMD model including one UseCase and relevant supporting artefacts.

C)Migration of CuS models to the new UMM structure
Homework: Ove will make atrial version of the CuS model including one UseCase and relevant supporting artefacts.

D)Update of the ebIX Methodology

E)Update of the ebIX Domain model (currently under discussion within the ETSO, EFET and ebIX Harmonisation group).

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