11th Grade Career Exploration

School Counselor: Andrea Maynard and Nathan Van Vorst Date: 2/29/2016

Activity: Career Exploration

Grade(s): 11th Grade Alternative Education Students

ASCA Student Standards Addressed:

●C:A1.2 Learn about the variety of traditional and nontraditional occupations.

●C:A1.7 Understand the importance of planning.

●C:B1.6 Learn to use the Internet to access career planning information

●C:B1.7 Describe traditional and non-traditional occupations and how these relate to career choice.

●C:B2.1 Demonstrate awareness of the education and training needed to achieve goals.

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with Competency):

●By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

  1. Explore career clusters using Naviance.
  2. Understand the specific skills, knowledge, tasks, planning, and education needed for a specific career of choice.
  3. Describe several traditional and non-traditional careers.


●Chrome Books/Computers


●“Scavenger Hunt” Worksheet

●“Career Exploration” Worksheet

●“Who Are You” Worksheet



  1. Review the results from the needs assessment/pre-test.
  1. Ice Breaker: Ask each student to give their name and one job/career that they would like to pursue.
  1. Hand out the Chrome Books and have the students log onto their Naviance accounts. Provide time to allow students to change their password if needed.
  1. Hand out the “Scavenger Hunt” Worksheet. Show students how to find careers clusters on Naviance. They will use this information to complete the worksheet.
  1. Have the students select one career from the “Scavenger Hunt” Worksheet and use it to complete the “Career Exploration” Worksheet. If some of the students have a particular career that they would like to pursue, they can research that career instead.
  1. Give the students time to complete the worksheet. Go around the room and ask students individually what they are learning about their career. Once finished, ask each student to share with the class one interesting thing they learned about their career.
  1. If there is remaining time, have students complete the “Who Are You” worksheet.
  1. Closing: Counselors will inform the students that we will meet with them again next week to talk about resume writing.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data:

●Attendance will be taken at the start of the group.

Perception Data:

●Students will complete the “Scavenger Hunt” worksheet. This worksheet will help students idenify a variety of careers based on career clusters.

●Students will complete the “Career Exploration” Worksheet. This worksheet will help students understand the specific skills, knowledge, tasks, planning, and education needed for a specific career of choice.

●Students will complete the “Who Are You” Worksheet. This worksheet will help students describe several traditional and non-traditional careers.

●Perception data will be collected through a Pre and Post-Test regarding the group sessions.

Outcome Data:

●This lesson is intended to help students understand how to use Naviance to explore careers and to understand what certain careers require.

●Students will select one career and conduct research on the career using Naviance.

Follow Up:

●The information learned during this lesson will be discussed during individual planning meetings in order to help students make more informed decisions about course selection and career planning.

●Information learned will be reviewed at the start of the next lesson.