Minutes from ACG Committee Meeting
Tuesday 14th November 2017
St. Columba Hall, Montrose – 7pm
Apologies: Jean Carcary, Mary Ballantyne, Jennifer Hedge, Jennifer Mcartney, Linda Brown, Colin Sinclair, Carol Anderson, Shona Wallace, Bob Wallace, Keith Robertson, Ann Allan, Stan Eggie
Chairman John welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes from the previous meeting were proposed by Kathleen Ferrier and seconded by John Wilkie.
It was noted that MC had received the blood pressure monitors requested at the last meeting. She is just waiting for a time to arrange delivery.
Christmas Lunch 2017
- Currently, the numbers attending the Christmas Lunch are standing at 126. It was agreed that it was still possible to take late ticket requests as the hotel will be able to accommodate extra numbers up to the last minute.
- Top table guests have been confirmed as Prof.Chim Lang, Dr. John Irving and Inga Martin (SHARP), who will all be presented with cheques for £200, along with CHSS K.F. will arrange to get 3 presentation cheques from the bank and JC has agreed to write them.
- AM has arrange a bus to bring guests from Montrose. As there are spaces on the bus AM suggested they could pick up guests from the Tourist Information building by the Harbour. JW is to ask JMc to find out if any Arbroath members would be interested in this and then to let AM know.
- JW to email SW about arrangements for the anniversary cake
- JW noted the we are still looking for prizes for the raffle. SW is organising the raffle.
Donation to ‘Save a Life’ Montrose
Following a request from Montrose Inner Wheel, it was agreed that £200 should be donated towards the purchase of a defibrillator for the local area. A cheque will be given to AM to be distributed.
Donation to ACG
ACG has been promised a donation from the Grand Lodge of Forfashire for £300
Request from Forfar Exercise Class
JC requested funding to buy 3 x steppers to replace old and broken equipment and also a small lockable filing cabinet to keep records in. JC to find out prices and report back at the next meeting.
Forfar Monthly Meetings
The group are struggling to recruit speakers and get the appropriate numbers attending the monthly meetings and have therefore decided to meet from September until November and then February until May and then finish with the annual BBQ. JC will let the hall keeper know the new arrangements.
CPR Training Session
A CPR training session is to be held in Carnoustie via Heartstart in January - dates and details to be confirmed.
Financial Update
KF gave an update, including recent donations, stating the finances are looking healthy at £17134.15, but noted that around £2000 is money collected for payments for the Christmas lunch.
- Sign up to EU Withdrawal Bill – ACG has agreed to support this.
- 1 Billion Steps for Health Challenge which will run from January 2018 – 29th September 2018 which is World Heart Day: Information has come via LB from Duncan Galbraith (world walking CHSS Peer Support Group) JW is to speak to JMc regarding pedometers etc.
- ‘Sick Day’ cards discussed at the last meeting are now printed and ready for distribution
- £50 has been donated to RNLI following a visit by the Montrose group in October
- The Montrose Coffee Morning raised £340.20
- A reminder was given that Lesley McLay, Chief Executive Tayside Health Board will be giving a talk in Forfar Guide Hall on 29th November at 7pm
- It was noted with sadness that Forfar member, Maggie Crouch, recently passed away. Her work for ACG over the years has been widely appreciated and the group would like to extend their sympathy to Mike and the family
Next Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st February at 2pm in the Meeting Rooms in Carnoustie Coop, 3 High Street, Carnoustie, DD7 6AN