Minutes from 2nd Club Assembly
Date: Wednesday 23th September 2009
Venue: La Bonne Marmite Restaurant
Members Present: 22
Rtn Philip A.C., Rtn William A.S., PP Mamed B., PP Utesh B., PP Dan B., PP Noel C.A.Y., Chairman Andre C.S., Rtn Raj D., PP Roger D., President Ujjval, Rtn Pratik G., PE Anand G., Secretary Philip H., IPP Stephane H., IPDG Jean Claude H., PP Bernard L.S., PP Roger L.S., Chairman Adam M., Chairman Amal M., PP Alan O., Rtn Serge R., PP Bob R.
1. Approval of Past Minutes - 16th September 2009
The minutes were approved by all members present (Proposed by Rtn Amal Mungur and seconded by Rtn Mike Burman)
Reports were repeated as per our last Club assembly by the respective Officers of the Board in the presence of DG Jean Pierre Riviere with some changes which is in AOB, namely Friends of Rotary.
2. Matters arising
These were taken as part of the report of the different chairmen.
3. Secretaries Report – Rtn. Phillip Hadley
It was reported that the Club attendance had been X% over the first two month of the year.
The Club Board has held two meetings so far this year.
4. Treasurers’ Report – Rtn Jean Claude Liong
The treasurer reported that the outstanding member’s dues quoted in the annual accounts for 2008/2009 included the cost of the induction dinner for 2009/2010 due to it falling in June.
Statements of member’s accounts would be circulated before the end of the month.
5. Development and Strategy Committee Report – Chairman PP Pierre Dianan
The Development and Strategy Committee (D&S) comprises nine active members this year. We have met three times, twice during a fireside and once after the Wednesday lunch, as it had proved impossible to hold a fireside in time for the Chairman to report the activities of the committee to the Board. This is why we now aim to meet in the second week of the month.
A membership committee has been appointed, comprising PP Roger Leung as Chairman, PP David Isaacs and IPP Stephane Henry.
The D&S Committee has been working on the following projects:-
· Friends of Rotary: The idea originated last year during discussions on how to bring persons sharing Rotarian values to give a hand to the activities of the club, although they lack the time to be full members. A proposal for the implementation of this idea, as worked out by the Committee, is being put to the membership at this club assembly.
· Membership issues: IPP Stephane Henry will, in the course of this year, be addressing the club in the context of Rotary information talks. The focus will be on induction and on the duties of active members. IPP Stephane is also analysing responses from a questionnaire which was recently sent to all of us. Attendance at lunch meetings is a concern for the Committee.
· Corporate social responsibility (CSR): CSR is being actively studied by the Committee. Since all enterprises in Mauritius will be under a legal obligation to set aside two per cent of their book profits in favour of social projects, the Committee is studying what positioning the club should adopt in that respect. The alternatives under study are that the club (a) carries out its own projects with finance provided by enterprises , or (b) acts as the go-between or intermediary between the enterprises and the NGO’s benefiting from the advice, expertise and experience of us, the Rotarians. No final position has been reached so far. The Committee is still in the process of gathering information and waiting for guidelines to be issued by the authorities.
6. Club Administration Committee Report – Rtn Mike Burman
The committee has held two business meetings so far this year.
It was reported that:
· Lunch - Door: Many thanks to PP Alan’s Secretary for phone call reminders.
· Guest Speakers: Thanks to Rtn Adam and Rtn Raj.
· Ladies Outing: A weekend to a hotel in November was being arranged.
· Newsletter: The first newsletter of the year had just been prepared/circulated. Thanks to PP Mike Bootle.
· Lunch Cost: To be raised in AOB.
· Website: Thanks to PP Bob Russell for maintaining the site.
7. Vocational Committee Report – Chairman Rtn Andre
The committee has held two meetings this year.
· Marcel Lagesse Photo Competition: The winner would be announced in the press and on the club web-site. Many thanks to Rtn Serge Rivere and PP Bob Russell. The winners would be presented with their prizes at the exhibition opening ceremony at Allied Motors in Pailles.
· Rotaract: The club had given financial support for attendance at the RYLA conference in Birmingham. Rotaractor Deejaj Spoke at our last lunch regarding the trip.
· Peace and Unity Project: PP Dan Bundoo is leading the project has given two lunch time addresses on the project. With the help of PP Claude Obeegadoo, PP Philip Ah Cheun and PE Anand, six schools (three primary, three secondary) have been included in the project this year. A budget of Rs.10,000 has been proposed.
· ZEP School Nicolay: The project is being run by PP Utesh Banydeen. A site visit had taken place the week of the assembly following which the club agreed to donate some new lighting for the classrooms. The DG will visit the school next week when a fax machine will be donated to the school (thanks to Courts). A budget of 20,000 for school materials has been proposed.
· Brains Trust: A report on this year’s event will be forthcoming. The project is being led by PP. David Floyd. It has been suggested that a brainstorming session be held to agree any changes to the format. A budget of 45,000 was proposed.
· Primary School Quiz: The project is being led by Rtn Raj Dassaye. A budget of 20,000 has been proposed.
8. Report from the Community Service Committee: Reported by Chairman Amal Mungar
· Sortie des autrement capable: to be held 21st November at Domaine Les Pailles (Project Leader: PP Noël Chong Ah Yan assisted by PP Roger de Coriolis, PP Bernard Leong Son and PE Anand Gopal)
· Mouvement pour le Progrès de Roche Bois (MPRB): Funding available until the end of September.( Project Leader: Rtn Patrice Curé assisted by Nand Sooredoo, Anand Gopal and Amal Mungur)
· ZEP Schools: Funding has been secured to end of the year by IPE Stephane. Pres. Ujjval to source from 1st September. (Project Leader: PP Bernard Leong Son & Cécile)
· Camp Firinga: The committee is working on the formation of the association. (Project Leader: François Zoueiche assisted by Rtn William Ah Sue, Nand Sooredoo and Cécile Leong Son)
· Atelier Mo’zar: The project has been presented and warmly received by our Twin club in St. Denis. Cooperation on the project will be forthcoming. (Project Leader: Rtn William Ah Sue assisted by Rtn Patrice Curé, Rtn François Zoueiche and PE Anand Gopal)
· Jumble Sale: There will be 2 jumble sales this year; the first in Roches Brunes on the 31st October, and the second possible in Flacq around March 2010. (Project Leader: PP Bernard - Roche Brunes and PP Noel – Flacq)
· Dinner for Mam Sans Baz: The date is still to be confirmed before the end of the month (Project Leader: Anwar Kathrada)
· Christmas Tree: The xmas tree will occur on the Sat 12th December. The time and venue to be confirmed.
9. Budgets
The proposed Budgets for the Vocational Committee was Rs. 125,000 and Community Service Rs. 325,000
10. Any Other Business
· Friends of Rotary: Typo errors in the Report were corrected. Women and Corporates can become Friends of Rotary.
· Club Dues: Rising lunch costs may require higher club dues. It was agreed that a sub-committee be established to present suitable proposals to the January Club Assembly.
11. DG Jean Pierre Riviere reported
We had the official visit of DG Jean Pierre at our Club and he reported in the presence of ADG Alen Topsy. He stressed out on the objectives of Rotary. He mentioned that Clubs across the world should work on getting more members to join the Rotary family. He spoke about the theme “Rotary is in your hands”. Lastly, he requested that Ladies should also join our Club.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2pm.
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