DATE: Wednesday 25 March 2015 TIME: 10:30am

Cllr Bayliss (CB)
Sheila Sharpe (SS)
George Potter GP)
Val Potter (VP)
John Baggaley (JB)
D McConnell (DMc)
Pam McGowan (PM)
Pauline Inett (PI)
Denise Collins (DCo)
Sue Carr (CR)
Graham Carr (GC)
Amanda Harper (AH)
Andrew Wallace (AW) / Chair
Justin O’Brien (JO’B) / Guest
Diane Caffrey (DC) / Minutes
George Potter (GP)
Val Potter (VP)
Kerrie Dodd (KD)
Elizabeth Woollard (EW)
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Welcome introduction from each attendee.
AW updated the group with staff changes to cover maternity leave. Also advised on the thought of creating super patches. / AW
2. / Minutes of Last Meeting / AW / Approved.
Agreed as correct/ a true record of meeting with the following amendments:
GP would like feedback of why properties are refused
SC brought to AW attention that when the new repairs system was merged the contact details didn’t migrate over correctly.
AW to invite a member of the scrutiny panel to the next meeting
Amendment to AOB
SS and VP asked for estate inspection is to be carried out at Toms court and west work
. / All Agreed
This to be fed back at April Meeting
AW advised of the reasons this occurs and assured SC that this is being looked at for a resolution
AW to contact scrutiny to attend a future meeting
VP to be changed to PM
3. / Matters Arising
Update of the new potential surveys:
AW gave a detailed explanation of the text survey he carried out following the last Housing Management working Group meeting.
769 texts sent and the return % was ??
Only 78 were fully completed, which was a little disappointing, but the results were pleasing.
Housing Services scored 3.59 out of 5 and the Housing Officers 3.96 out of 5 (rounded up for both scores 4/5 is a good result)
Moving Forward AW plans to carry out further surveys in the future using this method and asked members for areas of interest.
Concerns from members that some people would not return text votes because they fear it is not legitimate. AW understood the concerns, but advised this type of survey is extremely cost effective (£1.70 per survey).
Update of Temporary Housing Officer/Patch Ideas
AW advised that the idea of a super patch has been put on the back burner for now due to many changes within the housing management team. This has triggered a series of temporary posts, so as a short tem measure the opportunity to reorganise working has resulted in extra capacity for a Housing assistant role, which is an extra resource for the team at first point of contact. This extra post has been filled from a previous recruitment drive / ALL
AW / Snap Survey suggestion from members was to look at Estate Conditions (all areas)
Donna Wilton has been appointed to this role and a part time admin assistant post will be advertised shortly.
4. / Future of supported Accommodation
AH introduced the subject and explained the reasoning behind the proposed pilot project.
Members were split into teams to discuss the proposals as well as participating in a visual work based allocations exercise, so that they could see how the current allocation system works in practice between general needs and supported needs allocations. AH asked the teams to look at the outcomes of allocations following the scenarios, and discuss the implications/ pros and cons.
A discussion around the pilot schemes answered many Questions that the group had around the changes. AH confirmed to the group that two areas had been chosen to undertake a pilot and both locations are of low demand for supported accommodation registrations and would be flats within supported accommodation and not high demand properties such as bungalows.
AH went on to say that going forward support needs would be assessed based on the individuals needs and not linked to living in a supported property. This would give people greater choice in where they wanted to live or continue to live independently.
AH confirmed that all tenancy issues would be treated as they are currently (ie ASB/rent arrears) / AH
ALL / AH to consult with existing resident of the pilot schemes
AH to set up local lettings plans for the pilot schemes which will be monitored throughout the pilot
Unanimous decision of group to undertake the pilot
5. / Housing Management Team Plan
To be Carried forward to next meeting. / AW / AW proposed that this becomes a rolling item on the HM agenda, so that regular reports on progress can be given to the group
6. / Future Meeting Agenda.
Tenancy Agreement Working Group update
Senior Housing Officer attendance to discuss:
Eviction Protocol
Refusal reasons on properties
HM Team Plan
Impact of tenancy Support Service 1 year on / AW
9. / Any Other Business
SC asked if the to let boards had proved successful
SS requested an update on long term void in Thomas Road / ALL
AH / Response not as anticipated, many people have enquired about the sale of the properties
This is still work in progress, but is nearing completion.
AW advised that active voids have reduced considerably.
160 to 74 in last quarter, and thanked his team for their hard work in making this happen
11. / Date of Next Meeting / AW / April 2015
TBC when venue has been sourced


Estate inspection of Toms Court and west walk / AW / ? / Ongoing
Bring Team Plan 2015/2016, including values of Housing Management Working Group, for review at next meeting / AW / April 15 – March 16 / Ongoing Item
Property Refusal rates / AW / April 2015 / Ongoing
Local Lettings Plan for Supported Accommodation Pilot / AH / Ongoing
Snap Surveys – Estate Management Issues / AW / August 15 / Ongoing