Algebra - Overview
Algebra is typically taught at the high school level. For those 8th graders who are prepared and willing to put forth the effort, it is offered at OSL.
Enrollment in algebra is no guarantee the student will achieve high school credit. However, each student can increase his or her odds of obtaining high school credit by maintaining the proper attitude throughout the school year. This includes: a willingness to learn, asking questions, searching for answers, seeking out help from the teacher and parents, completing the homework, and preparing for tests.
Algebra class is structured this way:
Homework assigned every day (with a few exceptions)
Quiz(zes) every week
Pre-Test the day before the test
Tests at the end of each chapter
Textbook: Texas Algebra I
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
Online help is available for every lesson. Go to:
Enter code: ate - 0775
Should an algebra student demonstrate poor achievement, the teacher will request a parent-teacher conference to discuss the matter and determine a course of action. This may mean moving the student to 8th grade Pre-Algebra.
10% Homework
30% Quizzes
60% Tests
Teacher: Mr. Kemnitz (713) 290-8277
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