Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 14, 2014Page 1 of 8

Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting

May 14 2014



Approved Sept 3/14

Present: / Joan McIntosh ©, Doug Moynihan, Kim Cross,Lorraine Zacharias,Pat Halwachs, Dr. Joanne Spencer, Esther Richards, Marlene Davidson, Wayne McAndrew
Absent: / Dr. Van Der Loo,Ed Enge, Vic Prokopchuk, Marj Lambkin, Brent Boyko, VC
Guests: / Michael McKinnon, Atikokan Progress; Samantha Holmgren, Dietitian for the Diabetes Education Program
Recorder: / Linda Morelli
Action Req’d/Date
  1. PRESENTATION – S. Holmgren – Diabetes Education Program

Samantha Holmgren presented information on the Diabetes Education Program. Donna Mallard, who is currently the educator,will be retiring this year and Samantha will be taking on the educator role at that time. The complete report of the Diabetes Education Program is on file and available on request.

Chair J. McIntosh called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.

The agenda was reviewed and accepted with one addition: 5(b) Business Arising from the Minutes.
MOTION:L. Zacharias/W. McAndrew
“That the agenda be approved asamended.”CARRIED 2014-52

The Consent Agenda was approved as circulated.
MOTION:W. McAndrew/P. Halwachs
“That the Consent Agenda be approved aspresented. CARRIED 2014-53
With the adoption of the Consent Agenda, the following items were approved:
a)Approval of Regular Board Minutes of April 9/14;
b)Acceptance of the Governance Committee Report of April 16/14;
c)Acceptance of the Finance Committee Report of April 28/14 including approval of a recommendation to change thehospital investment policy to increase the equity component to 15%;
d)Acceptance of the Health Professionals Recruitment and Retention report of May 1/14;
e)Acceptance of the Medical Advisory Committee Meeting of April 15/14 with physician privileges to be dealt with in separate resolutions after in-camera discussion.

a)Business Arising from Regular Board Minutes: P. Halwachs reported that there will be another DoRR IDN G2G (District of Rainy River Integrated District Network Governance to Governance) meeting on May 30 at noon in the AGH basement boardroom. This is a follow-up meeting to the one held in Fort Frances on March 27/14. The invitation to attend on May 30th was extended to J. McIntosh, Board Chair in particular and to the Board in general.
b)Business Arising from Health Professionals Recruitment and Retention Committee Meeting:The Board was updated on the locum situation. Currently we are short oflocum coverage for June so the CEO and COS will be meeting on Friday to discuss a plan of action. The recruitment of a physician from Australia is proceeding and we have asked the assistance of our local MP to help with the process.

a)Patient Safety: E. Richards reported that the Ontario Telemedicine Network has set up a new system at AGH. We have a new stethoscope and telederm camera plus a PCVC (Personal Computer Video Conferencing) to use as well.
Nursing staff are attending a chemotherapy workshop.
The company that will install a new automated medication system is on site to assess the physical layout of our facility. The new system will help reduce the incidence of medication errors.
The Lab had their accreditation site visit last week. We had 3 major and 45 minor citations that staff will be working to address in the coming weeks. The CEO and CNO will be speaking with Dr. Kerri MacDonald, the Lab Director about the issues this week.
We have hired a new Medical Laboratory Technologist and a Technician.
There are a number of students in the building lately working with nursing (RPN), Lab, Dietitian, Diagnostic Imaging.
We have been at 100% capacity and even had 2 patients staying in the ER for a time. In addition, there was a gastrointestinal outbreak from May 5-12, 2014.
b)Report of the CEO: Mr. Moynihan’s report is appended to these minutes. It was agreed that the next steps for the Board Retreat Recommendations should be further discussed. / Board Retreat Recommend-ations

MOTION: L. Zacharias/W. McAndrew
“That the Board move to an in-camera session of the meeting at 5:55 pm.” CARRIED 2014-54
The Board returned to an open session at 6:49 pm.
MOTION: W. McAndrew/P. Halwachs
“That the Board return to an open session of the meeting at 6:20 pm.” CARRIED 2014-55
As a result of in-camera discussion, the following resolutions were presented for approval:
MOTION: L. Zacharias/M. Davidson
“That the in-camera minutes of April 9/14 be approved.”
CARRIED 2014-56
Recommended Physician Privileges from April 15, 2014 MAC meeting
MOTION: P. Halwachs/W. McAndrew
ACTIVE STAFF - Reappointment
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Kenneth Sawchuk - Dental
be approved for active privileges for the calendar year 2014.”
CARRIED 2014-57
MOTION: L. Zacharias/W. McAndrew
LOCUM STAFF – Reappointment
MOTION: Dr. Van Der Loo/Dr. Elia
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Monica CarterDr. Usne Butt
Dr. Theresa ClintonDr. Colleen Fuller
Dr. Christine HwangDr. Martin Wlodarski
Dr. Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay
be approved for general medicine locum privileges for the calendar year 2014” CARRIED 2014-58
MOTION: W. McAndrew/L. Zacharias
COURTESY STAFF – Reappointment
MOTION: Dr. Van Der Loo/Dr. Elia
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Margaret AnthesRadiation Oncology, TBRHSC
Kathryn BeanNP, TBRHSC
Dr. James MacDonaldPathologist
Dr. Terry ChungReading Radiologist
Dr. Carlos De SequeiraReading Radiologist
Dr. Julio Wai Ho KanReading Radiologist
Dr. Michael McLennanReading Radiologist
Dr. Mitesh MehtaReading Radiologist
Dr. James MeindokReading Radiologist
be recommended to the Board for approval of courtesy privileges for the calendar year 2014” CARRIED 2014-59
MOTION: M. Davidson/P. Halwachs
REGIONAL STAFF – Ordering of diagnostic tests only
MOTION: Dr. Spencer/Dr. Elia
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Teresa Bruni, TBRHSCDr. Russel Clark, TBRHSC
Dr. Claude Cullinan, TBRHSCDr. Anali Dadgostar, TBRHSC
Dr. Henry Fairley, TBRHSCDr. David Gamble, TBRHSC
Dr. Iftikhar Haq, TBRHSCDr. Nicole Laferriere, TBRHSC
Dr. Christopher Lai, TBRHSCDr. Saleem Malik, TBRHSC
Dr. Lise Mozzon, TBRHSCDr. David Puskas, TBRHSC
Dr. Kevin Ramchandar, TBRHSCDr. Kathleen Simpson, TBRHSC
Dr. Elena Sokolova, TBRHSCDr. Lea Velsher, TBRHSC
Dr. Stephen Viherjoki, TBRHSCDr. John Wyant, TBRHSC
Dr. Andrew Turner, TBRHSCDr. Sara Newbery, Marathon WMGH
Marlyss Thiessen, NP, RHCFSharon Jaspers, NP, TBRHSC
Dona Ree, NP, TBRHSCDr. Jessica Robinson, Marathon WMGH
be recommended to the Board for approval of regional staff privileges for the calendar year 2014.” CARRIED 2014-60
Recommended Physician Privileges from May 14, 2014 MAC meeting
LOCUM STAFF – NEW Appointment
MOTION: W. McAndrew/L. Zacharias
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Sharareh Shokri, General Medicine
Dr. Hala Talballa, General Medicine
Dr. George Fallis, General Medicine
be approved for locum privileges for the calendar year 2014.” CARRIED 2014-61
(Info purposes only: Dr. Ran Yan, Resident working with Dr. Fallis – Credentialing not required)
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. Dorrie-Anna Dueck, Medical Oncology
Dr. Amir Faghih, Medical Oncology
Dr. Dolores Sicheri, Medical Oncology
Dr. Dimitrios Vergidis, Medical Oncology
Dr. Christopher Lai, Cardiologist
be approved for courtesy staff privileges for the calendar year 2014”
CARRIED 2014-62
NRECS Applications:
LOCUM STAFF – Reappointment
MOTION: L. Zacharias/W. McAndrew
“That the following professionals staff
Dr. John Fotheringham, General Medicine
be approved for locum staff privileges for the calendar year 2014.”
CARRIED 2014-63
REGIONAL STAFF – Ordering of diagnostic tests only and fully credentialed at primary facility noted
MOTION: M. Davidson/W. McAndrew
“That the following professional staff:
Dr. George Derbyshire, Pediatrics, TBRHSC
Dr. Andrej Habjan, General Medicine, TBRHSC
Lillian Dunn, Midwife, TBRHSC
Barbara Kemeny, Midwife, TBRHSC
Marie Nathalie Quevillon-Dussault, Midwife, TBRHSC
Sandra Shymko, Midwife, TBRHSC
be approved for privileges for ordering of diagnostic tests at AGH for the calendar year 2014.” CARRIED 2014-64

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 pm on a motion byL. Zacharias and seconded by W. McAndrew
CARRIED 2014-65


Joan T. McIntosh, Board ChairD. Moynihan, CEO

Attachments (1): CEO Report

CEO Report

Atikokan General Hospital

Regular Board Meeting, May 14, 2014

  1. Workshops/Conferences attended by CEO last week
  1. Rural/Small Hospitals Quality Improvement Project in the NWLHIN

This is a learning collaborative lead by Dr. Ben Chan who was hired with the Small Rural Northern (SRN) Transformation fund. Small hospitals have a unique operation that requires customized measures of performance different than large hospitals. The goal of the project is to create performance indicators that are appropriate measures for SRN hospitals to measure quality of patient satisfaction, discharge planning, and transports.

  1. Small Rural Northern (SRN)Hospital transformation fund

The MoHLTC continues to provide an annual special fund ($20M) to SRN hospitals ($3.4M for our LHIN) to be used to collaborate with other health service providers and integrate services that will improve quality of care. Our 11 small hospitals have several projects in the planning stage for example: virtual care, pharmacy, mental health, telemedicine equipment, and regional C.I. Officer.

  1. Rural and Northern Governance

The Governance Centre of Excellence and the OHA sponsored a workshop featuring the board’s role with examples of integration and amalgamation. We heard examples from Haliburton, and Almonte where they redesigned their governance structure and merged departments to better the quality and access to services while controlling costs. One presentation from a legal firm described the various options of integration from Shared Services Agreements to organizational Alliances and finally full amalgamation. Another valuable session was on Risk Governance. (See slides)

  1. Rural and Northern Hospitals (Slides sent )

This conference attracted over 122 attendees addressing numerous topics specific to small rural hospitals. One highlight was the presentation from Steven Lewis (not the politician) on the topic of integration. Steven is a respected scholar who has consulted and researched Canadian health care and compared and contrasted best practices from the G7. Some of his themes were:

a)Formal structural integration is better than informal cooperation

b)No one model is best – each situation is unique. Research best practices: UK, Alaska, Sweden.

c)Funding criteria and incentives need to be aligned. Move resources to match the needs

d)Too much ’social integration’ can hamper efficiency. ( E.G. Sask. – pop. 1 million, boards - 43)

e)General practitioners know everything about nothing; Specialists know nothing about everything.

f)Strive for a single multiservice governance

g)Small facilities have a diseconomy of scale and lack of specialization - focus on emerg.

h)The customers do not need to be aware of the complexities.

i)Strong engagement from the public and patients is essential.

  1. Progress on other projects
  • Board Retreat – The notes from the April session with Tom Walters are available to review. Next Steps & Action Plans:

Board to add an agenda item on how to create more generative discussion

Revise the current graphic on the Strategic Plan to highlight changes & additions from the Retreat

Develop a more concrete work plan with responsibility assigned for what, who, when and how

Board/Senior Management to contact TBRHSC re: input into their Strategic Plan

Board to work with Senior Management on an advocacy strategy (particularly in light of potential provincial election)

Board to use a “buddy” system to bring absent Board members up to speed on the retreat

  • Nurses week and Doctor Recognition day - This week we celebrate all our great nurses with some food and a neck wrap. We also hosted our three physicians with staff from the clinic and Family Health Team. They received a card and a basket of ‘ goodies’
  • New Staff / students - We have nine (9) new health professionals helping out in nursing, the lab, D.I. and Dietary.
  • A pharmacy medication team - is here to help us introduce some new distribution controls with unit –dose and automated towers.
  • The Auditors – are here this week examining our records, doing tests and ensuring all our procedures meet acceptable standards.

Lab Accreditation - Our lab recently was audited by the provincial organization called Ontario Lab Association (OLA). The accreditation is similar to the hospital accreditation process and an important designation to have. Results will be sent to us later.

Atikokan General Hospital is dedicated to excellence in compassionate

and supportive healthcare for those we serve.