Minutes for the Dudley LOC Committee Meeting held at 6.30p.m. on Monday 27th March 2017

RussellsHallHospital, Education Centre

Committee in Attendance

Shamina Asif (Chair), David Wright (Treasurer),Paul Sidhu (Secretary), Charles Barlow (Vice Chair), Kay Reeves, Sunit Jolly, Sonia Tyrell, Jasheen Mangat, Nicky Ferguson, Rosie Birhah, Gurdeep Dhasanjh

Also in attendance

Mark Tuffin,Hussain Ejaz (elected to committee at 3.1)

  1. Apologies

Jiva Bangay, Peter Bainbridge

2.Declarations of Interest

No changes were declared

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Gurdeep Dhasanjh and Jasheen Mangat were wrongly listed as In Attendance. They should have been listed as Committee in Attendance.

The minutes were then agreed as anaccurate record. Proposed by SA and seconded by CB

3.1 - Filling Vacancy on LOC

NF pointed out that PS had incorrectly identified her as a performer in his report when she is in fact a contractor. Therefore, a Performer is required to fill the current vacancy in order to maintain a balance between contractors and performers. As he has now attended 3 meetings it was suggested that Hussain Ejaz fill this role. Voted and carried unanimously.

4. Matters Arising

All Matters Arising are dealt with in the following minutes.

5. Correspondence

Hot Briefs circulated prior to the meeting. Information circulated to all contractor and performers regarding Meibopatch not being on the formulary for Dudley and therefore can’t be prescribed.

6. NHS Updates

6.1 – Forensic Audit of GOS Claims – Paul Sidhu has nothing more to report.

6.2 – Funding for Ian Hadfield – Paul Sidhu suggested that Ian Hadfield could offer advice to practices undergoing NHS audits on Dudley LOC’s behalf. He cannot negotiate on behalf of practices. With this in mind the Committee was asked if it would agree to LOC funding of his time spent advising Dudley contractors. The time required was estimated to be about one hour per practice. PS put forward the opposing case also: that contractors contribute to the LOC, therefore why should a contractor who has done nothing wrong pay to support a contractor who may have made inappropriate claims?A vote was taken – 9 in favour ,3 against– carried.

7. Chair’s Business

West Midlands locality event attended on Wed 8th Feb, Mark Curran was invited band had an opportunity to see the advantages of MECS in Sandwell and Wolverhampton. SA did a presentation on HLO at the beacon Centre for the blind.

Dudley Vanguard Conference 9.15-4.15pm Himley Hall. A lot of useful information on STP's how multi-disciplinary MCP's will work. This will sit well in ophthalmology. and will result in more schemes being rolled out in community optical practices. Attended by Richard Rawlinson, and SA.

Hospital meeting with Mr. Ibrahim and HES managers. A lot of discussion on triage form, HES were not happy about optical staff triaging, CB said this is what is happening elsewhere and that Dudley cannot deviate away from what is happening at it's borders and that the scheme is working well elsewhere. Action SA to show updated form to HES.

SA also told HES to update the referral management guidelines - given to HES to do.

HES have agreed to have clinics where Optoms can shadow ARC - SA to organise with Claire from HES

Overall HES are ok with MECS Scheme but do not want to see post op scheme in the community

CCG MEETING - Thursday 16th March 2017

Attended by a new GP lead - Dr. Ruth Taporo. She would like to have business service specs submitted asap. She also would like updated figures on how well the scheme is running through heart of west midlands. CB to give updated figures to SA to show Dr. Ruth Taporo and SA and CB to work on business plans Action SA and CB

HLO - Michelle is leaving. SA is trying to encourage more practices to sign up to leadership training so that they can become accredited. Overall everything is going well.

8. Vice Chair’s Business

8.1 – HWMROC –CB had not been to any new meetings since the previous LOC committee meeting, therefore has nothing to report.

8.2 – Regional Company Update – as 8.1

9. Secretary’s Business

PS circulated the following report prior to the meeting:

“Filling vacancy on the LOC

Following on from Nirinder Hunjan resigning, we have a vacancy on the committee. Our committee was composed as follows prior to Nirinder’s resignation:

Contractors / Performers
Charles Barlow / Paul Sidhu
David Wright / Shamina Asif
Peter Bainbridge / Kay Reeves
Nirinder Hunjan / Jasheen Mangat
Sunit Jolly / Rosie Birhah
Gurdeep Dosanjh (co-opted) / Nicky Ferguson (co-opted) Hospital Optometrist also works in practice so counts as a performer
Neither contractor nor performer: / Sonia Tyrrell (co-opted).

Therefore, as per the constitution, where a seat is vacated and to maintain the required balance between contractors and performers, the committee should elect a suitable contractor to replace Nirinder for the remainder of his term.

(PLEASE SEE 3.1 on agenda for correction to the above)

In answer to the query about a performer being co-opted to the committee, as we are (or will be) in balance between performers and contractors as per the current constitution, and we have used all our allowed co-opts, we currently have no power to do this even if we wanted to. When we have elections again, they should stand for election, and I will address this later in this report.

Funding for Ian Hadfield

I would ask the committee to consider approving funding Ian Hadfield where he spends time assisting a colleague in Dudley within the bounds set out by LOSCU as being appropriate i.e. not attending settlement meetings etc.

AGM and the new model constitution.

I have included in the meeting documents the new model constitution along with the changes that I have identified. We should look to adopt this at the next AGM.

Addressing again the performer who wants to join the committee, there is a less strict requirement to keep the committee exactly balanced between contractors and performers under the new constitution. Therefore, once we have adopted the new constitution and we hold elections under it, we can set a maximum size of committee and elect accordingly. We need to use 1 of our co-opts for a D.O. and should have 2 left for whatever eventuality.

On the issue of transitioning to having 1/3rd of the committee elected at each AGM, LOCSU have given guidance only in the event of either the whole committee being up for election at the next AGM or if the committee was elected at the last AGM. In our case, we will all have 1 year remaining at this AGM as we were elected in 2015 for a 3 year term. I asked for further clarification suggesting either:

  1. We get 2/3rd to stand for election this year, half of those for 2 year terms and half for 3 year terms, then have the remaining 3rd stand for election next year, or
  2. We all stand for election but 1/3rd get each of 1,2 and 3 year terms depending on number of votes (or by lots or by agreement)?

and got this reply:

“…. there are no hard and fast rules regarding this, so whichever the two scenarios you have set out to your committee and what they would prefer will be fine.”

We could also do what Sandwell LOC are proposing, which is to go ahead and adopt the model constitution at their AGM this year, but not to have elections under it till the following AGM.

So, we need to decide which we are going to do regarding elections and have that decision voted on as a proposal at the AGM. Should it be rejected, we may need to propose calling a EGM to elect committee members under whichever method the AGM decides not less than 42 days after the AGM to allow time for postal votes.

I also recommend we also get ratification again of the resolution around elections that I proposed in 2015. I have simplified it somewhat to:

“Resolutions on Elections 2017

This resolution’s purpose is to cover some areas not fully clarified in the model constitution.

  1. Composition of Committee

The Constitution sets a minimum number of committee members at 6, but doesn’t set a maximum number. It is proposed that there be a maximum number of 16 elected plus one local DO who is not a Contractor and two other co-opted members will be set. Of the 16 elected members, there will be a maximum of 8 Performers and 8 Contractors. Where more than 8 Contractors stand for election, they will be given the option of declaring themselves as Performers if they are eligible, and visa versa. If all 16 seats are not filled, these will be declared as vacant seat(s) to be filled as per clause 6 of the Constitution, when a suitable candidate is found.

Where no more than 8 Contractors stand for election to the committee, no election will need to be held for the Contractor places and those Contractors that stood for election will be considered to be elected. Likewise, where no more than 8 Performers stand, no election will need to be held for the Performer places.

  1. Voting Method

As with College of Optometrists elections, it is proposed voting will be by Plurality-at-Large system. All contractors will be allowed to select as many contractors from the list of contractor candidates as they wish. Likewise for performers.

  1. Tied Vote for Elections to Committee

It is proposed that If there is a tied vote for contractors for the final place(s) on the committee, it will be settled by a show of hands of the contractors attending the AGM. Likewise for performers.

If there is still a tie, the Chair of the AGM will be empowered and required to make a “casting vote” and decide the outcome.

  1. Other Tied Vote at the AGM

It is proposed that if there is a tie in any other vote at the AGM (which may include postal and proxy votes), it will be settled by a show of hands of those attending the AGM. If there is still a tie, the Chair of the AGM will be empowered and required to make a “casting vote” and decide the outcome. “

We need to a choose date for the AGM, and also decide on a format. I would suggest CET again, but this would fall on Rosie to arrange.”

9.1 – ST update on small frame supplements – Sonia reminded the Committee that there is a list of practices who deal with Special Needs on the website. Sonia also gave a short talk regarding available spectacle frames and distributed catalogues and information to the Committee. Sonia reported that a member of parliament is working on clarification of the small frame supplement regulations and will report any further developments.

Sonia suggested that the LOC could help with funding a fitting set for practices if required. No decision was made on this.

Shamina suggested a CET day on Paediatric Dispensing.Rosie reminded the Committee that this had already been done.

9.2 - AGM and New Model Constitution

It was decided to put to the AGM the new Model Constitution and to propose to have elections from it at the 2018 AGM. It was agreed to put the resolution on elections to the AGM. It was agreed that the AGM would take place on 26th June to avoid Ramadan. Rosie will arrange CET after the meeting as she already had some pencilled in for that date.

10. Treasurer’s Business

DW reported a balance of just under £20K and was hoping to achieve a £20K balance by the end of the financial year in March. PS to produce a Business Plan and set budgets for next year.

Action PS

11. CEO Officer’s Business

RB reminded the Committee that Dudley and Sandwell have a joint event on 18th September and that 20th July is earmarked for OSCEs. RB may organise up to one CET event per month if possible.

Action RB

RB asked the Committee if she should bill Dudley ROC for her work on the Dementia and Sight Loss CET with Claire Roberts. SA suggested that Claire Roberts should be paying for this work from her budget, however, PS suggested that Dudley should pay if funding from Claire was not forthcoming. CB agreed. RB to request payment from Claire.

Action RB

12 . Authorisation to act and email conversations

Agreed unanimously.

13. Authorisation to act on ROC

Agreed unanimously.


JM has been asked if Dudley LOC would be prepared to have a page on its website devoted to Vision Care for the Homeless. PS and CB were not sure this was a suitable request: The charity sees people for GOS sight tests that could have those tests conducted at other providers, therefore it would amount to promoting one contractor above others even if they are a not-for-profit organisation. PS was happy to Tweet and support via Facebook again but felt that granting this request could open the door for multiple requests from other parties. A vote was taken – 3 in favour, 6 against, 3 abstentions.

12.Date of Next Meeting

Monday 15th May – 6.60pm

The meeting closed at8.58pm.