Q & A last updated 3/23/17


  1. Is Gulf Coast Center looking specifically at cloud based or Center hosting software?

Answer: The Center is not looking for one specifically but would like to compare functionality and pricing difference if a vendor had both. A vendor with only one option, would not automatically be remove from consideration.

  1. How many vendors have we sent the RFP to?

Answer: The Center has individually sent the RFP to five (5) different vendors. We have also posted on our website and will be posting in news paper and other media outlets as well, so we do anticipate requests from others.

  1. Is changing of the formatting of the attachments allowed?

Answer: Formatting changes of the attachments will be allowed as long as the attachments and questions are answered in sequence as presented in the RFP.

  1. Who is the current vendor?

Answer: The current vendor is ADP.

  1. What is the timeline of the selection process?

Answer: Once RFP’s are received by the due date, the RFP review will immediately take place where upon the top three (3) vendors will be ask to provide a demo to the group prior to the final selection.

  1. If a vendor is selected for a demo, will they be allowed to ask questions concerning the main areas of concentration for the demo so that time will be most efficient and effective as possible?

Answer: Yes, the vendors administering the demo may ask questions about the areas of concentration for the demo.

  1. How many physical locations does the Center have? Where does payroll processing take place?

Answer: Currently, the Center has twelve (12) physical locations and payroll processing takes place in only one (1) location.

  1. How do we want to see pricing broken out?

Answer: The Center would hope to receive pricing based upon whether a system is cloud base vs. local hosting as well as a break out of one-time costs vs. annual recurring costs.

  1. Would you be able to provide a list, raking the most important area of functionality required first down to the least?

Answer: In an effort to select the best product for the Center, we will look at the system as a whole in relation to costs associated with each component. To attempt to clarify the most important area of functionality several tabs would lump into what the Center sees as Payroll.

  1. Payroll – which would include classification&compensation, Personnel Admin, Benefits Admin,
  2. Time Reporting and Leave
  3. Position Control
  4. Employee Self Service
  5. Training and Development
  6. Applicant Services
  1. What vendors have received the RFP?

Answer: As of today 3/23/2017, the current vendors have received the RFP.

  1. Ceridian
  2. Paycom
  3. Paylocity
  4. Paycor
  5. ADP
  6. Datis

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