Inter-Club Council


1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk)

28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)

Agenda for Regular Meeting

Monday, March 11, 2013

9:30 a.m.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Inter-Club Council will meet, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, March 11, 2013 in Room 851-MVC, and Room 1111 -SJC. The starting time listed for the meeting is approximate. Public testimony will be invited in conjunction with discussion on each item.

I.  Opening of Meeting

A.  Call to Order

B.  Pledge of Allegiance

C.  Roll Call

i.  ICC Reps

ii.  SGA Advisor

II.  Review and Approval of Minutes: Motion Second

III.  ICC Club Reports & Information

A.  ICC President

B.  ICC Club Reps

C.  ICC Advisor

IV.  Public Comment

This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Inter-Club Council on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.

V.  Discussion Items: None

VI.  Action Items (Events/Expenditures)

[block vote] Motion Second

A.  Psychology– Events and Expenditures:

i.  Movie Night TBA

ii.  Peer Group Session TBA

B.  Masqueraders Events and Expenditures:

i.  Fundraiser monthly movie day for the following dates; March 22nd, April 5th and May 3rd; from 12:30 to 4:30

ii.  Beanie, scarf Fundraiser

iii.  Gift basket Fundraiser

iv.  End of the year Banquet TBD

C.  Heart of Art Meeting

i.  Movie Event March 11th – “Banksy: Exit Through The Gift Shop”

D.  History Club

i.  Prop 8 lecture / discussion March 14th from 12:30 to 2:00pm

ii.  Harvey Milk Day celebration and LGBT May 9th 12:30 to 2:00pm

E.  Mu Alpha Theta

i.  Pie sale at all BBQ’s (pre-packaged/store-bought pies only)

ii.  March 23 and 24, Hot chocolate race

iii.  May 18, Relay for Life in Murrieta

F.  Anthropology

i.  Carwash April 20th

ii.  Field trip to the Escondido Renaissance Fair on May 5th (need field trip forms)


i.  Carwash Fundraiser - Date TBD

ii.  Valley Restart TBD

H.  Challenge Club

i.  Movie Day March 13th from 12 to 2 pm showing “The Beautiful Mind”

I.  Asian and Pacific Islanders Club

i.  Basket Drawing Fundraiser at SGA barbeque, March 21st 11:30am-2:00pm

ii.  Game Turnament / Donations, April 5th 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

VII. Club Business Accounts and Fund Transfers:


i.  Purchase Request from EVDO club account to the scholarship account “not to exceed $100.00”

B.  Anthropology

i.  Purchase request for Screen printing “not to exceed $135.00”

ii.  Payment for T-Shirt s “not to exceed $50.00”

VIII.  Club Membership and Charter:

A.  MVC S.T.E.M (Membership)

IX.  Adjournment Motion Second

Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the ICC President at (951) 487-3380 prior to the meeting.

MSJC Inter-Club Council meetings are open and minutes recorded per The Brown Act of California. Minutes shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with The Brown Act.

Conference Room Numbers ICC Contact Information

MVC-Room 805 (951-639-5888) ICC President, Kesia Crawford –

MVC-Room 851 (951-639-5840) SGA and ICC Advisor, Nathan Brais –

SJC - Room 1111 (951-487-3886) Support Specialist, Sandi Uhrig –

Subject Line:

ICC – Request to add Item

Deadline to request items is noon, the Tuesday prior to the next scheduled ICC Meeting at noon

Reminder: When you plan out an event or expenditure, please send the club minutes along with your Event & Activity Planning form or Purchase Request form. It is important to show that the Club approved every event or expenditure before it can be forwarded to Business Services or the SGA Meeting.