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Minutes for Nailsworth Health Partnership Meeting. 1st November 2012

Members present:

Richard Easthorpe

Pam Browne

Paul Young

Judy Hemmons

Elfie Klinger

Nick White

Lesley Doran

Roz Mulhall

Tony Burton

Jo Hofman

Marilyn Miles

Sally Millett

1 Welcome : Marilyn welcomed : Lesley Doran who is a reflexologist and Judy Hemmons who is a psychotherapist to our meeting

2 Apologies: Aileen Bendall

Rosalind John

Duncan Mann

Betty Young

Hilary Hills

Betty Young

Paul Hofman

John Miles

Kathleen Beard

3 Minutes of last meeting Accepted

4 Matters Arising: There had been discussion reference the style of lettering for our nHp logo but after looking at alternative styles i.e Large NhP it has been agreed the current style is accepted.

Paul Young reminded of the need to make sure we included the Lottery Logo also on publications when it is appropriate.

Walk Leadership Training: Rosalind John has completed this and is keen to lead longer walks on a regular basis. Nick Peters, Marilyn Miles, John Miles and Paul Young have also done the training. Jo Hofman would also like to do the training and Marilyn will forward her name to Stroud District Council [Jane Bullows]

We now have Public liability insurance cover which allows us to develop the walking programme

Pam Brown suggested other areas for involvement in walking are the Ramblers Association, also the once a month walks run by the Nailsworth Society.

CRB checks for volunteers are now completed.

Insurance company require a safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults to be in place and Marilyn has asked Barbara Pond of Gloucestershire Rural Community Council for help in setting this up.

5 Big Lottery Grant

5a cPad A very successful training with 35 people attending on September 20th. Device is in place at the side of Tesco Express and was unveiled at the end of the training event. Marilyn stressed that this is available for everyone to use as the machine talks the user through the procedure. When the ambulance control centre is contacted if the symptoms described suggest a heart attack is happening, then the person making the call will be given the code for the defibrillator. Elfie Klinger checks it weekly.

Lighting: The key pad can be seen with the help of the street light and once open an internal light comes on.

Electricity use: We may have to contribute £20 per year to Tesco to cover this.

It cost £167 to fit it.

Positive evidence of the value of this machine has been collected over the last five years.

There is a second defibrillator on the industrial estate. enquiries are to be made by Elfie Klinger if this could become available for general use if needed.

Tesco have not put up the sign advertising the presence of the cPad. This needs to be chased up – Elfie will contact the manager Stefan

Jo Hofmansuggested we put the details into the new directory.

5b Intergenerational activity sessions: Offered on a Monday after school and a Thursday early in the evening. The Monday sessions are well attended but so far no interest in the Thursday. To be re advertised by leafleting the schools. Tony Burton suggested putting a leaflet advertising them in the Library. Sarah Urquhart instructor for these sessions had led an assembly in the Junior School. Sessions continuing until the end of February.

5c Gentle Exercise group: This is run on a Monday morning and is well attended. Funding supplied by Stroud District Council to subsidise the cost (£2.50 per person and £4 per couple)

5d Health Fayre Discussion on this held over to the next meeting.

5e Talks: The Back Pain talk was held on October 11th by Nick from the White Practice. It was interesting and valuable providing information as to causes and some exercises which could help. Unfortunately it was less well attended than previous talks. A suggestion was made we have some of the talks in Nailsworth i.e at the Mortimer rooms to try and attract a wider/different audience.

Suggestions for other talks: Carer awareness. We have two leaders in Gloucestershire who could be approached to offer this.

Sexual awareness and understanding for young people. Rape and consent also menstrual health issues. These subjects are covered by Tracy Young at the Youth Centre and Marilyn will provide Judy Hemmons with her contact details.

Cancer awareness different types, when to contact the doctor [earlier the better chance of help] and how to talk to the doctor.

Roz Mulhall announced she is stepping down from direct involvement with organizing the talks but will still come to those she is interested in.

Marilyn gave a vote of thanks on our behalf for all her hard work and dedication.

There is to be a first aid course for parents with small children run by the Children’s’ Centre (Barnardos) at the Arkell Centre on November 14th with another one in February 2013

5f Walks Marilyn has met with the chair of the Nailsworth Festival, Tony Anhoury. He has requested our walking festival does not clash with this except for the boundary walk which could be done on the last Sunday of the Festival fortnight 26th May

Our festival could be 1st week in May 4th – 11th.but needs further deliberations

Nailsworth Festival is from the 18th May 2013

Jo Hofman and her husband Paul have offered to take on the leadership of the walking group. Nick Peters has agreed to come back during the walking festival week to lead one of the walks.

5g Website We now have our own in place set up by Jess Bale ( . It will be our responsibility to keep it updated.

5h Directory slow but steady progress is being made towards its completion. Marilyn asked if she could have a draft copy to put in the Town Information Centre window as part of our display at the end of November.

6 Funding and Treasurer’s Report

Big Lottery Grant received in May. Also received £1552 from Stroud District Council in August.

So far £1,750 has been sent to the Community Hearbeat Trust for the cPad installation and training and there has been some other small expenditure.

Income from activities the talk on Back Pain and the exercise classes has been received.

Our balance is £8,387.

7 Patient Participation Group

Some concern was expressed at the lack of meetings for this group. Duncan submitted a report.

We have two new doctors in the practice.

Andrew Sampson who has interest in emergency medicine and is a trained first responder.

Michelle Cooper, who is part time for the present. She lives in Wotton U Edge and is experienced in Dermatology.

A new computer system is now in place

They now have 8 doctors in the practice, three of whom are full time.

Ros mentioned briefly the change in NHS culture which is affecting the way practices work, for instance the downward pressure on hospital referrals as a means of reducing costs, with the consequence that GPs are referring more to each other within and without the practice. Duncan is involved in the county wide clinical commissioning group {CCG} and Kate Kay is a patient representative on the local executive group.


Fit for the Future Public consultation being run by Gloucestershire County Council and NHS Gloucestershire

Let’s Talk Health is the second area for consultation and discussion

Tony Burton had been to a meeting about these and brought to the group copies of the document which explains the reasons and aims for the consultation and there is a questionnaire for people to fill in and give their views.

Tony also reported on Stroud Older Persons Forum held at Ebley Mill on 8/10/2012

Concerns have been expressed about the lack of development of Tricorn House at Cainscross, in theory being converted into a care home.

Skill Zone. There is an opportunity for groups of older people to learn about keeping safe. The forum had a performance from the Wild Woolly Women group from Cirencester about the value of exercise and taking care of themselves. This is part of the Aging Together Naturally (ANT) programme

There is also a campaign to end loneliness and isolation through befriending etc. Nailsworth library club is to re-open shortly on the 2nd Wednesday of every month 11.30 to 12.30.

Judy Hemmons is involved with the Listening Post in Stroud and is concerned that some of the referrals made need more help than simply counselling. She feels there is an opening for some complementary treatments. There is also a need for a Drop in Centre where help with practical matters could be given.

Paul Young suggested that members of the NHP who have particular skills could perhaps give some of their time voluntarily and across all age groups.

OPEN DOOR is a very successful group who work with young people 16-20 years of age, meeting at the top of Stroud.

9 Other matters

Marilyn has commissioned David Barker to come and do a video of the exercise classes and the parent /children group in the afternoon. He has already done one on the Walks and also recorded the cPad opening.

Pam Browne reminded us of the publicity for events available through her column in the Stroud News and Journal.

Richard Easthorpe has regular contact with Points West and Radio Gloucester.

Meeting finished at 9.35pm


THURSDAY 17TH January at 7.30pm in Prices Mill Surgery