Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 8: Plant Pathology
1) Plant diseases are caused only by pathogens.
2) Examples of inoculum include (choose the incorrect answer):
a) fungal spores
b) fungal mycelium
c) nematode eggs
d) nutrient deficiencies
3) The three components of the disease triangle are a plant, a pathogen, and the ______.
4) Fungi need to draw their sustenance from other living things because they lack chlorophyll.
5) Both the smut and the ______fungi cause some of the most destructive crop diseases known.
6) Southern blight has these characteristics (choose the incorrect answer):
a) It is caused by a fungus.
b) It is active only during the early spring.
c) The first symptoms are the wilting or collapse of stems or the entire plant.
d) It can blight most herbaceous perennials.
7) ______is the most important fungal disease of roses worldwide.
8) Dutch elm disease enters through feeding wounds made by termites.
True_____ False_____
9) Dogwood ______is the most serious disease of dogwoods in the landscape and in forests.
10) The optimum conditions for powdery mildew are cool days followed by cooler nights.
11) Bacteria have the following characteristics (choose the incorrect answer).
a) Almost all plant bacteria are cone shaped.
b) Bacteria reproduce by splitting into two equal halves.
c) Bacteria invade plants through wounds and natural openings.
d) In some cases, bacteria can survive in the soil.
12) A serious bacterial disease of plants in the rose family is ______.
13) Nematodes either burrow into tissues and feed internally or feed from the surface of plant tissues.
14) Most plant viruses cause ______infections, and there is no cure for infected plants.
15) Homeowners can use chemical controls to kill nematodes.
True_____ False_____
(Answers on next page)
Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 8
Page in Handbook
1) False (Nonliving factors can
also cause disease.) 115
2) d. nutrient deficiencies 115
3) environment 116
4) True 116
5) rust 118
6) b. (active only in hot weather) 118
7) Blackspot 119
8) False (elm bark beetles) 120
9) anthracnose 120
10) False (warm days) 121
11) a. rod shaped 122
12) fire blight 123
13) True 124
14) systemic 125
15) False (No nematicides are 128
registered to homeowners.)
Revised for 2012