ACTS Core Team

Minutes for June9, 2014 Meeting

(NOTE from Steve: This is a first draft copy. Sorry, I was preoccupied with preparations for the men’s retreat and I did not keep as much detail in my notes as I should have. We can make corrections at the meeting and I will revise and issue the final minutes, if necessary.)

The St. Simon ACTS Core team met at 6:30pm in the LCH. Members present were: Jim Gleason, Steve Brokaw, Marla Wokurka, Val Keppler, Lenny Meyer, Mary Karen Willick, Leigh Dohack, John Quante, and John Ferretti. Not present was Mark Prange (vacation).

Jim Gleason acted in the role of facilitator. We began the meeting with a prayer.

The minutes for the April7, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Marla – Communications– Communications is going well, nothing to report.

Lenny – Financial – Total of $11,939.08 on hand. This includes retreat fees collected for the upcoming men’s retreat but not yet paid to Mercy, which is about $9,000. Lenny explained that ACTS no longer needs to submit an annual budget to the parish.

Leigh/John F. – Retreat Support– Support board for the men’s retreat has been created and many positions are covered. This was reviewed in detail. (See below in other business.)

Val/John Q. – Retreat Supply– “Coming Down the Mountain” books have arrived. The men’s team inventoried the bins in preparation for the retreat and some items were missing. Similarly, the women’s team have looked for scripts and other items and found some missing. The team members are searching for the missing items and will resolve the problems. (See below in other business.)

Mary Karen/Steve – Spiritual –Mary discussed several items. We will have an ACTS community Mass at the 11am Sunday Mass every other month. Mary and Jim are looking for dates for the next parish Day of Reflection (sponsored by the ACTS community) this fall, as well as a speaker for the event. The parish will be offering a program for the consecration to Jesus through Mary. Need to work on building small faith groups resulting from the two retreats this year. Also would like to identify and offer other events each year on a consistent basis.

xxx – Social/Fundraising –Rummage sale coming soon. Peggy Maassen is coordinating. ACTS Bingo will be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving again, and we will need volunteers.

Mark Prange – Music –Mark passed along an update before the meeting. All music has been arranged for the men’s retreat (sendoff, candlelight, and return Mass). Nothing else to report.

Other Business:

Beginning in July, Steve is switching roles with Jim. Jim goes to Spiritual and Steve to Facilitator.

Steve asked for a run-through of support issues for the upcoming men’s retreat on June 19-22. A large portion of the meeting was dedicated to this. The retreat schedule was used to review in detail all the activities which require support. Many were already covered and core team members said they would find help for anything missing. (Jim said he would take the retreatant Thurs. dinner, others???) After discussion all support areas appear to be accounted for. Steve was assured that community support would be there! Items missing from bins were discussed and the retreat team is handling this. Need to attempt to create an inventory list for these as was done in the past. All other questions were answered and concerns were addressed.

Discussion of whether or not Thursday lunch is included in the Mercy contract for the men’s retreat. This seems to be indicated in the totals in the contract yet it also clearly states that lunch is not included. Steve to discuss with Kathy Walden at Mercy. (Addition after the meeting: Steve talked with Kathy and Mercy provides dinner but not lunch for the team. However, the dinner on Thurs. will be a “larger” meal for that day only.) Lunch is not included in the women’s retreat contract.

The parish office has a new copier. The ACTS code is 1014.

Lenny and Steve met with Kathy Walden at Mercy to discuss future retreat dates. Lenny suggested an approximate nine month time period between retreats and all agreed. From a previous meeting, we would like to reserve a second set of dates later in 2016. Kathy provided info on available dates in Oct. and Nov. 2016. We will reserve two of those dates. (Addition after the meeting: The reserved dates are Oct. 13-16 and Nov. 10-13, 2017.) We discussed 2017 and it was decided to ask Kathy to look for dates in 2017, in June through August. Also, current contracts provide for the same pricing for the women’s and men’s retreats in 2014. Kathy said pricing for 2015 has not yet been set but should be a minimal increase.

Steve described the service project that some men’s team members conducted on May 17. The Lourdes grotto was cleaned up (brush cleared, new plants installed, mulch added, benches leveled). The plan is to incorporate this into the retreat weekend if possible.

There are two open positions on the core team. Team members will look for candidates.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned with a prayer.

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 7, 2014 at 6:30pm in the LCH.

Respectively Submitted,

Steve Brokaw