Please apply these guidelines when submitting your application:


  • Include FULL contact details – Full name, reliable phone numbers, home address & email address.
  • Employment history details, with special attention to relevant experience; particularly vegetable growing, other farm work or horticultural experience.
  • Voluntary workrelevant to this job description also of interest.
  • Education history details, including any courses/training relevant to this job description.
  • Workplace referees, current & contactable by phone – at least 2 please.


Please take the time to write us an introductory letter about yourselfand why you are applying for our advertised job, to send along with your CV.


  • Please pay proper attention to the job description details given,respecting what skills, abilities & attitude we are asking for before continuing your application.ALSO seriously consider the suitability for you of the pay rate, hours,required days of the week AND required annual holiday/days off timing of Aug-Sept..
  • ONLY apply if you are seriously looking for ongoing &/or permanent employmentin this field & are happy with the pay rate & hours we can currently offer, commensurate with your experience & relevant skill level..
  • There will be normal basic on-job training/orientation provided & a reasonable time period allowed for the new employee to ‘catch on’ to the job and get up to full physical speed BUT experience is preferred & you must be fit, concentrate, be a fast learner, be motivated, alert & efficient.You must be able to work under pressure/time constraints, take orders be fit & quite strong.
  • The job definitely requires good physical condition/endurance, practical ability, mental aptitude& outdoor physical labour in all types of weather with a happy disposition.
  • You must have a strong work ethic & strive for excellence.
  • You must have good time management/prioritising skills & a sense of urgency & accuracy & be happy with repetition & to do tasks how you are asked to & take directions.
  • Work days (&/or hours)specified are not negotiable at this point in time.
  • Wewill only hiresomeone living within 30 minutes drive of the farm in Glenlyonpreferably who has previous agricultural-based horticultural farm experience.

Any applications which do not meet thissubmission criteria WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED(or contacted). Thank you for respecting our process.