Minutes for Frankenmuth Wood Carvers Guild Monthly Meeting
Date: 11/1/17
Secretary Report: 16 members present. Minutes from 10-5-2017 read & approved.
Treasurer Report: bob G. able to give financial report on income from Oct. Show, but since all bills not submitted he will make final report next month. Bob G. has resigned as treasurer. Motion to approve: Denny & Anita – approved by members.
Old Business:
- Thank you to all who participated in 2017 Show, it took about 28-30 people to make show happen. Special thanks to Bill Sansborn, Fred Kendrick, Jim Lapan, Mike Madeja, JR & Nancy.
- Anita has sent press release to Diane for publication on website and Frankenmuth News talking about competition winners, etc.
- Special thank you to Dianne K., our photographer. Fred motioned, Anita seconded that we reimburse any expense she had and get her a copy of chip chats magazine if her pictures are published. Approved by members.
- Discussed cost savings of high school gym ($700) vs cafeteria ($97.50). Most comments from vendors and visitors were very positive. Fred will still look for other sites in Frankenmuth for 2018 show.
- Thank you JR and Nancy for purchasing coffee, supplies and cups.
New Business:
- Election of officers (the following people accepted nominations): Members approved those on ballot.
- President: Fred Kendrick
- V.P.: Jim Lapan
- Secretary: Anita Harrand
- Treasurer: (no nomination)
- Jim L. told group that Ron Compost (Boy Scouts) & Bill Sansborn felt the scouts were too young to carry such heavy tables. Members agree they are too old to carry tables. We need to look for new moving crew.
- Dutch Oven club is donating toward Bethsada food drive.
- Tony Simone has entered a continued care facility and requested that Jim Lapan dispose/sell his carving supplies. Jim will make them available to interested members.
- Food vendor at Show was well received and is interested in next year.
- Jim L. suggested that raffle table be moved to a more prominent spot in 2018. Fred said 20 more vendors are interested in next year.
- Discussed possible new location: St. Lorentz Campground (This would require a smaller show and third building has no heat.), Conservation club building, check for another multipurpose room in Frankenmuth schools with better parking and walking distance. Must think about 200 chairs loaned by school as possible extra cost and table rental.
- Other things needed for 2018 show: portable backdrop for photos’, more handicapped parking in front of high school, repaint signs and make new ones.
- Fred and Mike to send thank you cards to vendors/exhibitors.
- Sign up for Christmas Party at Splash village scheduled for 12/4 (need 30 people minimum).
Submitted by Anita H., Secretary
Next Meeting: 12/7/17