
·  Spell Yell

·  If you like it say go big green x go big green

·  G, G-O, go rams go

·  G-H-S x the green the white the best

·  Go go get ‘em get ‘em and when you get ‘em beat ’em ooh ahh xx ooh ahh xx

·  Rams hey, that’s the way, that’s the way to play- end with go rams!

·  We are xx Garces xx

·  Way to go Garces, way to go xx

·  Big G little O, Go, Go

·  Stomp on the blue, the blue, the blue and the white- end with stomp on the blue

·  F-I-G-H-T fight Garces fight

·  Green and white x rams, let’s fight

·  Hey, let’s fire it up hey hey let’s fire it up

·  Fire it up, fire it up, fire it up up up UP

·  W-I-N, go for the win

·  Split that V dot that I curl that C-T-O-R-Y

·  Rams x Spell it out, G-O, let’s go

·  Rams x let’s do it x beat, beat those drillers

·  We’re # 1, can’t be # 2, we’re gonna beat the whooptee out of you

·  Hey we are #1, hey we are #1, Say you are #2, say you are #2

·  We’re gonna crack your face…

·  Hey, hey everybody, everybody, yell GO BIG GREEN

·  We’re with ya team so fight, we’re with ya team so fight, we’re with you team, we’re with you team so fight, fight, fight

·  Come on, come on say go rams go – GO RAMS GO x

·  You’re looking good big green, you’re looking good xx

·  Be aggressive, B-E aggressive, B-E-AG-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E

·  Lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up sit down, fight, fight, fight

·  Hey all you ram fans…

·  Raise your hands, stomp your feet…

·  Who rocks the house, the rams rock the house and when the rams rock the house, they rock it all the way down x

·  Go get ‘em green, go get ‘em white, go get ‘em go get ‘em green and white

·  Say where ya from, G-H-S (R) And who’s your mascot x rams (R) say go – GO, say fight – FIGHT, say win – WIN, say go, fight, win – GO FIGHT WIN (R)

·  G, pump it up pump it up, G-H, keep it goin’ keep it goin’, H-S com’n com’n, we are the best, G-H-S, we are the best, G-H-S

·  G-O let hear you say go – GO, that’s right unite let me hear you say fight –FIGHT, W -I-N let me hear you say win –WIN, together again, GO FIGHT WIN

·  Hey crowd, (yeah) hey crowd (yeah) we’d like to see you get down, (no way!) we’d like to see you get down (ok) D-O-W-N and that’s they way we get down (R)

·  S-P-I, S-P-I, R-I-T, R-I-T, Hey let’s hear it, we’ve got spirit

Stomp/Clap Cheers

·  Ram Power

·  Wild thing

·  GHS Rock

·  We got the beat, the Garces ram beat it goes:

·  We are the Mighty (FS, JV, V), we’re gonna rock this team to a victory, hit it:

·  M-I-G-H-T-Y mighty mighty mighty mighty rams

·  Let’s get a little bit rowdy, R-O-W-D-Y

·  We are, together we are, together we are the mighty rams xx

·  Hey, hey hey, go fight win hey!

·  GHS (Slap-pony slap-clap) G! (G-H-S)



  • Bump it, set it, spike it to the floor
  • Bump it set it spike it, that’s the way we like it (ugh)
  • S-I, S-I-D, S-I-D-E-O-U-T, side out xx Garces
  • Get that xx ball back
  • A - C - E ace, what what ace
  • Ace, ace baby
  • Get low, get low, put yo knee pads on the flo
  • Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap, ACE