Tuesday, November 28, 1995

PRESENTB. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair,
R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

R. Picherack, City Manager
U. S. Watkiss, City Clerk



Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m.

Councillor B. Maitson was absent.


Sister Aurore Larkin, Provincial Superior, Grey Nuns of Alberta led the assembly in prayer.

Councillor B. Maitson entered the meeting.


MOVED M. Phair - Cavanagh

That the following items be added to the agenda:

F.04.Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation Operating Deficit (replacement page).

L.1.e.Bylaw No. 10802 - Emergency Response Department Fees and Charges Bylaw.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


E.01.Correspondence dated August 11, 1995 from Chinwe P. Okelu, Soya House Holdings Inc. on Finance Department’s Seizure of Personal Vehicle for Defaulting on Tax Payments - Business Tax Roll #0120642.

MOVED T. Cavanagh - D. Mather

That Chinwe P. Okelu’s request to be heard be approved.


MOVED A. Bolstad - W. Kinsella

That Chinwe P. Okelu be heard by the Executive Committee.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,W. Kinsella, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:L. Chahley, L. Langley, B. Maitson

MOVED B. Maitson - R. Noce

That Councillor Bolstad’s motion be reconsidered.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

MOVED A. Bolstad - W. Kinsella

That the Executive Committee hear from Chinwe P. Okelu. / City Manager
Exec Committee
Due: Dec. 6, 1995


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,W. Kinsella, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:B. Smith; L. Chahley, L. Langley, B. Maitson


L.1.a.Bylaw No. 11093 - A Bylaw to Deal with the Business of Taxis.

MOVED M. Phair - W. Kinsella

That Bylaw No. 11093 be dealt with at 1:30 p.m.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

L.1.e.Bylaw No. 10801 - Emergency Response Department Fees and Charges Bylaw.

MOVED L. Chahley - R. Noce

That Enclosure III of the November 27, 1995 Emergency Response Department report be added to the agenda.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:W. Kinsella.


MOVED M. Phair - J. Taylor

That the Minutes of the November 14, 1995, November 16, 1995 and November 20, 1995 City Council Meetings (No. 3, 4 and 5) be adopted.

AMENDMENT MOVED B. Mason - L. Langley

That page 44 of the November 14, 1995 Council minutes (meeting No. 3) be corrected to indicate Councillor Bolstad voted “no” on Item G.02. - TransAlta Enterprises Co-Composting Facility.


FOR THE AMENDMENT:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


AS AMENDED:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger,
J. Taylor.


B.01.Literary Award to Greg Hollingshead for The Roaring Girl (M. Phair).

Councillor Phair referred to the Governor General’s Prize for Literature, the most prestigious annual literary award in Canada. Two weeks ago the top prize for English language fiction for 1995 was given to Greg Hollingshead, a professor at the University of Alberta and a long-time resident of Edmonton, for his book The Roaring Girl. This is the second year in a row that an Edmontonian has received the Governor General’s award for fiction. The 1994 award was given to Rudy Wiebe also at the University of Alberta for his novel A Discovery of Strangers.

B.02.Welcomed the Grade 6 Class from Fulton Place Elementary School
(T. Cavanagh).

Councillor Cavanagh welcomed Ms. P. Kiel and her Grade 6 class from Fulton Place Elementary School.

B.03.Point of Privilege - Edmonton Journal Report of Riverbend Athletic Club Membership (B. Maitson).

On a Point of Privilege, Councillor Maitson responded to the recent Edmonton Journal articles indicating he is a member of the Riverbend Athletic Club. He stated that he is not presently a member nor has he ever been a member of this club or any other private club.


MOVED B. Mason - A. Bolstad

That Items E.04, F.01., F.02., F.04., G.01. G.02. and G.03. be exempted for debate; and


E.02.Annual Abatement of Taxes on Manulife Pedways.

That the abatement of 1995 tax levies in the amount of $38,511.29 plus any penalties to Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, #690, 10180 - 101 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3S4 be approved. / City Manager

E.03.Servicing Agreement Crosscheck.

That the October 2, 1995 Planning and Development Department report be received as information. / City Manager
Planning & Dev.

E.05.Appeal of Penalty - Property Tax Roll #7864663, Ruth Cox.

That the request from Mrs. Ruth Cox, 97 Fairway Drive, Edmonton, Alberta, T6J 2C2 for the cancellation of penalties since 1987 in the amount of $3,104.45 be denied. / City Manager

F.03.1995 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board: 1995 City of Edmonton Hosting Grants-In-Aid.

1.That 1995 City of Edmonton Hosting Grants-In-Aid, in the amount of $5,100, be awarded to seven (7) organizations as outlined in Enclosure I of the October 24, 1995 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board report (Source of funds: 1995 Travel and Hosting Grants-In-Aid).
2.That a 1996 City of Edmonton Hosting Grant-In-Aid, in the amount of $2,000, be awarded to the Granite Curling Club in support of the 1996 Canadian Junior Curling Championship, see Enclosure II of the October 24, 1995 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board report (Source of funds: 1996 Travel and Hosting Grants-In-Aid). / City Manager
Parks and Rec.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason,
D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


F.01.Future Uses of Clarke Stadium - Commonwealth Consultation Process for Commonwealth and Clarke Stadia.

MOVED B. Mason - T. Gomberg (Made at the May 23, 1995 Council Meeting):

That the Administration establish a process to consult communities surrounding Commonwealth and Clarke Stadia with respect to future uses of the facilities and the attendance noise and traffic impacts on those communities. / City Manager
Parks and Rec.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


E.04.Corporate Wide Audit of Field Crew Utilization.

MOVED M. Phair - A. Bolstad

1.That the October 17, 1995 Office of the Auditor General value for money audit report entitled “Corporate Wide Audit of Field Crew Utilization” be received as information.
2.That the City Manager implement the action plan that it proposes in response to the Auditor General’s fourteen recommendations. / City Manager
Auditor General

A. Bolduc, Auditor General and R. Picherack, City Manager, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


F.02.Municipally-Approved Day Care - Strategic Plan.

MOVED M. Phair - J. Taylor

1.That all funds currently allocated by Edmonton Community and Family Services (ECFS) to services for preschool children and families be brought together and distributed according to the funding criteria in Recommendation 3.
2.That a single Committee review applications and make funding recommendations to ECFS.
3.That services receiving municipal funding meet the following criteria:
-focus on the needs of preschool children in poverty.
-support families.
-use a community development approach.
-meet appropriate standards.
-have good prospects for long-time viability.
4.That ECFS work with the community to maintain and develop acceptable standards for all services for children and families which receive municipal funding. / City Manager
Comm. and Fam. Services
Studies & Bud.
5.That ECFS evaluate and monitor the services which receive municipal funding to ensure that they meet the City’s standards and criteria for funding.
6.That the Department, in conjunction with its advisory committee, develop a new budget allocation process by January 1, 1997 and play a proactive role in helping existing programs to adapt to the changes.
7.That the implementation suggestions (appendix K of the October 1995 Edmonton Community and Family Services report) from the Task Force through the consultative process be forwarded to the Community and Family Services Department for consideration and that the City ensure that the resources, “as budget allows”, are available to implement these. / Cont’d.
City Manager
Comm. and Fam. Services
Studies & Bud.

K. Barnhart, Community and Family Services Department and D. Badir, Chair, Preschool Task Force, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

F.04.Edmonton Non Profit-Housing Corporation Operating Deficit.

MOVED M. Phair - R. Noce

1.That the projected 1995 operating deficit of the Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation (homeEd) in excess of the Corporation’s general reserve fund, being approximately $91,100, be funded from the 1995 Budget allocated for financial strategies within Program No. 346, General Government.

2.That the following administration recommendations be referred to the Budget Committee:

i.That approximately $705,000 be set aside from the 1996 financial strategies within Program No. 346 to cover the forecasted 1996 deficit of the Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation.

ii.That the General Manager of homeEd, in consultation with the Finance Department and the Corporate Budget Office, develop a business plan and financial strategy for 1997 and future budgets to address homeEd’s operating deficit issues. That the business plan and financial strategy be developed by mid-1996 for approval by the homeEd Board of Directors and then be forwarded to City Council for its consideration and approval.

R. Picherack, City Manager and T.J. Loat, Planning and Development Department, answered Council’s questions.

MOVED M. Phair - R. Noce

That Councillor Mason be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:T. Cavanagh, B. Maitson.


1.That the projected 1995 operating deficit of the Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation (homeEd) in excess of the Corporation’s general reserve fund, being approximately $91,100, be funded from the 1995 Budget allocated for financial strategies within Program No. 346, General Government.
2.That the following administration recommendations be referred to the Budget Committee:
i.That approximately $705,000 be set aside from the 1996 financial strategies within Program No. 346 to cover the forecasted 1996 deficit of the Edmonton Non-Profit Housing Corporation.
ii.That the General Manager of homeEd, in consultation with the Finance Department and the Corporate Budget Office, develop a business plan and financial strategy for 1997 and future budgets to address homeEd’s operating deficit issues. That the business plan and financial strategy be developed by mid-1996 for approval by the homeEd Board of Directors and then be forwarded to City Council for its consideration and approval. / City Manager
Planning & Dev.
Studies & Bud.
CS Bud. Committee
Due: Nov. 29, 1995


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh.


G.011996 – 2000 Civic Accommodation Plan.

MOVED M. Phair - T. Cavanagh

That the 1996 – 2000 Civic Accommodation Plan Summary be approved. / City Manager
Public Works

A. B. Maurer, Public Works Department, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:L. Chahley.


B.04.John Barnett Elementary School (Mayor Smith).

Mayor Smith, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grades 5 and 6 students from John Barnett Elementary School.


G.02.Canadian Helicopters Corporation Financial Incentives.

Councillor R. Noce stated that he had a pecuniary interest with respect to Item G.02. in that his law firm may be involved in this matter. Councillor Noce left the meeting and did not participate in the deliberations or vote on Item G.02.

MOVED T. Cavanagh - M. Phair

That the incentive payment for 1994 to Canadian Helicopters Corporation in the amount of $63,755.00, as specified in the Financial Incentives Agreement dated December 19, 1990, be approved. / City Manager


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:T. Cavanagh, R. Noce.

G.03.Argyll / Hazeldean / Ritchie Traffic Planning Exercise – Inclusion of Non–Motorized Modes of Transportation in the Traffic Plan – Argyll and Hazeldean Communities Traffic Concerns.

MOVED M. Phair - A. Bolstad

1.That that Argyll/Hazeldean/Ritchie Traffic Plan, including a modified 96Street design, be approved for permanent implementation.
2.That the modified 96 Street component of the plan be implemented in 1996 and 1997 in conjunction with roadway rehabilitation where possible; staging to be as follows:
a.1996: 82 Avenue to lane south of 76 Avenue, plus the raised intersection at 70 Avenue and all medians south of 76 Avenue.
b.1997: Remainder of 96 Street south of 76 Avenue. / City Manager

R. Millican, B. Stephenson and B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.


MOVED L. Chahley - D. Mather

That Council recess.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

Council recessed at 11:45 a.m.

Council reconvened at 1:35 p.m.

Councillors W. Kinsella and J. Taylor were absent.


L.1.a.Bylaw No. 11093 - A Bylaw to Deal with the Business of Taxis.


To repeal Bylaw No. 6016, the Taxi Cab Bylaw,. To establish the Taxi Commission’s membership and mandate, including specifying rates, regulating and controlling taxis, chauffeurs and brokers and all other provisions established in Bylaw No. 6016. In addition, the proposed bylaw will allow for the limitation of City of Edmonton taxi licenses and will establish a criteria for the issuing of taxi plates.

MOVED M. Phair - D. Mather

1.That Part II, Taxi Commission, Section 3. of Bylaw No. 11093 be deleted and replaced with the following wording:
“The Commission shall be composed of nine (9) citizens-at-large, one (1) of whom may be a current member of City Council, selected and approved by Council.”
2.That Enclosure II of the October 13, 1995 Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission report be received as information. / City Manager
Taxi Cab Commission

Councillors J. Taylor and W. Kinsella entered the meeting.

R. Berghuys, Finance Department; E. Robinson, Acting Chair, Taxi Cab Commission; M. McAvoy, Law Department; and Councillor B. Mason, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

MOVED B. Mason - M. Phair

That Bylaw No. 11093 be read a first time.

E. Robinson, Acting Chair, Taxi Cab Commission; R. Berghuys, Finance Department; and Councillor
B. Mason, member of the Taxi Cab Commision, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad.

MOVED B. Mason - M. Phair

That Bylaw No. 11093 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad.

MOVED M. Phair - D. Mather

That Bylaw No. 11093 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

MOVED M. Phair - D. Mather

That Bylaw No. 11093 be read a third time and passed. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Maitson, B. Mason, D. Mather, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

OPPOSED:A. Bolstad.

L.1.b.Bylaw No. 11162 - To Provide for Penalties and Interest with Respect to Payment, Overpayment, Non-Payment and Monthly Payment of Taxes.


To establish the due dates for payment of taxes, the rates of penalty to be imposed for failure to pay taxes by the due date, the rate of interest to be applied on overpayment of taxes and the terms under which taxes may be paid in monthly installments.

MOVED M. Phair - D. Mather

That Bylaw No. 11162 be read a first time.

R. Tennant, Finance Department, answered Council’s questions.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Mason.

MOVED M. Phair - T. Cavanagh

That Bylaw No. 11162 be read a second time.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Mason.

MOVED M. Phair - R. Noce

That Bylaw No. 11162 be considered for third reading.


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Mason.

MOVED R. Noce - M. Phair

That Bylaw No. 11162 be read a third time and passed. / Distribution List


FOR THE MOTION:B. Smith; A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Maitson, D. Mather, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor.

ABSENT:B. Mason.

L.1.c.Bylaw No. 11146 - To Amend Bylaw No. 10047 Relating to The City of Edmonton Pension Annuity Fund.