Withycombe PFTA

MINUTES FOR AGM MEETING 29thSeptember 2016

Committee Present:

S Dixon (Chair)

Tania Williams (Treasurer)

A Kew (Vice Procurement)

J Sleigh (Secretary)

L Stortenbeker (Communications)

K Lee (Teachers Rep)

Helen Fenner (Vice Secretary)

Committee Apologies:

C James (Procurement)

E Jones (Teachers Rep)

T Rich (Vice Chair)

P Carter (Governers Rep)

K Skinner (Vice Treasurer)

Notes / Action
  1. Minutes from May and June 2016

Signed off. Only outstanding action is to reassign the £1000 earmarked for playground markings / A Kew to come back with proposal at future committee meeting
  1. Funding Requests

  1. E Jones has requested £79.99 to purchase a large new parachute for adult led play for the children at lunchtime
  1. S Dixon proposed further donation of £100 to Community Larder as thanks for their contribution to last year’s events
  1. Items to be more fully worked up into funding requests are:
New headsets and amp for events.
Candy floss machine
Foundation medals
Amphitheatre repairs
Ideas for raised areas on The Ark / Majority agreed. Funding request granted and passed to T Williams
Majority agreed. Passed to T Williams
Requests to be costed and brought back to future committee.
  1. Debrief on Fundraising Events and Activities

  1. Summer Fayre – Success. Next year to be held all in front of new building and Ark to be more visible. More formal start time.
  2. Big Project Launch – Splash Led event. Named The Ark.
  3. Quiz – Good fun. Considering another.
  4. Stompfundraiser – Raised £300. Consider children doing around with a bucket next time.
  5. Calendars – considering canvas bags as an alternative for all year. Options for a simple laminate classroom picture to go with it.
/ Committee to note feedback on events.
Costs and options to be brought back for a decision.
  1. Treasurers Report

  • £11,018.79 Profit made from 2015/2016 events and activities.
  • £5,406.99 remaining current balance after existing allocations
  • £17,024 in 2015/2016 allocated for resources for the school including The Ark, a mobile oven, trikes, leavers gifts, a pantomime, Forest School, and class trips.
See enclosed full report
  1. Chairs Report

See enclosed full report
  1. Election of Committee

Committee for Sept 2016-October 2017 all nominated and seconded:
Chair – S Dixon
Vice Chair – A Luxton
Treasurer – T Williams
Vice Treasurer – C Browning
Secretary – H Fenner
Vice Secretary and Communications – L Stortenbeker
Procurement – C James
Vice Procurement – A Kew
Health and Safety – K Sansom
Teacher Rep – E Jones
Teacher Rep – K Lee
Governor Rep – Vacant / Thanks to all the retiring 2015/2016 Committee for all their hard work.
New committee to be posted on school website (J Sleigh and S Smart) and updated on Charity Commission page (S Dixon/T Williams)
  1. Agreement of New Constitution

The previous Constitution was dated 2009 and we have adopted the new PTA.org version for Withycombe PTFA. / New Constitution adopted by majority vote. Signed and will be updated to Charity Commission page and website (J Sleigh/S Smart/ S Dixon)
  1. Upcoming events and next meeting

  • Bags2School – collection 2nd November 2016
  • Bedtime Stories– 18th November (Agreed Usborne books to attend).
  • Disco – 10th November (volunteers required)
  • Christmas Fayre – Friday 2nd December (volunteers required)
  • Suggested Quiz for 8th December – check with M Smith
Dates for 2017
Wed 21st June Sports Day (reserve 22nd)
Fri 7th July – Summer Fayre
Christmas Fayre Planning meeting – Thursday 13th October 2016 7:30pm at the school
Next formal Committee meeting – Wednesday 23rd November 2016 7:30pm School Hall / Please note dates and start to recruit volunteers.
  1. AOB

Feedback from parents and carers and communications to be added onto agenda for next meeting. / Link for Ofsted feedback for the school, to be added again to Facebook page. L Stortenbeker