Minutes FLARE (Meeting 33, November 12th 2014)

FLARE Minutes November 12th 2014, Maps Seminar Rm, British Library, 13:00 – 15:00


Bob Burns (BB), SOAS, Jules Winterton, (JW) and Lesley Young (LY), IALS,David Wills (DW), Squire Law Library, Ildi Wollner (IW), Jennie Grimshaw (JG), and Jon Sims (JS) British Library

1Apologies for Absence

IALS, Ruth Bird (RB), Bodleian Law Library,

2Minutes and matters arising

The minutes were approved with no amendments. Two matters arising are minuted with the appropriate agenda items.

3Institutional News Reports

News from FLARE group institutions was discussed.

3FLaG Database Rebuild/Update project: round-up

JW reported that the FLAG was now up and running with the updates, and that it should not be a problem to implement the proposal for expanding details on contributing librariesto include information about access arrangements for the collections covered. [Action: JW]

Following successful promotion at the BIALL conference the group discussed further publicity. Twitter, political history fora and other channels were mentioned in this context. A piece for the IALS Newsletter and/ or Blog was agreed on. JW agreed to alert JS when the text was ready or posted. JS offered to circulate the text through political history channels at the BL and to investigate coverage on the BIALL Wiki. [Actions: JS, JW]

4Future activities

4.1Enhancement of FLaRE Index to Treaties (FIT)

JW still aims to talk to Peter Clinch about his proposals for FIT.

4.2Last Copy Surveillance

Following RB’s previous suggestions and the experiences of African law studies group within the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) it was agreed that the proposal to set up simple spreadsheet at a shared online location such as Google Docs / Google Forms was definitely worth pursuing.

A communications campaign was discussed. Raising awareness at conferences and through the foreign law training courses (see 5.3) was proposed.

JW agreed to speak with RB and Steve Whittle.

4.3Training courses on foreign and international law (with BIALL)

It was suggested that a training course being organised by BB, LY and Hester Swift for BIALL on February 18th might act as a model for a FLARE training course. The February course was aimed at both practice based and academic law librarians. BIALL is managing the ticketing.

This event could also be blogged. BB agreed to signpost JS to the BIALL URL.

JS aims to promote the event on the BL’s social sciences blog, blog schedule permitting.

[Actions: BB, JS]


JS and BB asked to kept in the loop about Dr. Rai’s arrival at IALS

[Action: JW]

Next Meeting:

May 7th, 2.p.m. at the British Library

J.S. 15/12/14