At a meeting of the Development Control Committee held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on 14April 2011 from 7.30pm to 9.46pm.

Present:CouncillorsGeoffrey Dunne (Chairman),Chris Lloyd (Vice-Chairman), Chris Ayrton, Phil Brading,Barbara Green, Chris Hayward, David Major, Amrit Mediratta, AnnShaw OBE, Ron Spellen and Chris Whately-Smith.

Officers:Geof Muggeridge, Kimberley Rowley, Claire Thorley, Richard Holmes and Sarah Haythorpe.

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Paula Hiscocks.

Also in attendance: CouncillorsEric Bishop, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Paul Goggins, Pam Hames, Barbara Lamb MBE, Russell Smith and Keith Williams and Parish Councillors Mary Connolly (Watford Rural Parish Council), Jackie Worrall (Chorleywood Parish Council) and Ivy Young (Abbots Langley Parish Council)


The Minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting held on 17March 2011and the Extraordinary meeting held on 5April 2011 were confirmed as correct records and were signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment to the 17 March 2011 minutes:

Minute DC142/10 – first paragraph, line five to remove the words “and had provided advice on the application.”


The Committee was informed that the report circulated separately at Item20;

11/0277/ADV - Advertisement Consent: Retrospective: Name board indicating presence of Police Station in Three Rivers House at THREE RIVERS HOUSE, NORTHWAY, RICKMANSWORTH for Peter Brooker (Director of Community and Environmental Services)

had not been available for inspection five clear days before the meeting and could only be dealt with as an urgent item.

The Chairman ruled that the item was of sufficient urgency to be considered at the meeting in order for statutory deadlines to be met.

The Committee was informed that the reports circulated at Item 7 and 15

11/0391/FUL - Demolition of existing two and three storey office buildings and residential unit. Part change of use to mixed scheme. Erection of two new blocks: Total 76 residential units. Block B part four and part five storey block with 15 flats comprising 1 x 1 bed, 10 x 2 bed, 4 x 3 bed. Block C part four, part five and part 6 storey block with 61 flats comprising 8 x 1 bed, 51 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed with B1 offices 400sqm gross (proportion of affordable housing 30% - 23 units). New access, underground and surface level park and associated infrastructure at KEBBELL HOUSE, DELTA GAIN, CARPENDERS PARKWD19 5BE for Kebbell Developments

11/0046/OUT Redevelopment of the site to provide 12 dwellinghouses and new access at 79AND 81QUICKLEY LANE AND REAR OF 8RENDLESHAM WAY, CHORLEYWOOD, RICKMANSWORTH, WD3 5PG for MrDLewis

had been withdrawn from the agenda.


Councillor David Major declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following agenda item as a Member of the Parish Council Planning Committee and left the room during the consideration of this item.

10/2230/OUT - Outline Application: For the construction of up to 425 dwellings, flexible mixed use centre comprising 2,350 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, hotel (8,500 sqm), and associated parking, means of access and associated infrastructure works and use of agricultural land (The Horse field) and the former Furtherfield tip for public open space. (Matters reserved: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) at LAND AT LEAVESDEN AERODROME, AERODROME WAY AND LAND NORTH OF SOUTH WAY, ABBOTS LANGLEY, HERTS for MEPCLeavesdenPark

Councillor Chris Hayward provided a general statement to the Committee with regard to the applications called in by Chorleywood Parish Council stating that he had held no discussions on those items with any Member of the Parish Council.

Councillor Amrit Mediratta declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 9 (11/0123/FUL - Two storey rear extension, new roof and associated internal and external alterations at 36GROVE FARM PARK, NORTHWOOD HA6 2BQ, for MrArif Esmail) as he had known the Architect in a professional capacity for a number of years and left the room during the consideration of this item.

Councillor Chris Lloyd declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda items18 and 19:

11/0566/PDNT - Permitted Development Notice Telecommunications: 12.5m high replica telegraph pole supporting six antennas and associated equipment cabinets on LAND AT HIGHFIELD WAY, RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFORDSHIRE for o2 and Vodafone

11/0614/PDNT - Permitted Development Notice Telecommunications: 12.5m high replica telegraph pole supporting six antennas and associated equipment cabinets on LAND AT LONGCROFT ROAD, MAPLE CROSS, HERTFORDSHIRE for o2 and Vodafone

as he was employed within the telecommunications industry and left the room during the consideration of these items.

DC158/1010/2230/OUT - Outline Application: For the construction of up to 425 dwellings, flexible mixed use centre comprising 2,350 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, hotel (8,500 sqm), and associated parking, means of access and associated infrastructure works and use of agricultural land (The Horse field) and the former Furtherfield tip for public open space. (Matters reserved: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) at LAND AT LEAVESDEN AERODROME, AERODROME WAY AND LAND NORTH OF SOUTH WAY, ABBOTS LANGLEY, HERTS for MEPC Leavesden Park

The Planning Officer reported that an addendum to the report had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The Officer would not repeat the supplementary details except to request that if Members were minded to Grant Planning Permission they delegate the final wording of the Heads of Terms of the Section 106 Agreement and conditions to the Director of Community and Environmental Services.

In paragraph 2.8 of the report it should read 35% affordable housing provision, the mixed use centre should be 2350sqm floorspace, the final sentence of this section relating to a children's play area should be deleted.

Para 7.3.3 should read 2350sqm

In addition, the draft Heads of Terms were confirmed to Members. These were contributions towards:-

Primary and Secondary Education

Early Years



Fire Hydrant Provision

Outdoor Sports Provision

Highway Improvement Schemes

Sustainable Transport Measures or Improvements

The S106 would also:

Secure the provision of children’s play areas and public open space including commuted maintenance contributions

Secure 35% affordable housing (irrespective of any grant funding)

Secure the cost of a TRO process seeking a reduction in speed limit along South Way

Secure a legal monitoring fee of £1000 per Head of Term.

This list of Heads of Terms should also include a £30,000 contribution towards off site Ecology works and £30,000 Ecology Management maintenance contribution.

Reference to the signal controlled junction is to be deleted as this is to be covered by an additional condition.

Local Ward Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst congratulated Officers on a very detailed report. Most of the concerns raised on the issues report had been resolved following negotiation with the applicant and Herts County Council (HCC). He did though still have concerns regarding school provision in the area and hoped that in due course HCC would ensure adequate school provision was made. Further consideration should be given to expanding Leavesden Green JMI school to 2FE. This development would bring a significant windfall to the area from the Section 106 funding but he asked the Committee to consider some amendments to the Heads of Terms of the agreement:

  • The £425,000 payment to be used by HCC for sustainable transport measures to include ‘by agreement with‘ or ’in-conjunction with’ TRDC for commuter bus services to link to Watford and Hemel Hempstead.
  • He supported the consultation for the 30mph speed limit in South Way and small “cul-de-sac” developments accessed from South Waywhich would be reflected in the aspirations of final development of the site. He also welcomed that some houses would front onto Aerodrome Way.
  • On traffic signage for the M25 could HCC be reminded to take this into consideration.
  • Could improvements be made to the bus stops on Aerodrome Way and South Waywhich would serve the site.
  • Could assurance be given that the existing MEPC office site would be used as parking for the hotel development.
  • 35% social housing was essential and consideration must be given to this when considering the reserved matters application. The social housing should bespread across the site with sufficient family units and not in a separate area.

Councillor Chris Ayrton congratulated the applicant on the design and welcomed the provision for housing on Aerodrome Way. It was important that there was no through access to the development from South Wayand sufficient traffic calming measures were put in place.

Councillor Chris Whately-Smithwelcomed the MEPC statement on who would develop the site but asked if the footpaths would be permissive or statutory and if consideration had been given to the type of traffic calming measure to be used in South Way. He would not want to see speed ramps and would prefer signage instead.

The Planning Officer acknowledged the points made but details would be provided in the reserve matters application. The layout including any footpaths would be dealt with under reserved matters and if the footpaths were adopted this would be decided by the Highways Authority/Herts County Council.

Councillor Ann Shawsaid a huge amount of work and time had been taken with this application and the Officers involved should be congratulated. She supported the Ward Councillors comments on social housing which should be spread around the site. On the £425,000 contribution towards sustainable transport measures the Council must make sure no opportunity was given to take the money for the Croxley Green Rail Link.

The Planning Officer advised consideration would be given to the wording in the Section 106 Agreement on sustainable transport. The Head of Development Management and Environmental Health advised that the wording would be circulated to Members.

Local Ward Councillor Paul Goggins advised that he heard previous promises on Section 106 monies but this funding must be used locally and not for SW Herts transport. An objection had been raised by a resident in Gypsy Lane regarding the egress onto Hunton Bridge Hill although this development would also impact on the egress from Upper Highway and Lauderdale Road. Traffic calming measures needed to be in place to cope with this.

The Planning Officer advised that further discussion would take place with HCC on the £425,000 and acknowledged Members comments that the monies should be used within the vicinity of the site.

Councillor Amrit Medirattasaid several observations had been made by the Committee on the issues report but on Condition C14 (Highways Works) surely the Committee could only approve the access arrangements once the reserved matters application was submitted. The Planning Officer reported that the access arrangements needed to be considered as part of the outline application with details submitted before any development commenced.

Councillor Chris Haywardstated this was one of the most important housing developments to come to the Committee. Over 1000 people were consulted but only 21 responses had been received. Concern still remained regarding the volume of traffic there would be on the local highways.

Local Ward Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst said there would be no through access from South Way to the development. Access would be from Aerodrome Way at the traffic lights with the BT building and at High Farm Avenue traffic lights. The site had a history of extensive traffic movements from the days when the Rolls Royce Factory was on the site and Aerodrome Way had been built with a future development in mind.

The Planning Officer reported there would be two principle access points from the site onto Aerodrome Way but no through access from South Way.

In accordance with Council Procedural Rule 36(3) Mr Tim Hancock spoke in favour of the application.

Councillor Ann Shaw proposed, seconded by Councillor Chris Hayward, that subject to a Section 106 Agreement based on the Heads of Terms set out in the report and addendum and approval from The National Planning Casework Service, PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions with final wording to be delegated to the Director of Community & Environmental Services and details to be circulated to Members.

On being put to the Committee the proposal that subject to a Section 106 Agreement based on the Heads of Terms set out in the report and addendum and approval from The National Planning Casework Service, PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions with final wording to be delegated to the Director of Community & Environmental Services and details to be circulated to Members was declared CARRIED the voting being 10 For, 0 Against and 0 Abstentions.


that subject to a Section 106 Agreement based on the Heads of Terms set out in the report and addendum and approval from The National Planning Casework Service, PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions with final wording to be delegated to the Director of Community & Environmental Services and details to be circulated to Members

C1Time limits (Outline)

Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. The development hereby permitted shall commence before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved.

REASON: In pursuance of Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

C2Standard outline (Matters reserved)

Details of the appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale, (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") in any phase shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development begins and the development in that phase shall be carried out as approved.

REASON: To prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions, to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances and to comply with the provisions of Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

C3In accordance with plans

The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the approved plans.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the Green Belt and locality in accordance with Policies GB1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C4Matters Reserved/ Parameters

Prior to the submission of the first application for approval of reserved matters a Planning Submission Programme which sets out the phasing of the development, the order and timescales for the submission of reserved matters applications, strategies, the access details for each Phase, other details as referred to in other conditions attached to this permission, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. Reserved matters applications, strategies, other details as referred to in other conditions attached to this permission, shall be submitted in accordance with the approved Planning Submission Programme and within the time limits set out in conditions 1) and 2).

REASON: To ensure adequate control over the form of the development given that this approval is outline only in accordance with Policy GEN1 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C5Reserved matters applications submitted pursuant to the permission shall accord with the following:

(a)Plans 193301F/IMP, 193301F/PP, 193301F/BH all received by Three RiversDC on 15 November 2011

(b)The On Site Ecological Enhancement Masterplan reference 193301F/OEEP

REASON: To ensure control over the form of development and in the interests of the visual amenities of the Green Belt and locality in accordance with Policies GB1, GEN1 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 and Policy CP1 of the Core Strategy Submission Version (February 2011).

C6The total number of residential units provided within the scheme shall not exceed 425.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the Green Belt and locality, and in view of the assessments contained within the supporting documentation in accordance with Policies GEN1, GB1 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C7Phasing and Management

No development shall take place in any Phase until a Construction Strategy and Phasing Programme has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The Construction Strategy and Phasing Programme shall comprise of:

(a)a construction programme setting out the timetable for the development on a Block by Block basis and any other major works, including site clearance and demolition, building works, public realm and SUDS/drainage works, landscaping, highway works and utility works;

(b)a strategy for the provision of car parking during site preparation and construction; including removal of public parking and the provision, location and operation of temporary public car parking spaces (if required); thereafter car parking must only be removed and provided in accordance with the strategy for the duration of the construction period;

(c)a phasing programme including details of: block by block construction work commencement dates; construction traffic routing and parking; highway works, public realm works and landscaping on a block by block basis; access for vehicles and pedestrians; scaffolding and hoarding lines; public parking spaces; services; and access arrangements for new premises.

And the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

REASON: To ensure adequate control over the form of the development given that this approval is outline only in accordance with Policy GEN1 and Appendix 1 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C8Applications for reserved matters approval for each Phase shall be accompanied by a Phase Plan for that Phase in accordance with Condition 7 above to display the integration of development within that Phase with the integration of all adjoining Phases (setting out the timescale for implementation and delivery of all land uses located within that Phase, including landscaping and open space) and the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Phase Plan.