Coventry Personal Education Plan
(Includes application for Pupil Premium Plus)
KS 1 – 4
(From September 2014)

Before the meeting starts, please ensure you have:

  • A copy of theprevious PEPtarget section (section 5)
  • Pre-populated/filled-in this PEP form
  • Current, target and expected levels/grades
  • If SEN with statement:targets/decisions from the latest Annual Review

Key / Complete once then update / Populate by school prior to PEP / Update at PEP / YP to inform prior to PEP
Section 1: Personal Information
(Update at PEP Meeting)
Name: Thom / Date of Birth: 15.12.99
School year: 9
Current school: Elm Bank Academy / Previous school history:
Elm Bank Primary (KS2)
Oakwood Primary (KS1)
SEN status: SA
Date of PEP Meeting: 31.3.14
People attending PEP Meeting: / Name / Tick if present
Social Worker: / Mr X / /
Carer: / Mr Y
Designated Teacher/school position: / Miss X (pastoral lead linked to year 9)
Mr A (designated teacher) / /
Young person: / Thom / x
Other significant information (e.g. details of contact arrangements):
Section 2: My Views
(Complete with or on behalf of young person prior to PEP meeting. Use young person’s own words wherever possible. Sheets are available from CLG to help with this process.)
What I like about school is:
Thom did not want to make any contribution to the meeting, he stated he was fed up with adults interfering in his life and hated all the meetings he was asked to attend, repeating he thought they were a ******* waste of time and no one listens to him anyway.
Thom did agree that his learning mentor could write what she thought his views would be as long as he could check what he had written before it went to the meeting.
Thom has mixed views about school; he has very good relationships with some teachers and support staff. He tends to like the subjects where he gets on with the teachers.
Thom is very good at practical subjects really enjoying Art. Thom uses drawing as a way of calming down when things are going wrong.
He is also good at Maths and Science (not Biology – doesn’t like the teacher)
Some things I do really well at school are:
Maths – especially fractions and algebra
PE – as long as it is not dance or gym
I have school worries about:
Due to issues where he is living Thom is not getting enough sleep and is finding it hard to control his temper, although he still sees some of his old friends (pre care) he is changing his friendship group as he feels his old friends don’t understand what his new life is like.
Thom has read this and agrees with what has been written about his views
Section 3 – Plans for the Future
What would the young person like to do in the future? (Include longer term aspirations and steps towards)
Thom has always wanted to join the army but since going into care he has been getting into trouble with some of his ‘new friends’ . He used to really like PE but he has recently started smoking and he is unsure about whether he wants to pursue a career in which he needs to stay fit and keep at of trouble.
Are there any barriers to the achievement of the young person’s aspirations?
  • Instability in living arrangements
  • Not knowing what the future holds in regards to contact/living with mum
  • Adjustment to living in care
  • Gaining an understanding of the reasons why he has being placed in LA care

What can be put in place to help the young person achieve their aspirations? (In most cases add short and long term goals)
Thom needs to explore other careers which are not fitness related. He also needs some time and stability to adjust to his new life.
Short term goals are:
Thom to continue to gain support and security from the school
Thom to start to consider other career options with his learning mentor
Long term goals are:
To visit colleges to further explore other career options
To continue to explore a career in the Army
  1. Academic Progress for KS1/2/3
(Is the young person making good progress in the Core subjects? Take previous attainment
and school targets into account.)
Subject / Achieved at end of previous KS / Current working at level / Target for end of KS
English / 4 / 4a / 6c
Maths / 5 / 6b / 7c
Science / 4 / 5c / 6b
  1. Academic Progress for KS4 (including Yr 9, if applicable)
(Is the young person making good progress?Take previous attainment and school targets into account.)
Subject / Type of qualification (GCSE/BTEC etc.) / Current working at grade / Target for end of KS4
  1. Involvement of other Agencies
(Please indicate current or recent involvement.)
Agency / Reason for referral / Date started / Date ended
Compass / Recent involvement in smoking cannabis / Jan 14 – refused to engage after 1st session / Feb 14
Journeys / Emotional wellbeing and understanding of issues/benefits for pupil in care / Waiting for an appointment
Referral made in Dec 13
  1. Progress
(School completes current situation sections before the PEP meeting. At the meeting, decide which issues will need an action and discuss these first. Record actions in Section 5.)
Key Area / Current Situation (This section to be completed by school before the meeting) / Action Required Yes/No?
(complete this section during the meeting)
Attendance, exclusions, punctuality and issues relating to school place / Thom’s attendance is sporadic,he has weeks where he attends almost full time, although he does have a tendency to internally truant from the subjects he does not like.
He then has weeks where he either refuses to get out of bed or goes missing en route to school. This is usually linked to either an issue with his mum or the other young people who are living in the residential home.
Attendance is at present 80% (attendance with internal truancy 65%)
All planned actions will help to address his attendance issues / No
Transition arrangements (incl.additional support needs. This section must be completed for Y9 pupils also) / Thom should benefit from the transition to Year 10, staff will support him to carefully choose his subjects and be open with him about which teachers are taking which lessons / no
Behaviour / Usually very good but when he loses his temper it is very difficult to calm him down and this has resulted in internal exclusions. The language he uses is not appropriate for school. / yes
Personal, social and emotional issues (note impact on learning rather than personal information) / Thom is very confused at present; he has had a very unsettled 6 months with everyone expecting him to return home after a few days in care but after a number of attempts to return him home it was felt that this would no longer be possible. Thom will remain in care long term. This has had a significant effect on him emotionally.
Journeys referral has already been made but due to Thom’s significant emotional deterioration it was felt the referral needs to be chased up. / yes
Relationships with other young people / Thom is changing his friendship groups as he feels his old friends do not understand what he is going through / yes
Factors impacting on learning (e.g. Health, diet, speech, language, disability, learning difficulties, problems with concentration etc.) / Emotional wellbeing – see above / yes
Organisation and equipment (age appropriate management of possessions, PE kit, timetable etc.) / Ok – Thom is having some difficulties in this area but he is having support from staff with equipment etc…. / no
Homework (including use of planner or organiser where appropriate) / There is an agreement between the home and school that although homework is set there is no expectation Thom will complete it; he will be rewarded when he does.
It is not high priority to address this issue at the present time. / No
Liaison between school and carers a) What are the arrangements for effective communication?
b) Who attended the most recent parents’ consultation meeting and who will attend in the future? / School e mails the residential home on a daily basis re attendance and/or concerns.
The home staff always contact school to update them if there have been any issues / no


Section 4: Evaluation of targets from previous PEP(Copy from section 5 of previous PEP)
  1. Actions to support academic achievement

What is the issue? (needs and risks) / What do we want to achieve?
(include measurable success criteria) / What actions will we take to achieve it and when? / Adult responsible / How will this be funded?(details of funding including PP+) / Did it work? (Refer to success criteria)
First academic target
Thom continues to fall behind with his English comprehension / Thom will develop comprehension skills improving his working at grade from 4a to 5c by the end of the Autumn term / Thom will receive one hour of home tuition per week working on reading comprehension. Progress will be reviewed by class teacher every half term / Mr Z English teacher / LACES tuition / Thom refused to engage after 3 sessions. Home tutor continued to try for another fortnight then withdrawn
Second academic target
Thom is working below his target in Maths / Maths working at grade to improve from 5a to 6b by March 14 / Thom will access My Maths for at least 30 mins , three times a week at home supported by residential staff
Thom to receive small group intervention sessions during tutor time / Residential home
Pastoral lead / PP used to fund laptop with internet access.
PP / Thom engaged well with My Maths.
Thom engages well in these session – he likes spending time with his learning mentor
Section 5: Targets for this term(Please write SMART targets)
  1. Actions(School should completetwo academic targets in advance of the meeting for confirmation. Other targets during the meeting)

What is the issue? (needs and risks) / What do we want to achieve?
(include measurable success criteria) / What actions will we take to achieve it and when? / Adult responsible / How will this be funded? (details of funding including PP+)
First academic target
Thom is falling behind with his English. Reading comprehension continues to be an issue / Thom will develop comprehension skills improving his working at grade from 4a to 5b by the end of the summer term / Thom to receive small group intervention sessions during tutor time with his learning mentor,
Small group sessions to contain some of ‘old’ friends, learning mentor will try to direct informal conversations to help them understand Thom’s situation / Mr Z English teacher /learning mentor / Pupil premium plus
Second academic target
Thom is working slightly behind expected target in Maths / Maths working at grade to improve from 6b to 6a by end of year 9 / Thom will access My Maths for at least 30 mins , three times a week at home
Thom to receive small group intervention sessions during tutor time – alternating with English intervention sessions / Residential home
Pastoral lead / £300 of PP+ used to fund laptop with internet access
Post 16 options / Thom to begin to have a clearer understanding of the career options available to him / School to provide further carer advice on options centred on Maths (he excels at), Art (he loves) and PE.
School to ensure he gets his first choice options – PE, Art, Physics and Chemistry.
Head of Post 16 to speak to Thom re sixth form college options
Thom to visit army advice centre in Coventry city centre
Thom to have access to ex-army teacher on a fortnightly basis (timetabled) / Mrs X – pastoral lead
Head of post 16
Residential home
Mr X / PP+
No cost
No cost
No cost
Emotional needs / Thom to have access to Journeys / Follow up initial referral with update of deterioration in emotional wellbeing and a copy of the PEP / Mr A – LAC co-ordinator / No cost
B. How is the PP being used to benefit this child if not stated above?
Thom is getting one to one support for his emotional needs from the school inclusion department. When he loses his temper they provide him a safe place with a one to one TA who he trusts, to work on his Art portfolio. He has started some of the projects they will be studying for GCSE in Year 10
Date of next PEP: September 14th (targets to be reviewed in May 14) / Time: 1pm / Venue: School
Pupil Premium Authorisation
PEP must have been judged as good or outstanding overall before submission. / Name / Date
Quality checked by Designated Teacher
PEP quality confirmed by LACES

Please send electronic file to LACES

See over for flow chart of Pupil Premium Plus authorisation process