Minutes – Committee Meeting 66

Monday 13th September 2010. Start time – 4.00 pm

GL Hearn, Soho Square, London

1.  Attending

Paul Astbury, Barry Denyer-Green, Alison Barker, Charles Norman, Colin Smith, Nigel Laing, Matt Bodley, Philip Maude,

2.  Apologies for absence

Vanessa Lambert-Smith, Neil King, Keith Murray, Mark Barlow,

3.  Previous Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held were accepted as an accurate record of proceedings.

4.  Matters Arising

§  PM to sign off GOL minutes and circulate.

5.  CPA Reforms

§  Planning Assumptions

PA reported back from the meeting of the Planning Assumptions Working Partyand outlined the actions that had been agreed to move the matter forward.

It was agreed that, at this stage, it was not appropriate to minute the proposed actions until they were further developed. Should any member wish to find out more they should contact PA who would be happy to answer any questions.

Agreed that the cancellation date be agreed as the ‘Fletcher date’ and that the planning position is assessed as at the valuation date (assuming the previous cancellation of the scheme) – as agreed at the CPA National Conference.

Meeting with Robbie Owen provisionally booked for 9.30am 30th September.

§  Other CPA Reforms

o  S52 – KM proposal that this should be dealt with via amending Guidance. Comments have been made by other bodies which lends support to CPA stance. CN to identify and cite examples.

Short tenancies –Requires primary legislation or Lands Tribunal – unlikely to achieve this. Keep up the pressure – make more of Law Commission recommendation.

o  Section 10 – hugely complicated! Difficult to identify a practical solution although problems widely recognised.

6. Events

§  AGM – agreed that invitations should be sent to training establishments in London & Reading which Tony Johnson was associated with. MB / KBE to discuss accounts with CS prior to signing off with VLS.

§  CPA Dinner – Agreed to go for the 17th February 2010. Need to ensure bar facilities available during the evening.

§  Drinks Reception – Oriental Club – date in late April to be identified – same set-up otherwise as last year.

§  CPA National Conference – Royal Society – reserve date Thursday 3rd week in June 2011.

6.  Promotion and CPO best practice in Scotland

M Bodley speaking at conference in Scotland on 2/10/10. Formal review being undertaken in Scotland – possible opportunity to set an example. Issue for new Committee to consider.

7.  Consultation Documents

Review of Lands Tribunal Fees – noted

8. Website Update

PA to write up short items on 2010 events.

9. Membership

New members accepted

10. Dates of next meetings

AGM – Monday 11th October 2010

First meeting of new Committee to agree co-optees for forthcoming year to be held immediately after the AGM.

Next meeting – Monday 8th November 2010 – 4.00pm – Hammonds, London.

11. AOB

§  Demise of GOL – need to express desire to maintain central CPO listing within new set-up in CLG.

§  BDG expressed a vote of thanks on behalf of the Committee to Paul Astbury for his contribution to the work of the CPA during his term of office as CPA Chairman. PA reciprocated and expressed his thanks to the Committee for their support over the past year.

Compulsory Purchase Association

4a Woodside Business Park, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366

Email: www.compulsorypurchaseassocation.org