16 July 2014 - 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

Three Counties Hotel


Mr Museji Takolia, the Chairman of the Trust Board, welcomed everyone to the Annual Public meeting of the Wye Valley NHS Trust and in his introduction, thanked all the volunteers for their hard work.

The Trust Board members introduced themselves.



Mr Museji Takolia, Chairman

Mr Richard Beeken, Chief Executive

Mrs Maureen Bignell, Director of Human Resources

Ms Michelle Clarke, Director of Nursing & Quality

Mr Neil Doverty, Chief Operating Officer

Mr Frank Myers, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee

Mr Howard Oddy, Director of Finance & Information

Mrs Simone Pennie, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Audit Committee

Dr Sally Stucke, Interim Medical Director

Mr Mark Waller, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Remuneration Committee and Deputy Chairman of the Board

IN ATTENDANCE (non-voting):

Ms Nicola Licence, Company Secretary


Mrs Sara Coleman, Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Quality Committee and Mrs Christina Maclean, Non-Executive Director.


The meeting was quorate and there were no declarations of interest.


The minutes were accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting. There were no actions or matters arising.

RESOLVED: The Board APPROVED the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2014.


The Chief Executive noted his delight in the number of people attending the meeting which showed what an interest and regard for the Trust the people of Herefordshire had. The key messages included:

  • Service Highlights

The Trust was in the top 20% nationally of Trusts regarding response rates for the Friends & Family test.

The Virtual Ward assisted patients’ who were suffering with long term conditions.

  • Assurance and Governance Highlights

There had been no cases of MRSA bacteraemia.

  • Activity and Performance Highlights

The best care for patients was at the core ensuring that patients did not become institutionalised.

  • Strategy and Future Planning

There was a long term programme in place to review clinical services.

RESOLVED: The Board ADOPTED the Annual Report 213/14.

  1. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2013-14

The Director of Finance & Information presented the report. The key messages included:

  • Two thirds of costs were related to staff pay.
  • A breakdown of figures for costs was given.
  • This was the 4th consecutive year that the Trust had required external support from the Trust Development Authority.

Q. On a point of governance, I accept that the Trust will not amalgamate, but it needs to be acknowledged that there are increased costs with being a small Trust.

A. The Chief Executive noted the point raised but was not sure that the Government agreed with this view, stating that having centralised services was not the answer for all organisations. The Director of Nursing & Quality also explained the difficulties the Trust faced dealing with an aging population.

Q. Can you give an overview of the financial issues resolved and those outstanding with the PFI partners.

A. The Chief Executive confirmed that it was in everyone’s best interest to challenge the PFI partners for Value for Money on all services, noting the improvement in Health and Education buildings due to their input. It was important to ensure that the Trust spent money as effectively as possiblestating that the PFI contract was being appropriately managed.

Q. What effect did the PFI partners fire safety breach have on patient safety?

A. The Chief Executive confirmed that once the issue had been raised, both the Trust and the PFI partners agreed that the completion of the work was the main priority to ensure patient safety.

Q. How does the Hospital pay their invoices to ensure that small to medium sized businesses are paid on time?

A. The Director of Finance & Information confirmed that the payment of invoices was monitored on a regular basis ensuring that local, small businesses were paid first noting that cash flow was essential to these businesses.

Q. How will you educate the population of Herefordshire during the winter period on the alternatives to attending the Accident and Emergency Department?

A. The Chairman advised that it was a difficult task to ensure the appropriate use of the Elective Care facilities. The Chief Operating Officer endorsed this comment, noting the need for the message to be clearly delivered of the types of patients who needed to attend the hospital and other services available for minor ailments. The Trust was working with their statutory partners to ensure that information was sent to every household advising them of the options available.

Q. With a previous £10m deficit and the likelihood of a £9m deficit next year, it is unstainable to continue as you have been, how are you going to improve matters?

A. The Chief Executive highlighted the importance of noting that the financial pressures the Trust and the Clinical Commissioning Group were under were due to the demographical area that they covered whilst providing a realistic forecast.

The Director of Finance & Information confirmed that the Trust wanted to be explicit and transparent with their figures. The three statutory organisations were working together to try to address this long running financial deficit by understanding the factors behind the figures and the difficulty in trying to achieve anymore cost improvements.

Q.The Chief Executive’s report discusses the organisational function and form of the Trust, what is the long term plan?

A. The Chief Executive advised that the Trust needed to decide what type of organisation they were going to be with the three possible options. What services the Trust would provide and how they would be best deliveredwas being discussed at the Futures Project Board to ensure that the best option was taken forward.

Q. How is the Trust coping with the increasing growth and demographic increase of the local population and what discussions are held with the Herefordshire Council around this?

A. The Chief Executive advised that the Trust were working with Herefordshire Council regarding a core strategy to focus on the economic development of Herefordshire, noting that an increase in houses did not necessarily relate to an increase in population.

Q. What is being done to ensure the continued funding of the Walk-in Centre?

A. The Chief Operating Officer advised that the Walk-in Centre wasnot provided by the Wye Valley Trust, but through a contract with Primecare, noting that the contract would run for the foreseeable future to provide the public with a local and easily accessible facility with an out of hours facility.

Q. The Trust advises that they are open and transparent, yet I have not been provided with information requested regarding the PFI contract and fire dispute.

A. The Chief Executive advised that any such information request would be dealt with through a Freedom of Information application to the Trust.


Presentations were delivered under the following headings to highlight the achievements, plans and challenges for the Trust:

  • “Development of Clinical Assessment Unit” by Dr Andy Milestone, Clinical Lead
  • “Launch of Virtual Wards service” – by Jan Reynolds, Associate Director
  • Paediatric diabetes service” – by Dr Sally Stucke, Interim Medical Director
  • Five Year Plan – by Richard Beeken, Chief Executive

The Chairman closed the meeting thanking everyone for their attendance and support of the Trust.