PTFA Minutes18th July 2016

Present: Becca Squire (chair), Martin Best (treasurer), Zoe Crumby (secretary), Debby Forsyth, Jo Todd, Ceri Blake, Kate Carruthers, Ruth Alphey, Hannah Phipps

Apologies - none

Minutes and matters arising

PTFA shed – needs shelving still. Also a plastic box for the new tent. BBQ is hard to get completely clean, and we need to protect the new tent. Has the shed been raised yet? RA to check. Need to check size of boxes - will they fit on the shelves. They need to be ‘Really useful ‘ boxes. Is there a hole for mice to get in by the hinge? DF and BS to do a shed tidy and audit over the summer. DF to speak to Shane Martin re the bolt – almost impossible to shut. Needs raising. Has the door slipped as well? It all needs some repairs.

Pool Party - Thank you everyone!

Funding - RA has tickets for Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra again. Can’t get enough tickets for all adults driving so can we have coach provided by PTFA? Cost will be about £300.

Riverford Veg - They were at Dunsford Show but they didn’t know about the deal Amy mentioned and so would have lost business in signing up from local parents.

Treasurers Report

Bottle Stall - probably not a good stall for year 6’s next year put them on something else and Helen will do bottle stall.

We need to keep activities for the children to keep them happy (whether or not they make much money). We have had a huge amount of outside help from people who have not got anything to do with school. Do we ask the church to see if they want to help?

Children competition - made loss - we probably won’t do it again this year. Can we do it a another time as show time very busy for most parents and so don’t have time to help guide children with the competitions? Then have pictures on show for the show.

Looks like show will be up about £100 from last year.

Thank you to everyone who helped out

We will make up Liz’s money up to £100 for After School Club.

Swimming Pool

Drive belt was broken in the early season, but Hannah’s has spare and Hannah’s knows how to fix it. Hannah will redo border. Can Hannah have money for more stone for border? Yes. Parasols, Hannah will look out for some on Ebay. Can Ruth put note in newsletter to ask parents to tidy up after use of pool. Hannah will let Martin have invoice at end of year.

We should look into solar panels on bank. Hannah will look at cost over summer.

Can we keep the pool open for longer? Is such a short time.

Can we look into cost of retractable glass cover for the pool?

Constitution - Haven’t had any response from any parents so we will adopt new constitution at next AGM.

100 Club - Should we carry on? Doesn’t make much. Jo HC no longer has child at school. We need to put aside an amount each year to go towards pool in separate account.

Class 1 area

Needs updating. We have put aside £2000. We need to look at plans and decide if we can put more towards it. Ruth to get Shane to go to Chudliegh School to look at what they have and see if he can do something similar.

Tent Pegs - Need to buy more as many missing for the gazebos

Fund raiser - Table top sale and simple games

PTFA promotion

Brochure (possible idea) to give to all parents. Listing what the PFTA does. Photos. Do a digital copy to save expense.What about a party/barbecue on the field so parents can get together. Kids games. Then do a letter to parents afterwards to give info on the PTFA.

Parents Coffee Morning - Friday 9th September

PTFA AGM Monday 19th Sept