Minutes - 2008 Annual Business Meeting


August 6, 2008


2008 Annual Business Meeting

TradeWinds Resort St. Pete Beach, Florida

August 6, 2008

Conference Theme: Catching the Waves of Innovation and Best Practices

Dr. Gwen Aldridge, SACCR President, called the meeting to order at noon on Wednesday, August 6, 2008.

Dr. Judy Woods read the minutes of the 2007 Annual Business Meeting. Dr. Annabelle Lewis made the motion to approve the minutes with Dr. Edith Carter seconding the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved by the membership.

Mrs. Anita Kirkpatrick read the treasurer’s report which indicated a balance of $4830.01 in the SACCR checking account, $50,343.63 in money market, and $22,925.00 income from the 2008 conference. Dr. Debbie Goodman made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Mr. Lonnie Roberts seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was unanimously accepted as read.

Dr. Gwen Aldridge presented the Edie Carter Award to Dr. Tom Cleary and Dr. Debbie Goodman. Dr. Cleary began an active role with SACCR as the local arrangement chair and progressed to SACCR president and past president. Dr. Cleary made numerous valuable contributions to SACCR during his tenure. Dr. Goodman, who has also made valuable contributions to the organization, has served as past-president, president, secretary, treasurer, and communications chair.

Dr. Linda S. Hagedorn presented the Best Paper award to Dr. Mimi Johnson and Dr. Kenneth Scott, for their paper, “Development of Strategic Leadership: A Model to Promote, Sustain, and Advance Institutional Significance.” Dr. Hagedorn then presented certificates to members in recognition of their hard work in making the 2008 SACCR Conference a success. Board members included Dr. Gwen Aldridge, Dr. Debbie Goodman, Patricia Goodman, Dr. Edith Carter, Nancy Beaver, Lisa Kleiman, Anita Kirkpatrick, and Dr. Judy Woods.

Dr. Gwen Aldridge presented the SACCR Golf Tournament trophies to the following: Buck Woods, First Place; Fletcher Carter, Second Place; and Judy Woods, Third Place. The tournament was held at the Mangrove Golf Course in St. Petersburg, Fl.

Dr. Gwen Aldridge recognized Dr. Annabelle Lewis and Dr. Debbie Goodman as outgoing members of the board. She emphasized their years of dedicated service to SACCR.

Dr. Aldridge stated her appreciation for Mr. Steve Kohler of St. PetersburgCommunity College, who served as the technology coordinator for the SACCR Conference. Mr. Kohler did an outstanding job of accommodating presenters in their technology equipment needs.

Dr. Aldridge announced the new SACCR officers for 2009:

Officers and Members of the Board

President...... Ms. Patricia Goodman

President-Elect...... Ms. Nancy Beaver

Immediate Past-President...... Dr. Gwen Aldridge

Secretary...... Dr. Judy Woods

Treasurer...... Ms. Anita Kirkpatrick

At-Large Member for

Membership...... Ms. Deborah Josey Burks

At-Large Member for

Outstanding Papers and Dissertations...... Dr. Linda Serra Hagedorn

Appointed Board Members

Newsletter Editor...... Dr. Edith Carter

Webmaster...... Ms. Lisa Kleiman

Local Arrangements Chairman……………....Stephen Popple

Dr. Edith Carter presented the 35th Jefferson Cup Award to President Gwen Aldridge. Dr. Carter noted that Dr. Aldridge served with distinction and untiring devotion.

Patricia Goodman passed the SACCR Frog to Nancy Beaver. It is said that it is easier to eat the SACCR Frog than to accomplish all the tasks to be completed during the tenure of the President-Elect.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy S. Woods, PhD, PMP

SACCR Secretary